How cool is it that high test alpha behaviour can be understood across species
Just look at this motherfucker, he is one glorious specimen, who would be a human equilavent Veeky Forums?
How cool is it that high test alpha behaviour can be understood across species
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>Tfw you'll never get cross species 'mires
asian men are so repulsive to asian women that they think a fucking gorilla is sexy
>Tfw you'll never get cross species 'mires
If you did would you know?
>that moment at 1:16
My dad used to do that stuff to me as a kid when we'd be sitting on the beach. I miss him.
He's a panstu dropper
Fuck zoos. Shame to see such a perfectly crafted beast spending its life trapped in a cage.
How's 5th grade treating you?
better than being killed to death by some niggers so they can make ashtrays from its hands
>Plant-based diet
>High test
>Can score with more members of another, more intelligent species
This is the final nail in the carnist delusion.
>killed to death
truly the worst way to die
>high test
>makes women swoon
>crowds of people
Literally 10 people
What's up with this bullshit about that gorilla, nobody cares about it, it's just made up by the medias
lmao at your jealousy. shabani is a high fwhr slayer and has more bitches mirin in a day than you will in a lifetime
>facial symmetry: the article
meanwhile in the US
Wrong. They eat a shit ton of bugs for dat there proton
Why are humans so high test
Different endocrine systems -- same way different bodies just require different amounts of testosterone in them to function correctly. It's not a linear equation.
Also, gorillas, chimpanzees and other primates are just biomechanically stronger because of their leverages, not just because of their muscle.
Nigga we're the apex predators
>babby gorilla playing with his dad
fucking zoos reeeee
Is that why white women are leaving white men for niggers?
>mfw Japanese women want the HMD.
This makes me sad for japanese women
All their men are de-evolving into weak-minded hikkis so they have to go to the monkay peep show
its happenign here too.
mgtow is rising and many ppl wont even date.
Its not lack of libido its just you cant have ltrs anymore.
Humans devolved into packs of bonobo monkeys
Without religion or fair laws women become whores, like its their natural state.
SAD. Very sad. Im so sad about this, I cant even put it in words.
Neck yourself, dyel nigger.