what do you do for legs, Veeky Forums?
What do you do for legs, Veeky Forums?
>If you speak badly about India we will proceed to do what you probably just made fun of India for
DAE think this is shoopeD? xd
>what is a joke
Squat and deadlift. What else?
Squat and deadlift.
>Thinking this is actually funny
climb stairs
squats, deads, calve raises and sprinting/basketball. I don't believe in machines, everyone who uses them looks weird and I think there's something dehumanizing about them
this too, with weights on
This. Fucking shit kill my legs and my calves exploded in size.
>I didn't understand it so it isn't humor fit for a philosopher like me
Bulgarian split squats, deadlift variations, hip thrusts, plyometrics, hill sprints
I have no squat rack
Zercher squats 1×23
was it autism?
You apparently haven't spent much time around curry niggers.
the joke
yo head.
sprints and lunges. fuck barbell squats they are just a quad exercise.
Like whites being racist....priceeds to be racist
Squats for heavy singles
Good mornings for 3-4 sets of 10-15
Rack pulls 3-4 sets of 10 -15
Close stance leg press for 3-4 sets of 15-20
Calf raises 3-4 sets of 20-30
In that order.
cleans, jerks, snatches and assistance stuff to aforementioned
there's a poster in my gym to remind you to do legs in the weights section to avoid looking like Johnny Bravo
squats once a week for dat ass
run 3 miles once a week for calfs (on toes).
baby weights (like 1 pl8) dl once a month.
all that ya need bro.
might want to do some shrugs m8 lol
how do you have lats like that but have traps the size of an anorexic?
How much do you deadlift?
stairmaestro and biking
as for weights, standard olympic regimen, fs, bs, ohs, narrow stance squats, c&j both squat and power, jerk dips, snatch grip dl. warm up with kettlebell swings and either good mornings or lightweight rdls.
on the flip side, what are some good shoulder exercises to add ontop of the press and lat raises?