Has any brahs gotten good aesthetic results with exclusively calisthenics routine (including weighted)? Why are all gymnasts so jacked but have no legs?
Calisthenics results?
Other urls found in this thread:
excellent results when cutting
so-so when bulking
I've almost exclusively done calisthenics for the past six months and have made decent aesthetic progress. Just remember that you must progress on to harder movements.
Hows weighted dips and shit? I'm stuck at 90lbs weighted dips x8 reps at 190lbs bw and 75lbs weighted chins ups x5 reps atm
Weighted calisthenics are GOAT, but I was assuming OP had no access to any sort of weights.
OP here, could you post a progress pic? I feel like you know your shit with this
I can go buy a dip belt and maybe snag a 45lb plate from the gym
I've seen 4 calisthenics dudes on here. This guy was 2 years in I think with 3 months of weighted dips and chins. The other 2 were a year in and looked ottermode with wide af backs. Last guy was like 4 years in and had a athicc mode physique going on. So I'd say yea, you can make great gains. Get gymnast rings and bands too to speed up the gains.
Nice, that's great progress. How would gymnast rings and shit help? forearm work?
Not him, but it develops the fug out of your stabalizers. Muscle ups on a bar aren't too bad. Muscle ups on rings are a feat
why then can I not do a single clean muscle up on bars but can do 8 clean ones on rings? for bar I'm always one up before the other, with rings I can use rotation to smoothly transfer in
Rings make pushing exercises far more difficult. Someone who can do 10 handstand pushups might be able to squeeze out 1 with a huge struggle. That's assuming they're used to the rings too. Pulling isnt affected as much but I digress. I said bands are good too because I find my rear delts were not worked sufficiently with calisthenics. Do face pulls every workout for that good shoulder health.
You aren't doing them clean frend
Hey guys, i wanted to introduce a few exercices in my full body routine. But i donĀ“t know if this combination is good or if i should try and make 2 different workouts.
I have to add that my shoulders and forearms are quite bad.
pull ups
diamond push-ups
leg raises
pike push-ups
dumbbell curls
They don't have legs because they don't train for them. The added bulk is burden when doing gymnastics and doesn't enhance their performance. Even when it comes to upper body they are only going to get as big as necessary. Being manlets helps them look more muscular as well. They don't neglect their legs completely though. They train plyometrics for power and explosiveness to their increase jump height.
You can put on aesthetic mass with a bodyweight routine but you are going to have to do advanced progressions, not just basic movements otherwise you will stay lean dyel mode at best. Doing the movements weighted of course will help add more resistance. For legs though you're going to have to do standard weight training since training them with bodyweight movements isn't as effective.
Pic related is me after about three years of calisthenics, mostly unweighted. IIRC, I was about 200lbs at the time, 6'3.
You look fat
>doesn't post a pic of his own to compare
That aside, its bulking season, friend
What do you niggers think of the redshit recommended routine?
Been doing it for about 2 months, am getting stronger, some visual noob gains.
Is good. Stick with it until you become decently strong, then start training for skills and harder moves.
Will do. I got myself a barbell and weights too so I can do squats and diddlies at home.
Since it's user I'll admit this: wall handstands scare the shit out of me for some reason. Feeling the entire of the front of my body against the wall and not having an out other than crawling forward weirds me out.
OP here, that's not bad at all for unweighted. 16 inch arms cold?
show me an example of a ring muscle up where the rings don't rotate
I use zero kipping or momentum and can do them slowly, like super slowly. but still the clean bar MU evades me
Not quite. Bit more than 15.5, I think.
it's pretty good for starting off. Another calisthenicsfag here and nice to see that there's at least a couple of people here.
Make sure you look up Antranik's thing on SSC (steady state cycling) so you don't fuck up your smaller joints/tendons. I had to learn that the hard way as I'm physically strong enough to front lever
but didn't spend enough time on the lower progressions to let the smalelr stuff develop/strenghthen.
Try a false grip MU on the bar, much easier. Harder to get more reps though.
>that body
>three years of calisthenics
what is the point when you could get it in < 1 year of lifting
>same 'counterargument' every single time
Because not everyone is interested in just lifting weights, dumbass, plus you can get to do some much cooler stuff than just being able to say you can bench/squat/deadlift/OHP X amount of weight.
Why do you believe that barbell salesman? Going mad isn't a good thing
You can do push ups with one arm on an incline, also assisting with your other arm.
For the pike push-ups, kneel on a chair and also try the one arm thing, assisting with the other arm.
This is actually me, although an old pic.
Gymnastics help with everything.
You're an idiot if you think that looks bad for a natural. Just visit our local CBT and see how most guys look after 1 year of lifting. Sorry to tell you but your linear gains aren't gonna last forever and you're not gonna look like Zyzz by the 3rd year.
pic related
what does cbt mean? it's probably not calisthenics body thread and definitely not cognitive behavioral therapy or cock and ball torture
Current body thread. You will be surprised but most natural lifters don't gain that much mass after their 2nd or even 1st year of training.
>why are athletic gains more desirable than mass gains
lol i dunno
Is calisthenics better suited for manlets?
Well its better suited as in you will have an easier time progressing to the most advanced moves. But what I noticed in terms of muscle mass gained is that guys that are above average in height actually do end up looking bigger than shorter guys.
How difficult is it to progress when you're on a cut? Is it only a mental game at that point or does it wreck your body?
Interesting, didn't expect that. I'll just stick to lifting then
There's Fortress on Youtube. He's been at it for a long time, here's a clip from right before he stopped making fitness videos.
not him but I make more strength gains on a cut than on a bulk.
Not him but it makes sense given that taller guys are lifting more weight. You could always do weighted calisthenics. Imo calisthenics is cool because it also teaches you a load of cool skills