Emma of Delray Misfits apparently got pretty fucked up... Since she's /ourgirl/, press F to pay your respects.
Emma of Delray Misfits apparently got pretty fucked up... Since she's /ourgirl/, press F to pay your respects
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damn that's fucked up
what the fuck
Meh, she already ruined her skin with trashy tattoos.
>le patrishun meme xD
She has rhabdomyolysis, retard. I hope something equally bad happens to you some time in your life and you think back on this thread and kys.
what caused this?
She puts updates on her snapchat, emmageib
Epic post.
Why the condom?
your own fault if you smoke, drink booze and take weed/drugs.
That is how you all will end up, losers.
>trash ass girl gets fucked up on drugs and begs freaks for donations while her jew friend takes part of them
let these god damn freaks die already, their whole cast is some degenerates, waste of human evolution,all of them.Just nuke the place and kill all these pests
Another junkie whore put down
Who cares
>she has this terrible SELF INFLICTED condition
How terrible
looks like cured ham
>donating money to fix a junkies fuck up
>good cause
what a stunned broad lol
literally who?
Lenny, Brad and Jay masters is still cool to watch.
Literally her name is in the screenshot and literally OP said who she is
Drug overdose. I wasn't even aware it can cause rhabdo, but it turns out its relatively common.
bump wanna know that too
why nobody else noticed it?
Okay, but who is she and why should I care?
Damn, that really is sad.
Also fuck off to the people talking shit. Sure she did drugs some time ago but she's clean. Learning from mistakes is part of your growth as a person. It's unfortunate that she has to suffer so much for those mistakes.
Florida voted for trump
very nice to see her cry about her lack of insurance, karma is a bitch
Is this how you always act when people talk about something you don't know anything about?
- Hey guys, what are you talking about?
- We were just saying how Greg broke his foot the other day, and--
- Greg, a friend from work, he's--
She didn't vote for Trump, they discussed the election in one of their ment videos
The fuck is this shit, did she do krokodil?
wondering the same
>Also fuck off to the people talking shit. Sure she did drugs some time ago but she's clean. Learning from mistakes is part of your growth as a person
She clearly has done them recently, otherwise rhabdomyolysis wouldn’t have had such a sudden onset. Only degenerate failures resort to Heroin, and when they do there’s no hope for them really. Stop white knighting
Condoms and other everyday things are often used for medical purposes.
Eg: IKEA Pencils and hand saws for amputation
Why would I waste money on her when Lenny will no doubt need our support sooner than later?
Literally who
Just spit it out who is the rotten leg roastie you faggot
ops, hope she got obamacare or has the time to beg for cash X'D
I don't get it. Why couldn't she just drink a bottle of booze 1 night a week? Why become a junkie when you're not homeless?
Literally says who it is in OP's post and it's literally a matter of googling if you really really want to know. Does your mother cut your food up for you?
I srsly doubt ur argument, but was funny so, thank you
Of course insurance doesn't pay when it's a result of heroin use.
first world problems and shiet, living as the most privileged class of people on earth is hard, man
holy shit, is this from Krokodil or something? that is gnar
>talking on an anonymous image board is the same as talking with friends
kill yourself you literal faggot.
>oh shit im a retard
>better make this strawman quick
it's drainage for the wound you fucking dimwits
The rhabdo is as a result of her 'passing out' on the floor and being unable to move her limbs for an extended period of time. The direct pressure on her muscles is what causes the breakdown of muscle/rhabdo. It's not a direct result of the drug as such.
user are you okay?
I am retarded but how does one come to getting into this condition?
wait what? i'm pretty positive rhabdo doesn't cause flesh to deteriorate
are you retarded? thats a tube going in ...
I'm not joking, everyday items are often used.
my source is the med student in my uni dorm, but she never failed a course so i trust her.
>hand saws for amputation
You're an idiot if you actually believe this. Maybe in war or on the Amazon river you'll see people performing amputation with a hand saw. Not in a modern Western country.
>white knighting this hard
this autistic fat neckbeard can't handle people not giving a shit about his drugged up hooker.
she kept doing heroin and now she's paying the price you dumb fucking white knight faggot
lenny is an infertile freak of nature, racist and self hater tanning himself black, delusional on top of that
brad is a tattoo'd idiot, 40y/o full covered, typical neckbeard redneck behavior and alcoholic
jay masters, a combination of lenny and brad
all of the above hang around with jews (andrew and jason) and encourage jason to keep up with his scamming ways taking it as a joke.These motherfuckers should be burnt till theres nothing left, not just dead
so what did this girl do to herself to get here?
No more booty pics I'm guessing?
she got back on drugs
From the donation page
>roastie woke up
>fell out of bed
>get help from FB
>first sentence in donation page is about drug use
Go figure
how much linkin park do I have to listen to to become as edgy as you?
u mad that they'll be remembered and you won't? Lmao.
That's the kidney failure from protein clogging up the system.
>im into feminine men
Show me a picture of a woman with a square jaw like that you dumb junkie.
I took heroin when i had a severe chronic pain condition, still do but its slightly less bad, and doctors wouldnt give me anything stronge t than an advil when my spine was twisted up bad lol
Fuck you and your judgement
>what is Olivia Wilde
Ok, so I looked into it more and the story is:
>young anorexic/bulimic roastie junkie alcoholic
>takes heroin for years
>realizes she can make money by posting ass pics on instagram and pretending to be fit
>takes a personal trainer course
>look guys im so fit, heres a vid of me doing reverse flies with 10 lb dumbbels oopsie you can see the outline of my vagina through my yoga pants
>lies to the family and everyone else that shes clean
>gets rhabdo from drug use
>cries for help on the internet
>somehow idiots have donated $4k so far
Its a wound vac
how old are you kid?
no but your mother cuts up my food ayy lmao
Good goy... (Rubs hands together maniacally) Keep up the good work goyim. Hahaha (Laughs in Jewish)
Yeah it's like he's never heard of medical chainsaws
>She didn't vote for Trump
Trump curse strikes again.
My opinion of Lenny has grown. He's damaged and somewhat delusional, but there is a good soul and he definitely jas heart. Brad is okay, he's a good steraight man to all that's going on around him.
Jay is a legitimately strobg lifter, but has a mean and evil streak just beneath the surface.
It's all about Lenny, he's a real human bean.
t. Nigger-loving fag
Die slow, faggot.
back to /pol/ lmao
Good to see reddit could make it today.
>back to rrreddit
he fucking asked who she is you goddamn mong and you just started acting like a huge flaming faggot
explain why she's supposedly /ourgirl/
fucking mouth breather
The path of least resistance leads off a cliff.
hey manlet get back in the pit or else i'll call on the manager
they stuck tampoons in my nose after surgery when i had a tumors removed
>I hope something equally bad happens to you
the absolute state of the left
i couldnt care less about niggers, he asked me about those guys and i gave my opinion.Being a waste of human doesnt revolve around race, for all i know all colors have degenerates
anyone who encourages jason's delusions instead of beating him up should be put on a cross
tldr what happened to this whore?
That doesn't look like human flesh.I kinda want to eat it
you werent aware that drugs are bad for your kidneys? hm
>giving money and supporting a heroin junkie
no thanks
seriously, why?
did a lot of heroin. got a very serious muscle/kidney disease from it. now complaining about direct consequences of her actions on social media.
she deserves it for not collabing with jason enough
So she lied on being sober on the Misfits Podcast. Probably lied about her fake boobs too.
She won't be able to really walk again for some years right?
what part of the body is this and why would someone like her abuse krokodil?
She doesn't look like a nigger to me
Yes indeed, and Jason deserves so much more. The Iron Extortionist:
It's just a bit of chutzpah bro!