>guys that who drink energy drinks past the age of 19
Guys that who drink energy drinks past the age of 19
>age 12
Fixed that for you
I'm loving it. Been sippin' since '04
>guys who play "Vidya"
>guys who smoke
>guys who masturbate
>guys who eat sugar
>guys who binge drink
>guys who still eat ice cream
>guys who have female friends
>guys who don't eat meat
>brainlets that who can't proofread
faggots who post on the internet lmaoooo
>tfw 19 and have 2 sips a day
>guys who play "Vidya"
>guys who masturbate
>guys who eat sugar
>guys who still eat ice cream
f u g
its the best thing for fixing a jetlag or a hard resent on my internal clock after becoming a nocturnal neet during holiday breaks
Sell your gaming pc and invest into crypto. You remove negativity from your life and also get rich.
Thank me later
>people even call themselves "NEETs" while on a week vacation from being in college
what the fuck? oh wait this is fit where people are supposed to be working 100k a year engineering jobs while studying engineering i forgot
lol if you're getting paid 100k as an engineer, you must be truly trash
t. 130k a year out of school
no idiot, thats just my student job. i make 175k a year right out of school, 130k a year is nothing
let me guess, you make that amount living in a low cost of living place too right?
ya got me
nice try, faggot, I want your salary, not total comp. Stock doesn't count
faggot i am literally 21 just graduated, 175k in salary, own 10% in stock of the fortune 500 company i work for, in line for a promotion to vice president by next year, like everyone else on fit
stay jelly poorboy
Oh, you're calling me a liar about 130k? I guess this is what it feels like to get accused of roids when liftin natty
no youre not lying, its just a baby tier salary. this is fit step up with the big boys. theres a reason we are multi-millionaires by 30, pretty easy when we make 150k starting at 21, unlike babies like you making 130k
What games are you playing that are causing you negativity???
>guys who post on Veeky Forums past any age
>le Veeky Forums is for girls meme
gaming in general is just a virtual achievement sim
just more jew trix
A 90x 200mg bottle of Jet-Alert only costs $4.50.
But sips are tasty.
>over the age of 18
>still listens to EDM
t. 20 year old who decided to stop drinking energy drinks
>tfw I'm the antithesis of all these generalizations
Have I transcended?
>guys who smoke
meh everyone smokes here
even the bloatlord blasts EDM fuck outta here twinkcel
>guy who doesn't pray
>guy who sleeps in
>guy who doesn't eat his veggies
>guy who doesn't work/go school
>guy who saves pictures of girls
>guy who doesn't groom himself
>guy who doesn't help his parents
>guy who doesn't give charity
>guy who doesn't go his heaviest on the bench without a spot
>guy who doesn't respect his elders
>guy who doesn't read
>guy who wears headphones in public
We're not all slaves to the nicotine jew/weed new you fucking degenerate.
Naw, they blast kpop.
>guys who say stuff like "le Veeky Forums is for girls meme"
Low test soyboy cuckold twinkcel gook detected
>tfw Veeky Forums but eat a ton of ice cream since I'm lactose intolerant so I shit it all out anyway
This is a pretty good one except
>guy who doesn't go his heaviest on the bench without a spot
This is just trying too hard
>guy who wears headphones in public
Acceptable on train rides, etc. and obviously in the gym
>guys who browse Veeky Forums
>girls that lift weights
I didn't claim you were,I just said everyone where I live does so it's not really a negative thing in a social situation.
>girls that bench press
I know right literally working so hard to be less attractive
>t.baby boomer whose disappointed with his son
Or should i say 'daughter'?