It's the Weekend Edition
>>Thread Theme
Other urls found in this thread:
not degenerate
dank memes
rick and morty
>listenin to
nothing atm
not even once
just had a decent workout, gym just got new barbells but they are like very fat and i dont like holding them
my revenge
Water, Sardines, Oats, Steak, Tuna, Beans, Burgers, Apples, Bananas
The only acceptable answer to the smoking question.
Law school material + Veeky Forums.
nothing for the next 36 hours
american spirit rollies
the peregrine
eh not much, got into freaky eaters
>listenin to
mostly nick cave
reorganising my trip hop folder, gonna realease something for the fuck of it
my day, gonna take it easy, might play some Castlevania SOTN
this is so moronic
Not often, but usually vodka. Never beer. Always water.
Not even once.
Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
Stranger Things season 2.
>Listening To
Aesop Rock and Gorillaz
Dark Souls 3 and overwatch.
Learning guitar. Im not good yet but it's fun.
Calisthenics. I usually sprint to the park in the mornings, and work out using the free equipment there (bars and stuff). Sprint back when I feel sore/tired.
Long term goal is to get that Biomedical & Biomechanical degree. Looking to start a business in the same field after uni.
t. Porn Addict
I got off the porn train for like 30 days but I was weak of will for the past week (gf is gone for a month) and started wanking to porn again.
It's crazy, started feeling lethargic and stupid within a few days.
Never again bros. Wakey wakey hands off snakey.
How to find a meaning for my life, bruhs? I've been feeling empty lately, like there's no deeper reason for me to be alive, and it's not letting me enjoy things I would normally do.
No reason to study, no reason to work, no reason to go out, no reason to meet new people, etc...
I want to stop thinking like this and find a deeper meaning for my life. How can I do it?
There is no deeper meaning. Make up your own. Focus on goals.
How can I start investing in cryptocurrency?
Forgive my autistic analogy and just bear with me.
Right now, your mindset is the equivalent of playing a single player game too long and getting bored with it, am i right? You're essentially playing Minecraft by yourself and asking "what the fuck is even the point of this?"
Knowing all to well that there is no point.
BUT that's just because youre playing single player. The moment you invite a friend to play with you, suddenly the world seems a little more bearable and you are actually enjoying playing now. The time you spend doesn't feel completely wasted, because youre communicating and joking and loving being with your buddy.
To be absolutely clear: the meaning of life is that there are others to enjoy it with. Others you can help, and that can help you. Others that you can make a difference in their life.
Society, friends, family, love interests, enemies, rivals, pets. Life IS meaning.
As for what to do about it, well that's different for everyone isn't it?
Elon Musk is trying to send people to mars. St. Judes is trying to cure kids with cancer. Artists and athletes are striving for recognition from the public. You and I are talking to strangers on Veeky Forums.
You must decide what's right for you. Make sure it will be worth the time spent on, and then focus. :) good luck
& don't do it alone.
This, basically.
Anyone else find it difficult to enjoy most outside activities? I don't mean outdoors necessarily, but pretty much anything out in public.
For example, I live in Los Angeles which is a very lively city. I've been a shut in for most of my life, so I've googled things to do and I've done a bunch and I've been bored the entire time. Here are a few examples after googling of things that I've done:
>go to the beaches
And do what there? I just walked through the sand, climbed up rocks and shit, and then got bored staring at the water.
>Hollywood Walk of Fame
I just looked at stars on the floor. Saw familiar names and looked at them for 2 seconds. Then I left.
>Getty Museum
I looked at legendary paintings and sculptures for a bit and felt nothing from looking at them, even after reading about their history. I quickly got bored and left.
>walk through Rodeo Drive
I saw a bunch of expensive designer shops and probably walked past celebrities without even knowing.
>going to Farmers Markets
These are just a few things that many people seem to love, but that I just can't enjoy. It's not only these things, but it's everything in general. Even when I go out to eat I don't really notice the difference between a "foodie" burger, a McDonalds burger, and a burger I made at home. I only enjoy things like the gym, school, etc where I get a reward in the end. Am I a robot?
You're supposed to meet a girl from Tinder and do those things together.
1. Tinder is degenerate.
2. I've done all of these things with other people.
3. Even if I weren't to do these with other people, I don't like the idea of being dependent on others to find enjoyment from these things.
Touristy shit in your own town is never really that interesting. But then again I tend to dislike doing that stuff in other cities too. I only like seeing like really massive structures or crazy scenery.
Other than that I'd say vidya and cooking is way more entertaining
Coffee, black
Soon some eggs and oats, bulkin currently
I don't smoke
Grand Cardone - The 10X Rule
Dan Abnett - Legion (book 7 of the Horus Heresy)
Dale Carnegie - How to win friends and influence people
Nothing really, can't seem to relax into watching a movie or tv show
>listenin to
A mix between Busta Rhymes, 3 Inches of Blood and my backlog of music I have yet to listen too.
Also getting more into ambient stuff again.
Conan Exiles and Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
A product marketing plan for the company I work for, aiming to really deliever some significant gains next year
6 days a week, Renaissance Periodization style, Bulkin
Mostly 2018, setting crazy goals (I really like the 10X concept of thinking)
how does one keep track of books read and retain the knowledge that is gained from reading? I've been reading quite a bit for the entire year but I find it generally hard to recall the concepts or lessons learnt in mind unless I re-read a second time.
Do I just record it down on a notebook or what?
I cant seem to get past day 3 anons, I think I have a serious problem or a huge libido. Its not even porn its just fapping in general, even though I have a gf and Im getting pussy regularly.
How do I stop being a degenerate faggot and make it to phase 2 at least?
fuck ur gf more
>fat as fuck, like don’t even have a scale because I don’t even want to know at this point
>do exercise, don’t get that supposed high of endorphins just hurt and have no one to talk about it
>get scared in gyms, feel like everyone’s staring
>pull muscle from bad form, hate self more
>give in everytime
>can’t let myself mess up once or I just fall into a bigger spiral of hatred that ends with binging mcdonalds or something
>feel like I’m worthless
>people are starting to say I have an inferiority complex or I’m a perfectionist
>all I know is mentally I’m crippling myself and I don’t know how to stop it
>’git gud’ doesn’t help
>self-depreciation is sort of natural at this point
Fuck exercise, I’m not getting anywhere on that until I fix my brain. It’s not just fitness, this is a sense of self-deprecating constant that impacts everything I do. I don’t apply for jobs I want because I might fail, or let opportunities pass me because I likely won’t get them. I can’t do things unless they’re guaranteed, or they’re terrifying. Failure physically hurts, even on minor stuff, and I can’t forgive myself.
As much as I like doing that, I dont think thats gonna help, atm we have sex about 4-5 times a week and I still want to fap
Where do you find wholesome grills lads?
The only people in my city either have bleached hair and orange skin from fake tan or they have neon hair and look like prostitutes from blade runner.
When I read Meditations I made a habit of dog-earing the pages with entries that stood out to me, Mind you, it's probably easier to do it with a book like that, given that it's very segmented, but you could also do it at the beginning of a section of a book that you'd like to revisit in future.
Otherwise, writing down ideas that stood out to you is always a good idea, like you suggest.
Nothing it's 11pm
Bubblegum flavoured vape
Tools of titans - Tim ferris
mad men
>listenin to
lamb of god, mastodon
total war shogun 2
Only in my pre
gonna do some shoulders and arms tomorrow
take the OSCP and shift my career right the fuck up
In the more immediate term I plan on finishing my notes on tools of titans, read and take notes on the subtle art of not giving a fuck and do the same with arnies education of a body builder, preferably all before the new year
Water and English tea.
Horatio Hornblower series, the Iliad and some Gene Wolf stuff.
The Queen on Netflix.
>listenin to
Beach House, Slægt, alvvays, Isklandr and some other stuff.
Not much. Finished AC: Origins and Fractured but Whole a few weeks ago. Games just don’t do it for me anymore. Play like an hour of Minecraft on the weekend sometimes.
Maths, I guess. I’m doing a Mechanical Engineering degree. Sold my drum kit so I don’t do much creatively these days.
Still on SL with some running.
My life.
Do i really have to go to the gym twice a day Veeky Forums? I kinda realized what i was doing with terms of routine is kinda retarded and this whole a b system seems like a bitch. Is this a must? I can go to the gym 6 times a week but i really don't think i could go twice a day
protein shake
>listenin to
an app
everything because i'm leaving for christmas soon
to go to a party, only to discover it was vapor.
what? who told you to go twice a day
water and coffee
rice and various meat curries
fresh glorious air
emotional intelligence 2.0 and Think and grow rich
my dumb anime
>listenin to
three times a week
nationals in PL
I just need to get the courage to somehow ask the girl out at work
And no I don't care about the shit where you eat meme, I want to get back in the dating game
The Odyssey
Italian fascist doc
>listenin to
New retrowave
week days
To try and get a gf or at least a date
I hope you faggots reading the Odyssey aren't reading that 'feminist' translation all the queers are raving about.
water, ayran
meat n pasta
nothing, I last read a full book years ago
started vikings
>listenin to
g eazy, deep/tropical house as always
feel a strong urge to start WoW again but life's too important fuk
been cooking the last 2 days, made an amazing semi omelette yesterday and pasta alfredo today feelsgoodman, might try steak tomorrow
pull ups for days
suppress my anxiety as much as possible
get to national level of math olympiad
lets go boys 2018 is our year
Recently I've been thinking about life philosophy a lot as I start to get a grip on my life.
I think video games, youtube and porn ruin everything for men. Passivity is the antithesis to long-term success and happiness since you will never DO anything if you spend all day on games and videos.
It seems so obvious, but action leads to happiness, and inaction leads to nothing but misery.
Any time you're watching someone else do something, you should be the one doing it. All those old men who do nothing but watch sports are washed-up losers. Failures. Watching porn and playing games is for losers. Doing nothing is for losers. The only alternative is to get out and experience life, do fun stuff, have sex.
You need to start planning small, specific, scheduled tasks to stop being a loser.
>feel a strong urge to start WoW again but life's too important fuk
man I know that feel. Don't give in. Whenever I did, I told myself to just play an hour or two, but it soon turned into an obsession again. That game fucks with your dopamine way too much. After a month of that, I become disgusted with myself.
Do yourself a favor and find something else, even if it's a nice single-player video game.
Gotta study for my last final next monday but jesus fucking christ I have literally 0 motivation
No thanks I'm natty
I should reach lmao1plate in OHP next workout
the thing is im not interested in any other games, but thank you user, I definitely won't give in. Just stay focused and the urge will disappear sooner or later, godspeed user
Guys i want to pick up a hobby over my winter break instead of sitting in my room all day doing nothing. I want to do something where I am creating something. Ive been interested in photography, i remember i took a class back in hs and i really liked it, but i just looked up how much the cameras cost and they are expensive :(
if anyone has any suggestions for some cheapish cameras or something else i can do please help.
Glad to hear that user.
In the short run, your brain will find a thousand excuses why playing wow is alright and oh so much fun. Knowing that this will happen beforehand gets your prepared to not give in.
Because in the long run, you will feel better not wasting your time on something absolutely pointless.
Find ways to keep yourself busy, read a lot for example. If you find new/different things to do, make sure to make them "fun". This was something that helped me a ton. From training, to food prep, reading, hiking, learning webdev to whatever. Make it fun!
Woodworking or smithing? I wish I had a backyard to do stuff like that
a decent enough camera is around 500-800, thats doable. unless you dont have a job, in which case, get a job
What helps me is writing a book report or essay or something after reading a book. Helps to cement things in my mind.
How much moneyare you willing to spend. I still have a Nikon DX40 that I bought over 10 years ago, and it still rocks!
Also, if you got a mobile phone, start using that. Learn all about the actuall "taking" part of photography, and get into the equipment later.
pic related was done with that nikon
Damn, I came here to rant about an existential crisis and that post summed what I'm feeling perfectly.
Is this bait too?
d... delet this pls.
I didn't come here for feels.
Face your feels, and then move towards a better life!
The most important thing is to do what you're interested in, what you would ideally be doing. And yeah, fulfilling your creativity is important. Photography might be good because it's a motivation to travel to interesting places and talk to strangers.
I don't think the equipment is very important since phone cameras are so good now, if you have a decent phone.
Look for photography classes and/or clubs too. They'll be really welcoming and helpful and you'll have a great time.
I think that's another reason why you shouldn't play video games though, even multiplayer games, there's no face-to-face, body-to-body communication.
I think real human contact is essential, you can't go without it, just like masturbation is not an acceptable substitute for sex. You know it's true, and you'll never have sex if you're not well socialised.
>It seems so obvious, but action leads to happiness, and inaction leads to nothing but misery.
Definitely true, but I think the main sticking point for some of the sadsacks here is that it's very difficult to make the transition from inaction to action.
If you already have a small social group and a couple of hobbies it's easy to expand and explore from there, but if you've got nothing then it's very hard to do. Not saying it's impossible, but it can very easily lead to paralysis and the cycle starting anew.
>If you already have a small social group and a couple of hobbies it's easy to expand and explore from there, but if you've got nothing then it's very hard to do. Not saying it's impossible, but it can very easily lead to paralysis and the cycle starting anew.
Yeah, well I have no social group and recently started a few hobbies, the kind of things I always wanted to do but never had the balls to do.
I felt like a fucking idiot starting these hobbies, but when you go to lessons or meets, most people are incredibly nice. Even random strangers you talk to are incredibly nice. I'm not sure how I got the balls to start acting like this, other than to say it happened gradually. Overcoming small fears, then overcoming bigger fears.
This weekend is a bit of R&R, but not stopping me on some goals. I'm gonna do some writing this morning before I have to attend a party for my gf's graduation.
Feels good to be done with exams myself and I can pursue other personal development aside from just academic.
>How to improve on the weekend?
Put in work in the morning and just do it. You don't have normal obligations of the work week, so use your "free time" productively instead of just languoring playing vidya or eating like crap.
Water, coffee, champagne later
Omelette, peanut butter balls later
Don't smoke cigs, only smoke ganja if I'm in my home town meeting up with high school friends.
Nemesis, James Swallow: a crime noir set in the Warhammer 40k Horus Heresy universe.
Oficio Assassinorum operatives a fictional-goal-body for me.
Nothing right now, maybe TLJ later.
>listenin to
JRE w/Duncan Trussell and Christopher Ryan
Nothing today, Guild Wars 2 tomorrow if I get my work personal goals and done.
A novel. It's probably trash but writing it out and creating something is cathartic.
Rest day, quad DOMS like a mofo from yesterday.
>pic unrelated
>space marine
Black coffee & water
Lean meat& kinda clean carbs
Quit 2 months ago
Anything with facts
>listening to
Brandy-looking glass
Rainbow six siege
Not in a phase where I need it atm
60% 12-20 reps 1-4-1
To move
That image is horrifyingly relatable
>remember that stupid thing i did 6 years ago?
Just wanted to say this this feel is because of unresolved issues you have with yourself
Reflect on it, think about why it still troubles you. Think about if you're really being rational about it. Then come up with a quantifiable solution that will address the problem. And you'll still thinking about it
stop* thinking about it
What are some 10x concepts of thinking?
>look like prostitutes from Blade Runner
What city is this?
>Sold my drum kit
Did boogie get cucked?
Good luck in Nationals. Post battle tag pls respond
Go study you lazy piece of shit
You have to re-read the book multiple times to effectively retain the information
Basically running your goals and dreams on a whole different level. They can be unreasonable and seemingly impossible, as long as they really get you going. Just making big goals is pointless if you don't follow them with big actions.
For example, let's say your goal is to save 10k next year (or whatever amount seems doable to you without that much effort). 10X thinking would make that 100k, cause then you really got to go all in to get there.
The thing is, even if you "fail" to get to 100k, you sure as hell will have done way better than 10k.
Money is just an example of goes.
In essence, make your goals 10X as big, and follow up with 10X as much action to get them.
Operate on a whole different level.
Kale salad with Kangaroo cuts
Just finished The Social Contract, currently reading Championship Bodybuilding by Chris Aceto
Jordan Peterson Maps of meaning lectures
>listenin to
Knitting on Drugs
How to live guide
My body
EEG research fun times
You have to be willing, at times, to be vulnerable towards and dependent on others to bond with people. Not to co-dependent unhealthy levels, but sharing in the fragility of your humanity.
Diet wise intermittent fasting and Keto seem to help a lot of people lose weight without feeling like killing themselves if they can actually stick to it.
You gotta figure out why you hate yourself.
I copy passages or re write passages in my own words that I think are useful.
Dark Chocolate tea
Just had chili and garlic bread
chocolate flavoured eliquid
A book about classical Greece and Rome
Peaky Blinders
>listenin to
Electro Swing
Bored of games at the moment, waiting on the update for Gwent
Ran 5 miles earlier and some callisthenics before bed
What the fuck I'm going to do with myself over Christmas
I was doing so well /sig/ but the new path of exile update came out and I binged it for 12 hours and fapped twice last weekend...
My life is generally much better with eating better + gym but pron and video games are hard wired into my brain
reading doujins isn't watching porn right? if so I've been no porn for 4+ years
stop blindly repeating what Peterson says
Pretend she is like your hand and is only meant to get you off. It will be good for both of you
This is horrible advice. Though, he should focus more on getting his girlfriend horny for his junk, so they both have a better sexual experience together, and his dick will be more satisfied as well.
I'm repeating some of what he says because a lot of what he says is really good
Not everything though
>How to live guide
Give details
meat and veggies
george karelias and sons
>listenin to
not even once
making money
has it worked for something yo u anons?
I did no fap once and all it happened was that I was really horny for a week then lost interest to porn and kinda nothing else
I have a hard time improving because I am so fucking greedy with my time. I hate the thought of going to the gym after work because after work is the only time I get for myself. I just hate doing stuff I don't want to do on my own time. I know working out is heakthy but I don't do it because I like it. I do it because I don't want to die if heart disease or some shit.
I am frustrated because I spend every minute at the gym hating it. How can I improve?
I wish I were not so greedy with my time.
something made with ground beef soon
is for degenerates
Dune by Frank Herbert
nothing recently, already finished GoT
>listenin to
led zeppeling, pink floyd, stuff of their like
nothing recently
started recently, figuring myself out and what to start with.
might do a SS program, dunno
uni and work schedule, along with workout schedule.
What do you do in your free time when you don't force yourself to do something "productive"? Are you just relaxing from the struggles of the day?
Because honestly user, life will always seem hard enough to warrant a break. This is true even if you're not actually pushing yourself to 80, 90, 95% of your potential - the brain will craft excuses as to why you should have a chill evening instead of working on yourself. When you force yourself to do more than you're comfortable with and sacrifice your "you time", you develop as a person, and it is never painful in retrospect. You never kick yourself for doing what you should have instead of zombie-ing out.
And for exercise especially, getting physically fit won't just prevent you from dying of stroke in 30 years.. That's hard to use as motivation. You should instead look forward to building your capacity to act purposefully, to show discipline, to overcome your brain's weak excuses. A body to admire is a pleasant side effect. But more importantly, the more you sacrifice your "chill time" for actually working on yourself, the easier it gets to make that substitution - and the easier you will see that all of life is work, and relaxing is forfeiting ownership to the only thing you'll ever call your own.
What's your side hustle Veeky Forums?
I had a wet dream two weeks after starting no fap
I think it's the second time in my life, is that a good sign or a bad sign ?
Its a sign that your body is smarter than you are and knows you need to clean the junk out of your balls or you will have serious health problems
Fap without porn once a week, or if you had an awesome lucid sex dream, just keep doing nofap
All week I'm busy between work and gym and I'm waiting for the weekend to read books and watch hobby stuff on youtube. When the weekend finally arrives, I have no interest in it.
What do I do with that feel?
I can't really jerk off without porn, that's why I didn't
Pls help. I was at a big party just now, only one I went to this year.
I went with a small group of 5. Knew of about 50 people, the ones that know my name and we greet and maybe one line of Smalltalk. The rest of the 300 guests i didn't know at all.
I feel like shit right now. Talked with my small group a bit, one guy asked about my studies and I had a small conversation with him, that's it. Except for 'hi, how are you, good you great well then see you later' that was my only contact with other people. I tried. Searched for people I knew to start a conversation with. Looked for girls that were there without bfs to talk to, tables with people I could join. Nothing. I did nothing. (there was this one incredibly hot grill, realy beautiful sun dress, 2ft taller than me and I'm not even a manlet, turns out it's my bosses sons gf)
I still hear the party music playing but I'm in bed next to the venue now, I gave up. How the fuck do you meet people and form close friendships after university? How do you insert yourself into a group, or do you pick out the ones that aren't in one and form your own? How /?
I bet you can if you're horny enough
Ask yourself why those conversation fizzled out.
How did you feel? Nervous? Anxious? Why?
Then remember what happened to get you to feel that way, so you can avoid it next time. Helped me over the past year converse with more people.
Social interaction isn't something you're borned good at, like anything else you need to practice it, try to have a conversation with people whenever it's possible, you'll get better at it, don't lose motivation my man
How do you start a conversation? And what do normies even talk about?
I can usually be funny when I talk to the only friend I have and I always made people laugh in school when I talked during class, but I have no idea how to talk somebody new now.
Lads I am about to graduate university with an Economics degree. Is that effective for finding a job, or should I try to obtain a master's?
>Aesop Rock and Gorillaz
>You should instead look forward to building your capacity to act purposefully, to show discipline, to overcome your brain's weak excuses. A body to admire is a pleasant side effect. But more importantly, the more you sacrifice your "chill time" for actually working on yourself, the easier it gets to make that substitution - and the easier you will see that all of life is work, and relaxing is forfeiting ownership to the only thing you'll ever call your own.
You're the biggest wanker I've ever encountered
"A nice body is a pleasant side effect" get fucked it's the only fucking reason to bother going. Get your head out of your ass