So does this woman want to bang Connor or is she laughing because he's so vain?
So does this woman want to bang Connor or is she laughing because he's so vain?
She was miring and was gonna approach him till she saw the camera.
She obviously was mirin and wants to bang
man I hate being skinny
She was mirring and then she noticed he's a sad loser who films himself doing poses in a public gym and laughed
She smiled because she saw the camera and realised she was being recorded.
is this achievable natty
she tried to play off getting into the frame you autists
Yes, but not by you if you had to ask.
Jesus you guys are autistic about this shit. She was eyeing him because he's an attractive man flexing, then she saw she got recorded and got a little embarrassed. That's it, end of story.
Fucking this. Jesus, no wonder most of you are virgins
is she achievable natty
Well said.
I would've thought this was obvious. Christ lads...
>calling anybody else autistic
itt: insecure dyels who have never interacted with a female in their entire lifes
>look around in the gym doing stuff
>see dude posing
>notice you are being recorded
>smile briefly into the camera then go away so you don't stay in the picture
>later virgins on the internet argue about if you want the D or not
Jesus Christ this board is pathetic.
Wrong, wrong, wrong
Look at her eyes. You can see it unless you're empathetically stunted
>see him
>wow that's a muscular back
Next thought, furrowed brow, eyes narrow
>wait why is he flexing and shirtless in the gym
Look around to see why
See camera
>oh I'm on camera hehehe
Laughs out of nervousness because on camera
>people here unironically white-knighting Connor
this grill is cute. she has a really pretty face desu
Had a sneaky mire then realised how depressing his life must be and laughed.
Why is it that when men become Veeky Forums they instantly turn into women and start attention whoring?
Literally this.
>films himself
He has a stacy holding the camera for him
You're all coping
She was mirin and she starts smiling immediately when she notices the camera. You have to be a genuine autist to not understand why she's laughing.
She's laughing because conner is an insecure, uber vein faggot.
>hurr I'm gonna go around taking my shirt off in front of girls for validation, I'm so cool
See Veeky Forums, you can impress a girl or two also if you don't mind walking around being a complete faggot.
Lel this is a prime post
Because deep down everyone is an attention whore but women get attention by default and that's why people in here hate them.
Why's the Mick God wearing so much makeup?
is this his sister
God, she's so cute!
ding ding ding
this but she also knew the camera was there before the approach
Literally only this.
The thing to remember is that women are not men.
To a man, having a woman who has accomplished something inspires pride.
To a woman, having an accomplished man inspires fear. She starts to ask if she's accomplished enough. Is she worth it? What do other girls think when they see you together? On and on... until at last she comes to the conclusion that everything would be alright if you would just stop...
There is no doubt in my mind that chicks would jump this guy's bones. But none of them are planning on staying with him. Boy is probably super lonely to be quite honest.
> TLDR; In the eyes of women, you fail when you accomplish too much or too little.
he has a girl filming him u salty virgin
she's laughing because he's a Autistic Wannabe Chad
>cutie checks you out
>you're too busy mirin yourself
say what you will about this fag, he's doing it right
nice eyesight... NOT!
he obviously didn't mean literally filming himself. He is still asking someone to film him doing these poses, it is literally no different to doing it himself
that the feel guy for the hairline you wish you had, Connor?
It's been over 20 years since I've seen Artemis... Jesus... user..I
you can see see she was going to do something with the weight thing and then she saw he was being filmed and she was in the frame so she thought it was awkward/funny and giggled
ffs can NONE of you understand women at all??
This guy knows how to read facial gestures.
wow i've seen this 100 x and you are right.