the onion trend is great, but it's time to go deeper. The active T enhancer in onion (other than Glutathione) is QUERCITIN. Quercitin locks up your estrogen receptors, helping you piss the soy-boy away.
I eat capers, fish and onions everyday. feels great man.
Capers are great. I make a vegan chicken scalopini with a lemon caper sauce (soy/almond milk base), and people go nuts for it. My gf asked me to make it for her yesterday out of the blue.
captcha: platalea negro
Lucas Johnson
>vegan chicken
Is this some sort of meme I missed out on?
Ryan Wright
I tell ya what boys I eat a can of spinach every day and I'm strong as a sailor! Ahoy!
Eli Powell
Yeah, it's the one where you don't smell like shit from eating fish and onions all day because you're an actual chef
Andrew Carter
spinach is great man. i get tired of it fresh, but blended with some onions, tomatoes and cooked into a curry i could eat it for ever
Nathaniel Williams
looks like something the average home cook can whip up tbchwumb
Justin Hernandez
>t. guy who worked at applebee's as a line cook
Jace Parker
Sadly, most people don't know how to make a sauce or seitan from scratch. Let alone how to make soymilk from scratch to use for the sauce.
Tyler Carter
>applebees >food >pick one
Jose Martinez
Seiten is pretty easy to make tho resume. Worth it for all that leucine
Jack Jackson
agreed. though, to be fair, the vast majority of people think that soy milk and seitan are so shit that there's no point. why would they go find some old chinese lady for a recipe when the product is categorically awful?
Kevin Morris
An actual chef doesn't use a paradox to describe the ingredients of a dish. Unless you're retarded and think putting fried chicken on top of spaghetti is hard.
Grayson Rogers
How the fuck do you even eat raw onions?
You can only put them in so much as garnishes.
Hunter Mitchell
I ate mine today in four big chunks.
Don't think, don't hesitate, just chew and swallow.
Jose Stewart
Most people can't make a nonvegan sauce or good meat to save their lives either. Very very very few people actually prepare their food, everything is prepackaged. People generally don't buy whole cow parts and cut it down to the meat, or buy fresh milk (or source it) and curdle their own cheese. Things they enjoy eating daily.
Not that people have to, but those kinds of things are part of food prep as a whole, and somewhat equivalent to making a sauce starting with scratch soy beans.
People lilke think they can reduce any dish to "go get some meat from the grocery store, fry it, and boil some pasta". The reductionist mindset shows their ignorance, just as saying the Mona Lisa is just a bunch of paint strokes on some fabric.
Jayden Ross
Try spacing it out over the day.
Chilean salad is just tomatoes with onion. I just ate a whole 150g onion by myself and it was hard af and took me an hour, but that's possible. Also, pinching your nose and not chewing a lot when you eat it helps. It's number 1 for eating stuff you don't like.
Robert Jones
Brody Morris
are people really falling for the meme
Jayden Baker
Onions have been cultivated for over 7000 years.
So yes, people have been falling for this meme long time ago.
Grayson Walker
people havent been eating raw fucking whole onions for 7000 yrs you retard
Jace Bailey
>most people cant butcher meat/milk cows agreed, kind of a false comparison though isnt it? a beef cow takes about 6 acres of rotating holdings to rear, with barley, oat and wheat support, which means pigs too. even if you just eat veal and keep a dairy cow you need at least 2 acres. seitan can be made to any scale depending on how much youre growing. grow a couple of kilos of wheat in a small backyard and you can make it. just prep 6 months out, wheat is ridiculously easy to grow.
Austin Fisher
Isaiah Gray
Yes they have been, and they still do, for example in eastern Europe.
John Robinson
No, that's for retards.
Hunter Thompson
Someone tell me about soy, is it a meme or not, I'm planning on cutting back my meat consumption however I don't want to jeopardize my test.
Lincoln Scott
>cholesterol >consuming more means more testosterone Unfortunate meme on an otherwise good image
Asher Reyes
I wasn't taking into consideration the cultivation of the raw resources. That's why I said > People generally don't buy whole cow parts assuming the cow is already raised, killed, drained, and partially dismembered.
I was just saying that you couldn't give the average person ingredients (let alone raw materials) and expect them to make anything of value. Honestly, most people can't even make a tomato sauce. 99% of people have never and will never make pasta from scratch.
But that being said, one of my good friends (who is an amazing chef), has a small farm in his backyard. I just built him a greenhouse for more tropical plants. Anyway, he sources so much of what he makes straight from the ground. I used to do the same when I had a yard, even foraging wild plants and mushrooms to use daily. Now I live in an apartment, and I only grow herbs on my balcony. So I totally understand convenience. I just can't stand people who try to talk shit about cooking, when they buy all their food in cans and boxes.
Brandon Cooper
I have not yet heard of any studies linking soy with dips in testosterone.
Ethan Hall
moar like QUEERcitin amirite
Gabriel Williams
Vegan chicken guy. There's nothing wrong with soy. It contains no mammalian estrogen, so it does nothing to your hormone levels. Unlike things such as cows milk, which is literal breast milk from an animal pumped full of exogenous hormones.
Vegan diet can unironically increase test (among other things, like bone density) and lower harmful things. It just so happens that a lot of faggots and commies (same thing) tend towards veganism, so the "soyboy" stigma is built. VG is hostile and annoying, but he is right in this video. I'd consider watching it:
Bentley Phillips
yeah its definitely more common now that people actually cant cook at all. iirc men are learning how to cook at ever increasing rates and women cant now. so i guess the crisis is partly transitional; people moving away from trad-life and theres a miscommunication of skill sets from generation to generation.
i LOVE my garden! definitely never buy property (to live on) without getting a big old yard.
Adam Gomez
Yeah, I was always skeptical of people throwing around soyboy as an insult when most of them probably consume large amounts of processed foods and other endocrine disrupting foods. I still like the meme though, we need a more accurate way of insulting low test faggots.
Jonathan Williams
Is nu-male no longer fashionable?
Matthew Kelly
As an actual chef, youre a cunt. Enjoy your gyno.
Benjamin Price
You can completely avoid soy as a vegan, I have no idea why Veeky Forums can't get this through their thick fucking skulls
>t. gluten, pea protein, and legumes master race
Adam Foster
>Quercitin locks up your estrogen receptors, helping you piss the soy-boy away. Got a source for that spicy opinion?
Ethan Bennett
>peas and legumes nigga thats just soy with extra steps
Liam Gutierrez
You idiots need estrogen, you know that right?
Joseph Hernandez
>Enjoy your gyno. >Posts hormone-pumped animal flesh
Henry Ortiz
>beans are the new soy >le Peaboys when will meatlets stop being retarded
Hudson Price
that's literally what the urinary system works
Ayden Collins
I live in rural america, that cow was slaughtered probably 40miles from my bed by a man whos son was in my graduating highschool class.
Grayson Peterson
It's mostly a result of convience culture in the West. Which is alright, because if you don't spend time cooking, you can do other important things which you're more passionate about. I think people should be at least able to do a few basic things, but investing time into the "art" of cooking isn't for everyone, and that's fine with me.
Gardens and backyard farming is the best. I tend to bonsai to get my fix.
If you watch the VG video, he does exactly that. >the buzzfeed guys all all soyboys and yet they have series of them eating meat and eggs and dairy... nothing about them being vegan. They're all hipsters who eat quirky food and bacon everything.
As an actual actual chef, okay. Don't have gyno. Used to work with meat a lot, the pic doesn't bother me.
Brayden Nguyen
What the fuck? I'm asking for a source on the claim that quercetin competes with endogenous estrogen metabolites for the same receptors. Learn to read you fucking brainlet.
Mason Martinez
those 2 questions are literally nothing alike. the first question makes it sound like you dont know where peepee comes out.
Asher Green
An actual chef wouldn't call it chicken scallopini when ita tofu scallopini
Angel Evans
You're rather stupid aren't you? The first question was literally just quoting you and asking for sauce. Nothing mentioning piss play whatsoever.
Jose Jones
>t. never cooked in his life
Liam Scott
>makes claim about biomechanical system >user asks for proof >thinks he's asking how to pee >gets mad at user
meat, not even once
Julian Cruz
That's not how dishes work. First of all, I said "vegan chicken", which should be enough to tell you it's not chicken if you have half a brain. Secondly, you shouldn't just state the protein of the dish if it's an immitation or a version of another food - it loses context and meaning, and you have a philosophical problem of vagueness (similar to the Ship of Theseus) at that point which is already a contentious debate in the culinary world. Thirdly, it's not even tofu.
Liam White
>vegan chicken Other user was right, you are a brainlet. You and your kind make life every difficult at times, I hope you all understand that.
Christian Powell
Every single one of you niggers conveniently has/knows a "family farm" that "doesn't use hormones" and uses "grass-fed beef". every single one. every poster without fail.
Every time I post the truth about the agriculture industry suddenly you're unironically a rural retard. this still doesn't take into consideration the harmful effects of dietary cholesterol which every single animal product has. and either you're extremely good friends with this person for them to kill an animal for your own pleasure or you paid top dollar for natty cattle.
Julian Bell
I'm sure it's difficult for you to live in a world where people eat beans and stuff. Must be a real struggle, being a man of such superior intellect. I apologize for distrubing your Rick and Morty marathon, Mr. Einstein.
Joseph Ortiz
not him, but you really need to be fucking dick-on-ass retarded for you not to grasp a concept as simple as "vegan chicken" I.E. an imitation product that contains no poultry, similar to how plant "milks" don't actually involve any milking of any animal
> You and your kind make life every difficult at times, I hope you all understand that. >waahhhh these preachy vegans, oy vey
Joshua Russell
Jaxon Williams
>harmful effects of dietary cholesterol you know nothing
Aiden Ortiz
I live in a small country where cattle is mandatorily hormone/antibiotic free and grass-fed. Also I get raw milk from a local farmer the next village over who delivers it to my house every two days. Stay mad.
Brayden Martin
>a situation or statement that seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics: >contains two opposite characteristics >vegan >chicken No wonder you don't have a real job.
I don't eat meat and the only soy in my diet is the soy lecithin in whey
Dominic Carter
I understand almond milk is describing a product similar to milk that has a different source, but vegan chicken is a literal oxymoron when saying it's tofu or whatever the fuck it is is actually not the same as almond milk. You see almond milk states the source as it is not cows milk, its very explicit in the difference in the name. vegan chicken does not. It's deception at the basest level. You're just ashamed to admit youre a soyboy from the get go.
Connor Peterson
>Uses 440 gal of water to make 1lb of beef >Causes acres of deforestation >Takes food from Africa to use as livestock feed >Spends years raising animals >Rapes, kills, dismembers innocent beings >Causes massive pollution from transportation >Always defensive when a vegan says anything >"your kind make life every difficult"
Also, no mention of this "country". gonna need proofs otherwise you're just a larp like every single other fleshnigger who eats "farm to table grass fed"
Michael Brown
Im not against vegans whatsoever, i honestly dont give two or one half shits how you live your life, to each their own. But don't fucking tell me it's chicken when it's not.
Ryder Davis
What is the opposite of a chicken? Is it "vegan"? No. What is the opposite of vegan? Is it "chicken"? No.
Christian Sullivan
>getting this mad over mock meat
Meatcucks BTFO yet again
Dylan Rivera
>SOMEONE'S buying the factory farmed meat
Thomas Jones
False. Vegan means no animal products. Chicken is an animal product. Why you you switch leg day for library day and learn some shit.
Nathaniel Garcia
>Every single one of you niggers conveniently has/knows a "family farm" that "doesn't use hormones" and uses "grass-fed beef". every single one. every poster without fail. THIS
Nolan Roberts
That's a contradiction, not a paradox. see Additionally, in context it's not a contradiction, because it's clealry the vegan mock version of chicken. So you're twice the stupid.
"Why you you" go to the library, you fucking moron.
Logan Thomas
>but vegan chicken is a literal oxymoron when saying it's tofu or whatever the fuck it is is actually not the same as almond milk. You see almond milk states the source as it is not cows milk, its very explicit in the difference in the name. But you're wrong on every level since it is the exact same thing, so much so that some countries have banned the use of the word "milk" to describe plant-based milk imitation products. >vegan chicken does not. It's deception at the basest level. If the consumer thinks vegan chicken has actual chicken they're retarded and there is no saving them. pic related shows an imitation product which clearly describes itself as "plant-based protein strips". if the consumer can't read labels that's on them.
Jose Russell
>not understanding I don't care that user is substituting meat for plant based alternatives >not understanding my autism comes from calling a dish a chicken when there is no chicken in it because I cook for a living >being so caught up in being a vegan somehow this has become an argument about not eating meat I eat tofu whenever I meet my vegan sister for lunch at the sushi/hibachi in town. I dont care that you dont eat meat, power to you for the self control. But don't say it's fucking chicken scallopini when there's no chicken in it.
Isaiah Barnes
Vegan mock meat products clearly say that they're not real animal product. No one would buy them otherwise. This is retardedly obvious.
Leo Flores
> don't know whether you laugh or cringe at your dumb ass
Grayson Carter
Your linguine there is obviously store bought there shithead...
Noah Brown
It's a vegan chicken scalopini. Thousands of resturants and stores sell vegan food with a meat name. Get over it, you little pussy. It doesn't affect you at all, and it's what chefs have been doing for centuries. Your uneducated internet whining isn't going to change anything.
Owen Jones
hey, look what that is: an imitation product that clearly resembles chicken tenders! and it doesn't say "chicken" anywhere at all! It's almost like the consumer has to have at least double-digit IQ to make the connection!
>hurr durr muh FDA >"Raw milk is milk from that has not been pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria. It can come from any animal. Raw milk can carry dangerous germs, such as Brucella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella, which can pose serious health risks to you and your family." everyone and their mother knows that raw, freshly squeezed milk has bacteria that can be potentially harmful for humans without the genetic resistance to said bacteria. are you really gonna play the "muh invalid sources" game here?
Aiden Lee
POCAD or ngmi
Gabriel Howard
you just went full blown retard, that soys getting to your brain
Carter Walker
This is absolutelly untrue. There are people with defect aromatase(the enzyme that turns testosterone into estrogen) , which is the primary source of estrogen in a male's body. In women it causes them not to properly develop their reproductive organs, their mamary glands, puberty begins later and their develop more masculine features. In men the condition is not documented because it has zero adverse effects. As a man you need zero estrogen
Logan White
It's just food but you sound like a pompous ass trying make it sound more than it actually is...your cooking is nothing to be proud of.
Andrew King
Don't eat raw veggies either. E. coli is found in high quantities in soil, even carefully washing it doesn't completely negate the risk. Also stop breathing, there are bacteria in the air you breath. You should also wash yourself with germicide, there are bacteria on your skin. Oh and you'll also want to take full spectrum antibiotics, you have quite a lot of bacteria living in your gut..
Justin Phillips
You fucking faggots are just arguing about irrelevant bullshit semantics. These companies clearly associate these vegan products with meat to make it more appealing to customers and people transitioning from a meat eating diet to a vegan one.
Ethan Gutierrez
>>Uses 440 gal of water to make 1lb of beef Where does the water go? >>Takes food from Africa to use as livestock feed What's wrong with putting it to some actual use?
Charles Barnes
Nope. Just going by general culinary rules, nonvegan chefs would and do the same exact thing. You sound very defensive, over some pasta and vegan chicken.
Luke Wilson
That study is literally just evaluating one 19 year old diabetic kid, it's a start but you're going to need more evidence.
Isaiah James
That's exactly what the vegan guys are saying. I personally don't understand why people are bitching that vegans make fake meat products.
Nathaniel Cook
>Where does the water go?
Carter Barnes
>Where does the water go? I'll give you three guesses
>What's wrong with putting it to some actual use? Edgy. I remember middle school.
Thomas Rivera
What's the characteristic of vegan? Not consuming animal products. What's the characteristic of chicken? Being an animal product.
>when you're a brainlet forever stuck in a job associated with third worlders and other trash because you didn't get the much required nutrients to develop a real human brain So this is the power of veganism...woah
Wyatt Lee
Soy contains phytoestrogens. It large aounts it can be an endocrine disruptor and can delay periods among other things. Mostly to women, but there is an effect.
Ethan Miller
>I'll reductio ad absurdum the argument without knowing a thing about bacteria or the different kinds (lel did I even read his part about the difference between humans and how that affects imunity?), that should do the trick hey, now that you mentioned it, why not try raw chicken? It's got more GAINZ than cooked, and salmonella is no biggie :)
Levi Cruz
Where does it go, user?
>I'll give you three guesses Back into the water cycle making the water usage a non-argument, on the same level as >Edgy. I remember middle school.
Asher Smith
Vegan chicken is not an animal product you fucking retard. If it was a dead chicken on the plate, that would not be vegan. But it's not a chicken.
Nolan Baker
>words can never change meaning ever ever, and also I can't into association and Kindergarten logic
It would have to be insanely, maybe even impossibly, large amounts. No studies have shown a link between phytoestogen and hormones in humans. Even if you want to say there is an effect, meat and dairy are that effect times a billion. Literally.
Easton Walker
>Vegan chicken is not an animal product you fucking retard. Who said it is? Chicken is. Vegan chicken is the paradox and we're back at >when you're too underdeveloped to even play semantic games lmao
Zachary Allen
I'm not arguing with an idiot that has no concept of order of magnitude and uses 'literally' like a dumb sorority slut.