im killing myself
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Goodnight Kevin Heart
I wouldnt user. I know nothing about you but don't do it. Life is an experience, good, bad and dull. Why don't you want to live a long full with with everything in it? There are plenty of things that I'd go back and change if I could but I try to take at least one positive thing out of every experience. Dont do it user, I believe in you.
I've been suicidal in the past and basically come to the conclusion that if I'm willing to kill myself and completely end my life, I should also be willing to go to extremes to fix the problems of my life. For me, those problems were being fat and having no friends. I figured I can kill myself later on down the line if I still want to, but I might as well give it my all while I still can.
Don't know if that will help you, or if I even worded that all in an understandable way, but I thought I should share.
One requires no work, the other requires work. Just shut the fuck up, OP can kill himself if he wants to.
guess who has the bigger dick wh*te boys LOL
Did you finally learn?
got more pics?
i certainly hope not
Kevin Heart is a midget with a loving wife and kids.
Stop giving a shit about your height. Unless you're, like, 4' 11" girls will still be interested in you if you actually try.
It's often been said that people who make the biggest changes have first hit their absolute rock bottom. We'll all make it brahs
Bye bye manlet :P
Fight Club. You can't improve if you don't hit rock bottom first, so hit rock bottom.
God's honest truth...
Female attractiveness is almost everything to MEN. However, male attractiveness is just getting your foot in the door for women. Don't even worry about it. No matter who you are there are women on your level.
I don't get it.
This looks shopped.
Beckham is only like 5'9" 5'10" tops,,, right ?
So the colored guy is like 5' 2" ?
>can't stand DB's pork chop beard.
Beckham is 20 cm taller than kevin
>colored guy
you mean nigger?
when will they learn
>implying 5'11 is manlet
5'11 officially means 5'9 to 5'10 irl for Anglos.
have you heard beckhams voice lol
literally no women care. you think he cares? lol. but yeah it's definitely his weakness.
he's 6ft
Meanwhile the Chad
no he's not, celebheights is more accurate than frauded stats. Might be closer to 5'10" in the evening
>numale expression
He can't be a nu-male when he's fucking this ass.
Ugh, I swear, Veeky Forums is more off topic than trash itself.
>muh manlet threads
>muh woman threads
>muh feels threads
Like, just why? Why? Plz