why is women's """fitness""" so bad???
Why is women's """fitness""" so bad???
Mens' fitness magazines are also trash. General interest magazines in general are trash.
because women are retarded and that is easily exploited.
because the vast majority of people, want to hear some kind of "secret" when it comes to fitness.
So they come up with bs like this. This holds true for men's magazines too though.
>the weights room
If you train for a sport or lift weights there are lots of ways to train and the exercises you choose matter for the end result. Wanna be big? Wanna be strong? Here's your schedule and diet plan.
If your goal is something vague like 'toning up' or 'get that summer bod', the best you're gonna get is vague meme-advice that doesn't have any substance. Because you don't actually commit to any training.
Nobody wants to hear that the only way to look like you exercise and eat healthy is by exercising and eating healthy. There has to be a secret way around it.
The same delusion goes for people believing that eating and living like a fatass is not the reason they are a fatass. They believe that everyone sits all day and eats cotton candy with a Diet Coke but all of the thin people have a secret way of not getting fat.
It’s like thinking that the way to be a great baseball player is to not play baseball but do this one special trick.
this is beyond brainlet science
Honestly if you could somehow explain it in a way that was actually convincing I bet half the people on here would trust it, and it would get meme'd into exsistance.
>OMG dude really? narrow grip? heh enjoy you no gains
>There has to be a secret way around it.
I mean, there is, but the secret is, "You don't have the time or energy to work out like you'd need to in order to be healthy and jacked because your capitalist slave drivers make you work long hours for shit pay doing soul-draining tasks that you have to drug yourself with caffeine to make it through." The secret is that the average American's lifestyle doesn't leave enough physical or mental space for workouts and healthy diets.
I love it when americans complain about shit pay. Get your head out your ass, pls
>muh capitalism
>muh corporate slave
>I should make $20/hr flipping burgers
And look at that, fatass coming up with more excuses to not get in the gym
I make $60K with 50hr weeks and still hit the gym an hour a day
enjoy being a skinnyfat virgin
No one cares cunt
You know nothing about fitness if you think average people can't afford "healthy diets".
Stop pushing this stupid meme.
>ou don't have the time or energy to work out like you'd need to in order to be healthy and jacked because your capitalist slave drivers make you work long hours for shit pay doing soul-draining tasks
fucking pussies. I had two very physical demanding jobs, no car, so i had to cycle everywhere and still managed to go the gym 3 times a week.
excuses like that can fuck off
Tankies get out
It's not that their wallets can't afford healthy diets, it's that their minds can't afford healthy habitudes.
Very different, and much worse.
Ah I see where you're coming from then
>it's that their minds can't afford healthy habitudes
If you're trying to insinuate that having to work hard makes you automatically a weak willed slouch in other aspects of life, that's bullshit. It's the other way around, having a strong will and discipline will enable you to work hard and work out
This is patently false. Literally all it requires is being man enough to say "the time from X to Y is my time, and it is non-negotiable." Is it generally early/late as fuck? Yes. I get up at 3:45am to hit the gym from 4am to 630. I'm at work every day by 7, out by 5, home by 5:30, and asleep by 9. Literally no exceptions. I am man enough to communicate to my wife, my kids, my boss, and everyone else that this is the order of things.
You must put yourself first. Literally no one else ever will.
>people making serious points about fitness disinformation
>devolves into republicucks claiming muh bootstraps and muh capitalist-slave work ethic
yes it does
all you have to do is set aside a little bit of time for it and plenty of time for sleep
The fact is that shitty food is cheaper per calorie, which is why the poors flock to it. Interestingly, my diet of coffee, peanut butter, eggs, cheese, chicken breast, rice, and frozen veggies is less than $100/week, while many of these pigs are paying $30+ daily for fast food.
shit dude, you're just fanning the flames. Why can't you just say idiots? Why do you have to single something out, inherently creating a divide that'll just create more conflict? You don't even know if these idiots are republicans
>work ethic is slavery!
Listless soy boy detected. Go back to rêddit and share more trendy depression/communism memes you fucking genetic dead end.
>wahhh work is hard
Man up, faggot
Weirdly enough, I thought about that before I posted. Then I remembered the 2 mile dirt road I used to live on, in a town of 600-esque people, and the rebel flags flying proudly on the backs of their pickup trucks. Normal, educated Americans like me who can afford to move away from such degeneracy don't have to put up with the "working yourself like a dog for shit pay is acceptable" mentality. Lifting is apolitical.
Hahaha this little faggot got bullied out of town now wants to take it out on all his former tormentors online.
>normal educated Americans
Holy fedora batman! This whole post reeks of it...
>then I remembered my tragic childhood and studied the blade
i love stupid woman
they pay $45 for an item i buy from ali in bulk for $8 ea
those same sluts i despised are going to make me a millionare before 30 so its all good
Not the other guy.
If I had to furthen my argument, I'd say that thought-killing work prepares the mind to engage in thought-killing activities and consumption.
Or rather, that if someone were to have for profession a thought-killing work, and have it not incidentally (say, because it's the only job in the area), but as a result of some particular affection for that specific kind of work, whatever lead him to have that affection might just naturally lead him again towards other thought-killing things, with that job however acting as an accelerant.
>tfw used to flip Conair hair irons on eBay for 400% markup till I got banned
It was a good scam.
Are you unironically a commie are you just a salty millennial that can't get a good job because you picked a dumb major?
What the fuck does that have to do with anyone in this thread?
nah, the secret is you're a pussy and people like you give committed people a harder time by shoveling lies and excuses down their throats.
Keeping people ignorant about basic info is how people stay in business
Secondly, the whole "do what the boys do" thing is something that no normal woman wants, but they have to listen to loser cunts and assholes with gym/powerlifting/weight sets to sell put them down for wanting to get fit and healthy.
That and the chicks who are obviously on asshole loads of masculanizing gear constantly lying about their obvious steroid abuse convincing women that they'll blow up if they lift weights.
All women have to do is eating less and doing cardio. Don't know about weight lifting since they don't need (and shouldnt) grow muscle mass
Eh, most people don't really care if women want to or even can get fit.
They bitch at them because they either have something to sell and they aren't buying or they think that by talking them into doing something that goes against their nature or wants that they'll somehow be vindicated in their own choices or feel superior.
It's just a big clusterfuck of sad retards and faggots flinging shit at a bunch of ignorant broads who don't know any goddamned better.
Because women are retarded. There is no way around it. Once you know this basic fact everything will make much more sense.
>"wah wah i used to have to deal with rednecks who were better than me"
But why are fitness forums and places where people actually understand fitness full of dudes? I'm not saying all women fall for something like spot-training, but it's pretty much only women falling for this shit. And all of the serious fitness buffs like the intellectuals on Veeky Forums are male
They aren't as focused and single minded as we are.
They want something that can be easily understood and passed memetically.
Something they dont'd have to build their lives around.
The fitness industry is all about getting ignorant easily controlled and impressed people into their ranks and manipulating them into being part of a cult or part of their brand or pushing their ideals.
Look at crossfit, bodybuilding for the most part, the SS acolytes etc etc etc.
Basic simple fitness advice that 100% works is TERRIBAD for business
Keeping people ignorant and the basic truths that work all of the time mystified or obfuscated behind a bunch of bullshit is how they stay in business
It's actually retardedly easy for a skinny fat women to look good.
Take one skinny fat women+stair master at walking speed 2x15 minutes a week=reasonably nice butt and legs after two months. All they want is noob gains but these fitness scams don't even permit that.
What's odd about the women's fitness industry is that they will work out for harder and longer just so they can (accidentally) build fridge mode abs.
Good bait, made me reply, but:
Throughout this entire year, I worked a full-time 40 hours a week and studied a STEM degree full-time, finishing the year with a GPA of 6.0 (ausfag), and still had time for PPLPPLx and tracking my macros.
People who "don't have time" for fitness are simply too weak to do it, and are lying to themselves.
They don't know what fitness is
They really really don't.
They honestly believe its' 2-3 hour lifting sessions or 45minute runs or whatever that shit crossfit is fucking shilling.
some people have social lives user, not everybody is a lonely autist like yourself
I mean, I also got married in July and have a solid group of friends that I can depend on for anything, but who cares what anons on a Somalian woodworking forum think about my life.
Seriously. Worst case you buy a 45lb KB and do swings, lunges and presses. You can do 3x10 KB snatches and be done working out in 10 minutes.
Why do they think that you are suddenly going to become some jacked bitch after touching a single weight. Like I wish it was that easy damn,
what the fcuk
Uh didn't this retarded woman's fitness tip come from body builders like Piana who thought wide grip pullups gave you a wider back versus narrow. Sure we can laugh at woman's fitness all we want but this derived from bro science
Bro sciencers are extremely huge in number in the female "people". Plus given how easily are females influenced, they are only growing in number , which is why we have soccer moms, dumb ass hoes who think protein powder is steroid among other shit.
Because unlike the shitty gynocentric media and society tell you, males are more conscious about their physique, while females could give less of a fuck thanks to HAES and similar female friendly atmosphere. They have no urge, or reason to improve. A fat fucking ham female could do any trivial shit and still get loads of orbiters or, if she's deformed, internet sympathy and patreon money, there is no drive, no ambition in them. There's a reason men create civilizations while women act like thots and ruin it all
>3 boiled eggs, an apple, tap water = $1-$1.50
>cheese burger, French fries, Diet Coke = $5-$6
You want the shitty food because it’s a temporary escape from your shitty life, and that shitty food makes you fat and unhealthy and thus your life gets shittier.
>Old Man Advice
If you want to break the cycle of being a wagecuck you have to start from the bottom. If you can’t improve your situation it’s because of who you are at the moment and you’re too weak to even attempt to change your situation. So you have to change yourself into somebody that’s willing to try to change your life.
You are not going to win the lottery and nobody is coming to save you. Stop being a lazy fat ass that’s full of excuses and before you know it you will no longer be a lazy fat ass that’s full of excuses. Force yourself into the habit of eating healthy. Once you’ve got that down then start looking for time to workout. In order to do that you will have to improve your situation in life. Want more and make sacrifices to get what you want and your life will be on the path of constant improvement.
>now ignore that advice and go back to playing your video game because you don’t have the time to do anything else
Because fewer women than men have ever had to physically exert themselves and they are unwilling or unable to do so, so as a population they're more susceptible (eager, actually) to buy into the blatant bullshit that targets them. As a gender they're the equivalent of the kid raised by MMOs and microwave meals who thinks a 2 plate squat or an 8 minute mile is miraculous because they get winded tying their shoes and is desperately looking for a shortcut or excuse.
>who can afford to move away from such degeneracy
Why do you think you can do that dumbass. Your daddy and his daddy and his daddy worked their asses off so you can sit here and bitch about how hard work doesn't get you anywhere
Bro I work 40-50 hours a week doing construction plus handling massage clients on the weekends and I still workout 5-6 days a week.
I hate to say it of my countrymen, but Americans (and people in general I guess) are just lazy fucks
women are dumber in a different sense
Can confirm. I have subscription for men's health, which I gotten for birthday. Shit is written by women and is full of ads and shit advice. Exercises are literally crossfitness tier '''workouts'''.
Men think logically about information received.
>hears information
>does that logically make sense?
>does this information correlate with information I already know?
>This information is bullshit / This information is helpful
Women don't
>hears information
>how authoritative is the source?
>does the information giver seem confident?
>do others believe this information?
>does this information contradict something I have previously heard?
>This information is bullshit / This information is helpful
This isn't only responsible for monstrosities like the shake-weight. It's also why your GF will get even more angry at you when you logically explain to her the reasons why you haven't done anything wrong. A lot of times they will even accidentally admit that your explanation of the situation is the reason she got angry in the first place (defying the laws of time)
It's kinda funny. But it's also kinda sad.
I mean you made it work,
bit it sounds like a horrible way to live your only life on earth
>the only way to look like you exercise and eat healthy is to do those things
>he doesnt know what steroids are
>the intellectuals on Veeky Forums
because women don't want to be jacked anyway. Most women will look good with 30 mins of treadmill and bike. So it doesn't really matter. And even many of the women who actually lift, don't look much better than the average thot, even if they can outlift the thot by 60+ kg.
The women who fall for this shit, don't use fitness as their hobby anyway. Also Veeky Forums, and therefore Veeky Forums as well, is predominantly male, so it makes sense for the best people here to be male as well.
You can find fitness blogs on tumblr too, and actually some of them aren't even bad, that doesn't mean however that only women are doing it correct, does it?
>It's also why your GF will get even more angry at you when you logically explain to her the reasons why you haven't done anything wrong
She does that so that she can get a hold on you and ask some shit from you to do, buy or say to her. She's tricking you, she's not even fucking mad at you, in reality.
You don't have to explain shit to her, she KNOWS it doesn't make sense. All you have to do is to turn the conversation around and make yourself look like the victim and start bitching to her.
>It's kinda funny. But it's also kinda sad.
yes, your lack of brain cells
>talking about blubber
Ridiculous. Last year, Nielsen reported that the average daily live television consumption for American adults was 4.5 hours. 4.5 hours a day of television. The time is there. What is missing is the will to take advantage of it.
This is just rephrased broscience that wide grip lat pulldowns make your lats wider.