I'm sick of being repulsive to everybody including myself. I'm 5'7", 155 pounds...

I'm sick of being repulsive to everybody including myself. I'm 5'7", 155 pounds. What's the FASTEST possible way to get an aesthetically pleasing body from this starting point?

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Doesn't work that way, the body you want is gonna take time and take a lot of work, I didn't see my first real gains until almost 3 months of serious lifting (I don't count noob gains). If you want an aesthetically pleasing body, get ready to commit yourself to something.

do moderate liting and take a shitton of DNP

unironically SS. if you worry about "aesthetics" when youre dyel you will continue to look dyel. also you are underweight
dont call yourself repulsive, brah. you have to have a good attitude if you want to make it

You are fat, aren't you?
Cut until you are a skeleton, then lean bulk.
The fastest cut is by fasting.

I've just started lifting about a month ago. It has made me pay more attention to my body and the rate of gains I have been getting has been making me panic. Is this a common thing? I've been going religiously every other day because now that I've actually paid attention to what I look like I'm terrified to stay that way.
I've got a lot of bodyfat to cut. Thanks for the motivation though

My BMI is slightly under what is considered overweight but yeah, I'm fat.
Is cutting to skeletonmode truly necessary? Could I slowly cut while lifting to accomplish both goals of gaining lean mass and losing fat instead of doing it in 2 stages?

>5'7, 155
no you do not have a lot of body fat to cut, you just think you do since you have literally zero muscle definition. cutting as a dyel is the worst thing you could do for beginner gains, speaking from experience. at this point in, you have ONE opportunity to make strength and size gains faster than any time in your lifting career, do NOT waste it by "cutting." It will be easier to shed body fat when you have greater amounts of muscle mass. getting bigger is the best thing you can do for your aesthetics, not getting smaller. don't be short sighted, do what's best for long term development by gaining as much strength and size as you can doing a linear progression training program, I promise you, if you get any skinnier than you already are, you will regret it down the road like I did. don't worry about getting "fat", youre underweight and only if you don't train and go overboard with a junk diet will you get fat.

I did the bulk then cut and i absolutely regret i didn't cut to shredded before

fruit and herb diet