When i saw the girl i love being happy with another man i felt nothing but happy
Im a cuck ?
When i saw the girl i love being happy with another man i felt nothing but happy
Im a cuck ?
you could only be more of a cuck if she was ina relationship with you
Also if i had gf fucking her wouldnt turn me on but watching her having lesbian sex with another woman yes, how do i avoid being such a cuckbro ?
Its the low test ?
Are you sure you aren't gay buddy?
Seriously that's pretty fucking gay
No she was never in a relationship with me and barely knows my name, im kissless virgin by the way
Im not gay im pretty sure of that
Dude if straight sex doesn't turn you on you are gay
Then how the fuck do you love her?
This is the stupidest OP I've ever had the displeasure of talking to
Because i wanna cuddle her
ok im gay then
Now what do i do ?
Not at all user, you learned how to give up
Fuck men
But i dont like men
Sounds like part of moving on and making peace with how things are.
You don't know what love is user.
probably a little bit.
I experienced something similar after high school and wanted to stab the guy to death.
but y'know, maybe I'm just a psycho.
stop letting your ex girl steal your story.
It's as if you're on a stage.
She had her scene, and she exited.
Now you're still on stage, spending your time thinking about her scene.
How does the rest of your story play out??
What does the next scene entail?
What will you say, do or think next?
We all have no idea, because you're still thinking about your ex girl's scene, and what we all think about how you love enjoying watching her play out her story, while you sit and watch.
It's not sad that your girl found happiness in her story,
What's sad is that you've abandoned your own story to become an observer to someone else's.
a true tragedy
What is love?