I've had to face my demons recently and look at my life and why I am alone these days.
I'm an abusive asshole
How do you change to be someone others want to be around?
I've had to face my demons recently and look at my life and why I am alone these days.
I'm an abusive asshole
How do you change to be someone others want to be around?
>Step 1: Stay away from Veeky Forums
>Step 2: Therapy
>Im an abusive asshole.
Sounds like you already found the problem. Stop doing that.
First heartbreak was this year in May.
Was a bitch about her cheating on me with this guy. She ends up breaking me up for him and I know a lot of it was because of me being a spastic autist. Best thing to do is motivate yourself. Go workout, trip psychedelics if working out isn’t helping, or distract yourself.
Try this for starters: Think about what's about to come out of your mouth, before it comes out of your mouth; don't just blurt things out.
Also as others have said: Leave Veeky Forums. It, like social media, tends to bring out the worst in people, because there are no real-world consequences to anything you say here.
Also, consider this: Treat people the way you'd like them to treat you.
Tbqh pray to Jesus and jerk off to POV girlfriend porn.
Porn is kind of dead to me. You're not making love to someone. Porn is not only a sin but a horrible way to live your life.
I used to think I was an abusive asshole, then I realized that I was expecting whores to act like women from the 50s. Women are completely destroyed as a group. They are disgusting and deserve every single abusive act you have ever done.
So what you're saying is you're a fat, ugly, obnoxious little manchild who expects women to fall at your feet and worship you, wait on you hand and foot, and just lay down and give it up to you on command, and you get pissy and throw a fit when they don't?
Be lucky this is just the Internets, bub, or you'd be nursing a broken nose about now.
>Be lucky this is just the Internets, bub, or you'd be nursing a broken nose about now.
Beta af desu
>If women act in a way that makes them happy but is against my expectations they deserve abuse
Good one dude. Or maybe the 50s were stupid and you're a hypocrite
>having morals and traditional family values was stupid
Go back to /reddit/ you commie faggot
Morality is not objective and conforming to your expectations is not the only way to be a decent person. I mean you'd like to deprive a woman of the freedom to pursue their dreams and passions so you don't have to spend as much time doing chores and watching the kids. Sounds pretty immoral to me.
If someone cheats on you it's their fault, what's wrong with you?
Relax and don’t abuse your power as a man. It’s a never ending journey but you can slowly change with time.
You’ve become aware which is the first step. GJ.
Holy shit lol
>fite me irl
What exactly have you achieved that made you think you deserved a 50's style woman? I can only assume you had the ability to provide everything she needed
> house, car, financial stability
right? But of course the fuck not. When idiot boys like you imagine "the perfect woman" they don't imagine deserving her, just bending her over a desk. Even if you had a woman with traditional values you wouldn't know what to do with her. You can barely guide yourself successfully, how can you possibly hope to lead the volatile animal that is woman?
If you want to believe that, being the victim will only make better at... still being the victim.
Cheaters cheat because they have/you give them the opportunity. Start by correcting that.
Does it mean you have to be overprotective and paranoid? That's easy, but if you improve yourself, cheaters will have less reasons/won't think it worth the risk. And if they do it, you'll be still better than your former self.
It's so fucking cliche, and I hate saying it, but you can't love others until you love yourself. If you hold a deep self-hatred then you will never be able to live life in a positive way. The negativity you hold for yourself will pour out to those around you.
I'm not an abusive asshole, but I am going through something very similar to you.
>past semester fell into depression
>developed anxiety about meeting people
>hide inside my shell of an apartment for weeks
>never go out
>finally get tired of it
>time to get real help
>contact therapist, set up appointment
>therapist is now helping me delve into problems that I've kept bottled up for far too long
>start feeling like my soul is lighter
>able to think more clearly
>contact all my friends and tell them one by one what I'm going through
>ask for their support
>they're all overwhelmingly supportive
>never been positive, always cynical
>now I wake up looking forward to the day
>spending the next year, or maybe longer, trying to figure out who I am as a person and what I want out of life
nothing about your suggestions are healthy in any way shape or form
you’re a faggot and also type like a retard