Peanut Butter General

Redpill me on peanut butter bros. Will it boost my test? What brand makes the best peanut butter? Crunchy or smooth? What are the best and hottest peanut butter mods?

2tbsp of peanut butter in every shake, tastes like fuckin magic nigga

>will it boost my test
>Best peanut butter?
>Crunchy or Smooth?
Depends on what youre putting it on. I prefer crunchy on sandwiches but smooth with celery. I usually just buy whatever Im in the mood for when I pass it in the grocery store.
>Best and hottest peanut butter mods?
None. Its perfect as is.

Just make your own PB so you can control the macros on it
It's as easy as a tiny bit of fat and a bunch of peanuts (preferably roasted)
If you want it a tad sweeter than roast pretty heavy and add a tiny bit of agave or honey

idk but almond butter has subtler flavor, less sugar more protein and gives you wild dreams. comes at a premium compared to cheap pb, but about the same as organic stuff at sams.

>not eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches every day

never gonna make it.

I always eat spoomful of pb with my oats
Really starts up your day

allergen butter

real pb is fine
def avoid hydrogenated $.99 pb

Choosey moms do NOT choose JIF and if you disagree you can fucking fight me.

Is there anything really wrong with JIF?

Only eat Adams old fashioned peanut butter and the gains will come

I get the myprotein PB. Taste isn't the greatest but it has no added oil/sugar and it's absurdly cheap.

Peanuts have high estrogenic activity. Not the highest but still, i dont know what to think of this

Homemade > everything else

1 tbsp Kraft smooth peanut butter in my oatmeal every single morning with some milk and black coffee, would highly recommend it.

Jesus fucking christ delete this

Make onion butter instead.
2 red and 2 yellow onions
500 gram of butter
1 cup of milk
run in mixer
Top it of with some garlic

Estrogen is necessary for healthy libido and sperm maturation.

>look up myprotein peanut butter on jewtube
>get this on the side

clickbait is becoming too powerful...

europoor here who recently discovered peanut butter jelly sandwich

is it a meme? because it tastes awesome, and I don't like the taste of plane peanut butter

It's definitely a meme but lots of people here swear by it. Personally it's not my thing, a piece of toast with some pb spread on it is bretty good.

Considering that soy at reasonable consumption doesn't have any negative effects on hormones in humans, it's very very unlikely that something that like 10.000 times less isoflavones will have an effect.

>peanut butter general
can we not

I have a bucket of peanut butter

How big is the bucket?

>Best peanut butter?
Marks and Spencer
>Crunchy or Smooth?
Crunch all the way
>Best and hottest peanut butter mods?

about 15 -20 kg worth

Why/Where did you buy it
How long does it last
How much did you buy it

> Considering that soy at reasonable consumption doesn't have any negative effects on hormones in humans

Soy lobby shill detected

my nigga

Friend gave it to me
6 months

Processed foods slowly give you cancer.