How much truth is there in this shit:
How much truth is there in this shit:
sounds very legit desu
Some truth for sure.
The other day in class there is this girl who I have been flirting with and talking to recently. We were huddle in a circle around the whiteboard the other day and standing beside each other while the teacher was talking, all of the sudden she looked over at me and stared at me for a few seconds while I was looking at the teacher. What did she mean by this? What level of eye context would this be?
she wants to play angry birds
do people still play angry birds?
I've read this back when I read the book of Pook.
It's true user, it boils down to you avoid eye contact with people you don't want to contact or don't enjoy, and you eye fuck the shit out of the people you do, it maybe genuine interest, admiration, lust, etc.
Also aside from touching and using your words, your eyes can say what your mouth isn't.
It's Mark Manson fampai, he's pretty legit.
Most of it is BS
I'm so frustrated by this chick giving me mixed signals.
We're at work, and she's flirty as fuck. Flips the hair around, does her cute fuckin giggle at every shitty joke, and is always trying to get involved in any conversation I'm in.
We're out of work, and she's ice fucking cold. Nothin with the hair, faces away from me when we most of the time, and just generally seems really uninterested.
I can't figure her out, and it's pissing me off.
could just be a convenience thing.
you're both at work, not going anywhere for 8 hours, may as well have some fun.
i mean any guy who tells you to interpret signs/body language without doing something yourself is just playin you.
you need to apply pressure and then read the signs.
when shes flirty challenge it and escalate it.
you wanna act n talk like your a pornstar? lets test your frame.
do grills look at bulges
Manson's the most legit guy out there, even though you could trim Models to like 50 pages, the main takeway being "don't be needy, here's how not to look desperate"
Fuck idk why this was so funny
Angry Birds was an odd major cultural thing for a short smount of time. Its absurdity results in laughter.
Interesting note on the looking down and looking to the side when breaking eye contact...
Like Manson I'm not so sure it's a hard and fast rule that a side break is 'not interested' and a down break is 'interested'. Maybe it is most of the time but I've definitely had it where girls break eye contact sideways and then continue to check me out afterwards all the way up to solid eye fucking.
oh i do, but i try not to.
... h-he's just joking right?
What's it say about lookind down and to the side?
Don't depend on eye contact too much, some people just doze off or look at something close to you. Unless it's like a 10 second eye contact of course.
And if so eone looks away straight away don't lose hope immediately, sometimes people get embarrassed
If there's a guy I like I sneak a peek at his bulge to see if it's workable
OR if it's very obvious (he's wearing like, mesh shorts or going commando or something) or if it's like the pic of the giant guy manspreading on the train and you can't help but see, I'll look just out of curiosity.
To be fair though I look at peoples' bodies and my own a lot in general, not always in a sexual way but mostly for aesthetixxx
I had a couple of times where I do not know what happened. I got a girl stare at me, directly at me, and I stared back. But I dont know, after a while I just kept on breaking eye contact, and it is as if she was visibly uncomfortable.
Happened a couple of times too. I am not sure if women are attracted to me, expect me to immediately fuck them or something or if I am creepy. I honestly I cannot tell lol.
What if you are so anxious, but also combined with being near socially retarded and uncaring that you have no idea what is going on anymore?
#6 is guaranteed bullshit.
It is normal to smile at people when you make eye contact for 'nice' people. For cunty and/or slutty girls, however, it's probably good advice.
tbqh in non-america countries it's not normal to smile at strangers, unless you're a granny
Pretty accurate I'd say. It also depends on the shyness of the girl. What he described would be a more older and confident chick.
I'm experiencing level 3 and 4 with the "all we want is dick" chicks in university while a more shy girl I manage to catch her long stares but immediately breaks it once I notice.
Being not ugly would help.
looking away to the side being a bad thing is oversimplification. if a girl was caught looking at you because she likes you, anxiety can cause them looking sideways. have you ever been caught staring at a girl you had a crush on?
looking down ive seen it done intentionally with a smile or when a girl is blushing, but it can happen if someone is scared(in a bad way) when making accidental eye contact.
It could be a trap to lure you into a compromising social interaction for the pleasure of others at your expense.
Never underestimate anxietys ability to find a reason to not do anything.
is it just the fact that you can see his penis and you like him, its good or is it looking to see if he has a massive dong?
>am strictly a "grower" yet always have visible bulge, thunder thighs push balls forward, pushes peener forward
>#6 is guaranteed bullshit.
obviously there are situations like someone working or an acquaintance, harder to judge because lots of platonic smiles.
but if in a pub for example and a girl is staring at you until you look at her then smiles, chances are high she is interested... or you're a mark for her boyfriend to rob thinking you're getting a ONS
I always think it'sbeing done ironically to make fun of me.
She flirts when she feels confident. At work she’s in work mode so she feels less flirty.
I think most of it is true but some people do generally smile out of kindness when your eyes meet. Dilated pupils is a also a sign of attraction.
Just the fact that I can see is good. I know that the final product will be different lol :3
100% this
Does this happen?
Have you done ?
that's literally the opposite of what that user said lmao