>tfw only black girls, landwhales and trannies mire you
Tfw only black girls, landwhales and trannies mire you
>tfw no qt black girl mires
Why even live when even the most DYEL white bois outclass you?
Pic related ?
What do you look like?
Why hate black woman? My sister is probably more educated than you and a better person yet you think you better than her and girls like her coz your skin? Fuck you.
>trannies mire you
Where do you live that's so abundant in trannies that you even notice this?
I'd love to have traps and BBWs mire me desu
[spoiler]B L A C K[/spoiler]
those are the best lucky you
I don't want to fuck a niggress, that's all. I respect black woman but that's not a reason for me to let them ride on my cock.
None of your own woman like you? I find that hard to believe bro.
what's wrong with black girls?
They aren't white or asian.
White/asian women have insanely high standards and are prissy and there’s just this general culture and surrounding white women as sexless primadonnas whose only impulse is to ruin.
Mean while liberated gay dudes are openly horny and dgaf
Black women are desperate
>I respect black woman
Obviously you don't bro that's like me saying I respect white people (which I do) and calling them crackers.
The BLACKED meme is just that, a meme. Literally every race prefers whites or asians, If you look up dating app statistics this becomes very apparent. Hard to have chicks lust after BBC when "muh 50% chance of HIV" is thrown around constantly.
Literally the only type of woman that ain't attractive.
>or asian.
They are cuties.
Have you tried talking to em bro?
Also maybe there's something else stopping you getting pussy like you 5ft 1 or some shit.
thicc asians are sexy af. but the kind of asian pop stars and idols and such don't even come across as sexual creatures to me. I can recognize them as pretty but they're just pretty with no sexy.
They have no ass or titties.
Have tried before, never their type. I'm 6ft 1 and noob-level Veeky Forums.
Where do you live?
OP just be grateful that some people in thisbshit world find you attractive. There are a lot of dudes out there that would kill to get some form of attention.
is that a boy or a girl
Are these hood rats or educated woman you are going after?
Of course he doesn't respect them, they are ugly af and have terrible personalities
USA northeast.
Consider the type of black that would be posting on an Italian stone curling forum, educated women of course.
not sure if youre trolling or not but why do you care what some pathetic 4channer thinks about skin color
>have terrible personalities
Educated ones dont, hoodrats do though just like how redneck whites have shit personalities.
>why do you care what some pathetic 4channer thinks about skin color
Because I myself am a pathetic 4channer with nothing better to do, autism don't know colour.
>There are a lot of dudes out there that would kill to get some form of attention.
No attention is better than trannies, black girls or landwhales attention brah
>Italian stone curling forum
What is this supposed to mean?
Not OP but I live in the Midwest and I've had trannies mire. When you almost never see them, every interaction is a lot more memorable.
do you want to fuck your sister
Nah man.
I'll let you in on a little secret user, from personal experience. If you're a 10/10 chad realistically who is going to approach you? No one. The girls are scared, intimidated, and unless she herself is at least a 9/10 she won't even lock eyes with you in fear of your chadness being too much for her. so... Who has the guts to mire you? who has the courage to even sometimes approach you? Mostly last-call fat girls and of course the zero lack of manners black girl who would likely just slap yourself and call you white chocolate or some shit. And the trannies have the confidence of a bull dozer so they'll mire you as well.
When you're mired from ANY type of female that should be a sign that you're sexi
slap your ass***
>lack of manners black girl who would likely just slap yourself
How do they expect you to react to this?
>Black women are desperate
Why just by being a woman they have life on easy mode maybe not white woman easy but still easy mode.
Ok Tyrone, if me giving your sister some aryan dick will make you feel better I’ll be a bro and help you out.
Post sister pic.
Dating a black girl is really fun. Most of the lower class ones have literally never been with a real man, never had a good fuck, never gotten to explore their submissive sides. Literally every little thing you do impresses them, you should go for it with some black cuties.
There is a reason jews never race mix.
>Veeky Forums
>love trannies
>love 2d waifu
>hate black qts
Being this low test, not makin in a 100 years
Pick one
Except with Asians.
>get message on dating site
>FatGamerGirl1984 Likes you!
Every fucking time.
I know tons of jews who race mix.
Tons of israelis do too, that country is like 20% muslim and all the old jewish grandmas are fretting about their trashier daughters going with muslim guys.
You've been propogandized to. Get off the internet for a bit.
>Get off the internet for a bit.
*gets off internet*
*goes to your momma house*
*fuck her*
Whatever you say, cuck
lol sometimes glimpses of old Veeky Forums come through and it's lovely.
>Mudsharks, Italians and gays mire my black ass
Lifters can't be choosers
All the good intelligent black women either never date black or they're taken by Tyrone
dont worry about them user theyre just edgy poltards
>Not being comfy enough to call your black gf a neggress
>Thinking neggress is an insult
Stupid little sensitive white people
>Stupid little sensitive white people
I am a London born nigger and I wouldn't like anyone to call any woman in my family that mate.
you got it wrong.
Black girls just aren't shady like white girls. When a white girl likes you, she admires you from the periphery of her vision, or looks at you and looks away when she thinks you might look back. White girls don't want to get caught checking dudes out.
Black girls will smile at you, and even approach you. white girls rarely will.
>all good intelligent black women either never date black or they do