It finally happened... he decided to go against Dave Palumbo and got destroyed. Even his fans have turned against him.
It finally happened... he decided to go against Dave Palumbo and got destroyed. Even his fans have turned against him.
>taking his advice
They haven't done the debate yet so calm your gyno tits
VG lost the moment he tried to randomly convince people Dave sold drugs to Dallas and indirectly killed him. There's literally no way to get out of that.
He looks like an alien
>turned green from eating greens
>mfw we really are what we eat
Nah. I still like VG. Never really cared for Dave Palumbo either. He's literally most famous for having bubble gut.
Isn't that picture from almost four years ago. He's like 6'3 also, he'd dwarf most people.
>guy is over 300lb on aas
>dies because of muh genetics
He is tall and legit big. He dwarfs Clarence/Harry Squatter for example(see photo of them for proof). However, he has shit muscle insertions and frame proportions for aesthetics. He's always going to look goofy
they're both retards to be honest.
dave is still up there promoting "responsible anabolics" they grew dallas' heart, anyone with a genetic predisposition is running a huge risk, yet he's still up there promoting it. abuse or just minor use it would've shortened his life span and shortens it for a lot of young men. the list of known dead bodybuilders is endless, who knows how many unknowns.
he also hasn't taken off his shirt in public in 4 years. . what kind of fitness personality or whatever you call them refuses to be shown without a shirt on? his physique is trash and he's embarrassed so he just curls all day trying to fool the world.
i do not know neither of these fuckers. Should I honestly care?
He hasn't shown his physique ever since he started dating Jasmin. The reason is clear...
He went on a "bulk" but his succubs Harry Potter girlfriend turned it into a "relationship bulk", and if you ever got roped into one of those, you know how it is. He's basically fat as fuck and that's why every video is also above the shoulders now.
Check his latest vlog with her where she gets her Visa and then he goes on to eat a huge plate of chocolate donuts.
hey Veeky Forums how's your soap opera going
Ohhh is the bubble gut man going against the vegan man
Wowwwwww how interesting. Well I'll be at work, honey! Don't watch too many of yer soap operas!
ya he is fucking huge, makes everyone look small
What does his physque have to do with his videos? He doesn't make fitness tutorial videos or anything, he talks about health and ethics.
every pic of his chest is 3 years old minimum. he showed it a few times and got laughed at, then snapped his pec trying to do weighted dips. . can t even imagine what it looks like now.
Literally a meme. Anyone that believes in an objective morality should be immediately discredited.
okay bud, then why is he flexing his biceps all the time? ethics? lel nice try chap.
I don’t know why these morons bother debatibg VG. They always make themselves look like bigger retards
Sounds like you haven't noticed Western philosophy for the past 3000 years.
To be fair he did look pretty decent a few years ago but he really shrunk down
I don't think he's tiny either. Being tall + shitty insertions are what make him look smaller than he is.
Go away cheekie
don't ruin this for me
>he talks about health
>is nuttier than a squirrel turd
To show that he is healthy and fit. He doesn't have to have rich piana's arms just because he's in the youtube fitness industry
What makes you think that's an argument?
>oh well um uhhh philosophy!!!
How delusional do you have to be to believe in an objective morality? You're a literal retard if you believe in it. Give me an argument that isn't just "uhh philosophy!!!"
and he is weak as a fucking kitten, then has the balls to claim his diet is superior.
But when anyone points this out, he says he has bad genetics....but then claims 20" arms.
Go to college or a bookstore.
Jan 1920, USA
> thousands of people take drug
> side effects and minor problems
> out of these thousands, hundreds die
> these hundreds: the absurd end of the high dose spectrum (abusers)
> "Shit is not safe. Ban it. Protect the idiots from themselves!"
he started off making workout vids and spouting vegan nonsense but he stopped and just started memeing once people started making fun of his shit body .
tbf his arms are big now but thats because he got fat
You could've just not replied
Instead you replied with a fat "uhhh idk read a book!!"
Thanks for confirming you're retarded I guess
he is probably like 230 and last bench vid I saw was 265 for a triple then he went on to tear a peck doing db bp.
Fucking pathetic.
>I can't construct my own argument for my beliefs so I'll tell you to educate yourself
Tore it doing dips but I agree
Very small neck. Neck training is the most overlooked. (Yes I’m serious you can actually train your fucking neck.)
go away alphadestiny
The most pettiest of threads I agree
>Claims this thing he knows nothing about is fake
>"teach me the 3000 year history of moral philosophy on an anime image board"
>Read the literature yourself
>"you're retarded I guess"
You know how everyone who learns philosophy learns it? By reading the fucking books, you absolute brainlet. You want me to read books to you? I'm not your mommy.
I guess life and death are subjective to.
>Google "moral philosophy books"
>Start reading
You're making this way too easy for me.
If by reading philosophy you gathered evidence that supports objective morality existing, then why can't you pull out the evidence and show it to me without me needing to read the (unnamed) literature you're speaking of? Surely if reading these unnamed books would give me the evidence needed to believe in it you would be able to simply show me the evidence?
But we both know that's not what's going on here. There is no evidence that supports the hypothesis that there is an objective morality. What you're really saying here is "well smart people believed in it and lots of people do so it must be true!".
Telling someone that doesn't believe in morality to read books in philosophy is essentially the same as telling an atheist to read the bible. You don't have a single shred of actual evidence to support your claim. If you do, by all means post it here. Enlighten human civilization with your evidence that there is a concrete right and wrong.
If you don't have any concrete evidence, then answer this. Why do you believe in an objective morality? Why would you believe in something there's no actual evidence supporting?
what the fuck does "Responsible usage" mean?
It's not like taking ass loads of steroids will magically push you over 300 lbs
geeze I wonder if these people are samefagging or not
Most obvious samefagging of my life
enjoy debating /pol/'s finest inbreds, those dumbfucks haven't read a single philosophical treaty, yet they claim some kind of skewed intelectual superiority, there is no objectivity, period
What a weird looking body type.
Moral realists have no arguments, so it's pretty funny to take them apart.
>B-but philosophers believed in it!!
not even an argument
>Every society has has a system of morality!!!
doesn't prove any objectivity, just proves that collectives naturally form their own (and coincidentally different) values
>W-well we would all be savages and there would be no society without an objective morality!!
Necessity doesn't imply existence when delusion is possible. Also very debatable considering moral relativists and moral nihilists function perfectly well in everyday society
Literally the most common 3 arguments you'll hear.
t. nigger
nice to meet you nigger
t. white guy
Debunking common arguments to an uninvolved individual isn't a strawman.
Well it's been 25 mins without an argument so might as well stop watching this thread knowing I've won
Completely agreed.
Even the communist manifest is considered "philosophy" but everyone with a brain knows its shit.
I've never gotten a good response to this. Why is he green?
Morality doesn't technically exist, and there is no such thing as right or wrong. However, what I've noticed is that the people who like to point that out tend to be sociopaths and are trying to justify why they don't feel bad for any of their actions.
I was hoping this was a debate but it's just Dave responding to VG's last video, which VG will again respond to. I don't know why it says "Dave's final response" if they agreed to a live debate.
So you’re saying everything is objectively subjective then?
bad camera filter/colour settings in that picture
>there is no objectivity, period
Looks like you just treated that as being objectively true. Way to contradict yourself, user.
>I hate fun
Just downvote this and move along like me :^)
I know everyone in this thread has disregarded you but you're truthfully the smartest person here. I'm sorry.
>Anyone that believes in an objective morality should be immediately discredited.
You treat it as an objective moral duty to discredit anyone who believes in an objective morality. So in saying that, it seems I should discredit you.
that pic is shopped as fuck
Mfw all the people acting like this guy is retarded.
What you said is completely true. They’re just too dumb to realize it
LMAO his goofy head proportions and weird complexion are going to forever goof this low test vegan faggot
>6'3 185lbs is greater than 5'10 220lbs
you can but it's retardedly injury-prone compared to benefits. work your traps, do hanging work, and your neck will come along by itself
someone post his stegosaurus back
Why is his head so BIG?
you're a retarded dumb cunt andis right. the concepts you ask about cannot be explained in one or ten lines, there's a reason the source material is so voluminous, it's because the level of abstraction and nuances requires that many words to explain.
you the litterary versin of the Veeky Forums noob barging in asking for "spot fat reduction" to get a sic-pack and 3 trunk arms "before his wedding in 3 weeks", and insults everyone who calls him out on being a retarded lazy piece of shit.
Put in the hours faggot, we're not here to spoon-feed you.
Vegan fat Gain’s arms look like a horses hanging from its legs
Holy shit I can smell the estrogen on you
I can see you now some skinny fat balding manlet with a high pitched bitchy voice typing this out
KYS and end your pathetic genetic lineage
Nigger if there is a true right and wrong, please share it. What are some of the principles of right and wrong that are universally held? Exactly. Go fuck your self. And the whole “figure it out on your own” argument is just you not being able to defend the opinions you hold.
Protip: if you can’t defend your argument or at least explain the logic behind it, it’s a very good indicator that you need to re-evaluate your stance.
lmao you dumb fuck moral realism is not about crafting moral truths its about proving that moral claims can be true
what a great thread
I like how not a single person here was able to give a single piece of evidence for an objective morality.
>implying alcohol is answers near as dangerous as roids
You sound like you watch Rick and morty
Just pointing out that op's jumping on this too early on, but I agree with you too, he should have worded it better
What the fuck are you on about? He didn't say it was an objective moral duty to do anything?
Someone's an insecure teenager holy shit.
NIggers objective morality, as in the defense of truth and tradition in the Evolan manner has been the duty of all non abrahamistic beliefs since forever. To believe in "everything is relative bruh" is some pathetic excuse for a lack of discipline to hold yourself to any standards.
or as Veeky Forums would say
Even acknowledging this retarded shit let alone being genuinely interested in some faggot YT e-celebs is comparable to the pathetic thots who watch e-news to see celeb gossip and drama. Literally kill yourself you fucking faggots.
Dogma isn't evidence
Cute, I grew out of evola at 14
Come back when you're not underaged
What the fuck is Khat? I usually pride myself on my drug knowledge
It's the thing Somalians chew on.
wow, heroin is really fucked up eh
t.someone who has never done drugs in his life
Drugs are bad and should be illegal.
But the pills my doctor prescribes me are completely fine.
Just googled it. Basically a grey legal amphetamine plant. Pretty damn interesting desu