How do all these vegfags cut weight with their super high carb diets
How do vegans cut weight
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cutting out the carbs
Fat literally makes you fat. High fat + high carbs is the deadly combination. Civilizations which always ate high carbs (rice) and low fat never had modern diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
mock meats, protein powder etc. It's effectively the same as cutting on any other diet
>Fat literally makes you fat
so why don't you turn into a slice of bread if you eat carbs?
Vegans are in a constant state of ketosis.
They have to take supplements and eat a lot or they start breaking down.
Because their bodies are so used to starvation, they've created a new religion called ''breatharianism'' where they believe they don't have to eat or drink anything.
Veganism will die off or the vegans themselves will die off, literally.
>Vegans are in a constant state of ketosis
Brian Turner just finished a vegan bulk and is on a vegan cut right now. The cut just started.
Because you don't have bread under your skin. You have animal fat under your skin, though.
Steroids are vegan?
Test can be synthesized from yam and soybean oil, so yes.
Pretty cool.
Kidney Beans
Mock chicken/beef
Mostly yes, but that's completely irrelevant because Brian Turner competes tested, so implications that he only looks good because he isn't natty is (You) coping
He is obviously on steroids and you disagreeing means you have been lifting for under 1 year. There's no discussion here, you're wrong again and that's that.
>I can tell, I've been looking at the half-naked bodies of trained men for more than a year
VG dwarfs Clarence, who is on roids, so no, size is related to genetics and you're full of shit.
And you ignored my last part of him competing tested, so here's (You)r last (You). No more (You)s. Stay mad that vegan Chad is 2 times bigger than you'll ever be.
Clarence is not a bodybuilder
>Now he resorted to admitting VG is a) "a bodybuilder" and b) "big"
>He also believes strength ≠ size
>He still won't aknowledge Brian competes tested
What do you mean he competes tested? Almost every athlete on steroids tests clean, why would that matter?
I feel so bad for anyone who comes here for advice and reads shit like this. Does dietary cholesterol go straight into your arteries, too?
nor natty
>before and after taking the onion pill
>yet nobody has died due to veganism
implying you are anywhere near either of these men in terms of size
no but it causes plaque build up and not intaking it reverses this.
This might come as a complete shock to Veeky Forums, but carbs are less fattening than fats. Fats already come pretty much as they are stored, carbs(while also containing half the kcal/gram) need to go through de novo lipogenesis at a costly 20% energy loss. Additionally your body first need to fill up it's stores in muscles and in the liver to even begin this conversion and even when stores are filled up your body first tries to upregulate carb oxidation before conversion since your body rather give you more energy(more oxidation, higher body heat etc.) now than convert at a energy loss. Add to this that if you consume carbs and fat the body will favor carbs for energy and fats for storage, you get an overwhelming case for why carbs are less fattening than fats.
So now it doesn't really make sense to ask why someone eating more carbs in relation to fats would struggle cutting compared to the reverse.
>blah blah I'm a homo
t. Brainlet
Because it’s difficult as fuck to eat enough as a vegan and they likely have professional nutritionists on hand to make sure they don’t go completely off the rails.
because most of those carbs are fibers which digest too slowly to make anywhere the same glycemic impact that simple carbs make. plus CICO works no matter what your macros are.
Am I getting fooled by the perspective, or is VGs arms extremely uneven in size?
eating food is easy. How sheltered are you?
> (OP)
>Vegans are in a constant state of ketosis.
with the sheer amount of rice and carbs and honey these hippie fucks consume on the reg, i highly doubt this