What are your goals for 2018 and what goals did you achieve in 2017?
Share your stroys!
. >My goals for 2017: >-finish school >-go to college >-get a scholarship >-maybe find a good job >-get a gf >-move out >-afford a good lifestyle without parents >-get fit >-run a 1/2 marathon in under 2 hours
>did it all
Isaac Davis
Bang my gfs soon to be 18yo tomboy sister >in the braappper
Aiden Ramirez
Finish 3/5 chartered accounting subjects Negotiate a decent raise or grow some balls and look for a new job 4pl8 dl
Hunter Kelly
cut to 165lbs meet this girl finally profit from my business
simple man
Brandon Perez
>Get into PhD research course >Keep on working out to become chad >Prove ppl how stupid and weak they are >on the end bang loads of hot chicks and then dump them
Christopher Hughes
Get a gf, lose virginity, get bigger, lift heavier and find a better job.
Samuel Gomez
Become a normalfag(hopefully better), get big, Fuck a girl in the brappp
Lincoln Bell
Her ass looks like if you rubbed it it would go >REERRRRRRR
Noah Turner
normalfag is better belive me
Adam Russell
What i achieved in 2k17:
>got a cute gf who works out too. >joined the army and thus git alot fitter and made more money >i became less of an incel through these both things.
Dunno what i wanna do next year. I just take what i have now and work on from that.
Ryder Thomas
2017 was a super eventful year for me:
>Start paying student loans >Take higher paying job back home >Build full stack web application >Store up emergency supplies (2 months) >Get outside more (hiking)
Fitness goals for 2018:
PPL for six more months (consistently) Track all caloric intake for six months
I have other goals but they're finance related.
Andrew Anderson
i was thinking about joining the army, can you give some info on ur whole experience with that
Isaac Russell
Get a gf, lose my virginity and lift more than the feels i now carry.
W-who else 20 here?
Ian Martinez
I was in the army.
What MOS do you want to go as?
Christian Anderson
My goals so far are to get laid, 10% fat, starting school and finally moving away from my parents. Three out of the four will be done by february. Hopefully i will get laid as well
Mason Nelson
2017 >Don't go to jail -Done >Stop being a dropout/neet - Done >Be social. - Barely 2018 >Get fit >Participate in some competition about looks in summer. >Finish the year of HS i dropped out of. >Do more courses related to programming and vidya. >Get gf Overall this year was a good one, and by the end of next year il get 50% of the things done on my goals list.
Ryan Flores
Goals for 2017 >Get through my final year of medschool >Get a gf >Not kill myself
Goals in 2018 >Not kill myself >Get theough my first year as a dr >Not kill myself >Get on that /fraud/train and get /fi/ >Get back into the hobbies that made me feel good - mma and rockclimbing >Not kill myself >Get a gf I care for
Matthew Cook
Israeli bomb cushion
Austin Roberts
Good for you dude. These are good goals and I'm glad you met them.
I was infantry so that's pretty much what I was.
Jose Baker
I can feel it lads 2018 will be the year of gf well all do it
Gabriel Cook
Fitness Wise? 150kg bench, 200kg squat, and 250kg deadlift.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Kek nice pic
Hunter Green
Looking to...
4.0 semester GPA
Make $52/day to save for apartment in fall so I can prepay and focus on school.
7 minute mile and a 5k and then further.
1/2/3/4 again after my previous fall from grace due to my shit relationship.
Hoping to get to know myself better and join my universities sailing club.
Nicholas Watson
I start a new job on Monday, screw the rest.
I need to get back on my diet heavy, I will try to eat the same things everyday for a while to get back on track and lose 40-50 lbs in 2018.
Aaron Rodriguez
>1/2/3/4 >Cut 10kg >Get gf >Maintain 6.5/7.0 GPA at Uni >Save up enough money for my big adventure at the end of 2018
Also try not to kill myself.
Robert Garcia
>omg college is so hard gotta try not to kill myself
You kids are annoying. Believe it or not, it gets shittier after college so prepare yourselves.
Jace Price
Not guy you replied to but I have 2 years of college left. I want to do EOD or cavalry but as an officer. I guess. I mean I almost have my degree so why not.
Wyatt Adams
This thread should be bigger. I wanna hear everyone's goals. Hoping to see some I can take for myself lol.
Hunter Gray
>get some pics of my 6.3 Veeky Forums frame /out/ with numale pics for tinder >go on tinder and fuck some fatties >gym >save like a manic to buy house >get gf in summer
Nicholas Reyes
Thanks dude it means a lot even if it's from the internet, im also interested in joining the army, infantry too 'cause that's what less education level requires, etc.
Im interested in knowing how the first months were, the kind of people you will meet there and more than anything the difficulty of the exercises, tbqh anything you could tell me about the army is of help Not a NES, sorry if my english is weird.
Andrew Green
>lose the rest of the fat I have to lose (bout 20-30 pounds) >get back to lifting consistently >continue doing well in school >get smarter >make more friends at uni >get an internship >figure out what I actually want to do in life >hopefully get a gf and/or lose my virginity
2017 was up and down, lost weight lost friends. gained uni and intelligence but also stress
Ryder Reed
more money more gains more smart more girls more happy
John Hall
Bulk up to like 195-200, and then cut down and hopefully not look like complete shit.
Get out of my shitty, mediocre-paying job that I hate, and go to at least something that's closer to what I want to do, and ask out the cute chick that sits right by me when I do
Get a decent gf. I'm tired of chicks that have no real social hobbies outside of drinking. (Cute work chick is 100% one of those women but she's got a body that's a replica of Alexis Texas, and I'm an ass guy)
Noah Cooper
>get fit (running) >get Veeky Forums (lifting heavy ass weights) >get a gf >study harder >spend more time with people
Jace Hernandez
>get a gf >lose 30 lbs of fat, gain back 20 in muscle >finish 4th year of uni, maybe get early acceptance to grad school >boost my marks and fix my study habits >gain actual work experience this year and not just volunteer stuff
Caleb Bennett
2017 I started going to the gym after 1 year of being a cardio yunkie and focusing on losing weight Finished trade school, I feel like it was a huge waste of time specially the mandatory practice period but I got my degree Got my d&d group back together. This time I'm DMing and everyone had a good time so I hope we actually play regularly Finally got circumcised, it was a huge mental hurdle for me and now I feel more confident all around. (I had been delaying it for years)
2018 goals >switch gyms and join a powerlifting gym, mine only has 1 squat rack without safeties and I'm the only fag using it, everyone else does machines/dumbells so I can't get anyone to discuss form or whatever >start doing cardio again, hopefully with a friend >get my drivers license and find a job so I can move out next year >find myself qt3.14 >if it doesn't work eventually kill myself for being such a useless piece of shit
Brayden Jones
>unNEET myself >get friends (0 atm) >get my own place >leave Veeky Forums forever
I know I'm probably gonna fail all of those.
Leo Diaz
Kill myself because I'll never get a salary over $12 an hour
Julian Nguyen
What do you do?
Luke Rodriguez
>start doing cardio again, hopefully with a friend
God lord dont be needy fag, i'd freak out if some newfag came in and started talking to me about form
Jacob Green
Going to the gym and only greeting the recepcionist is lonely
Christian Morris
OP here
You are doing great! :D Hope you hit all your goals in 2018!
Grayson Allen
>Do well on my last few mandatory classes >Get a (decent) job >Gain another 10lb, 200lb is my goal >Save at least 10k troughout >Expand my social circle and contacts >Become closer to the best girl I've ever met >Build a birdhouse
Isaiah Anderson
>Be stronger >Lift or at least work out more consistently >Be closer to how I want to look >Finally liking my carreer or know where to go >Leave this world behind >Stop wanting to kill myself every single day. Hope I make some sort of advance on those things.
Bentley Hill
>What are your goals for 2018
Get fit Learn a new language Troll people when they tell me why i'm still single Continue enjoying my bachelorhood, not homo Quitting beer and liqueurs, except vodka and whisky And finally, keep trolling people asking me why i'm still single
>ended shitty relationship >start lifting >met this new bro who feels nice >maybe I'm not 4ever alone First time for long time I feel there's hope for me >FeelsGoodMan.png
Jason Rogers
>Be happy
Joseph Cook
stop fucking about with ex girlfriends start lifting again somehow get my life together get to be a better me stop anxiety let my half latin american side take over more
Jason Morales
2017 >Start working out every day (done) >Rescue my GPA (done) >Get a gf (done) >Stop being depressed (done)
2018 >Keep working out every day >Reach 1/2/3/4 >Get my cum GPA over 3.0 >Stop having autism
Best of luck fellas
Carter Butler
Getting stronger and getting a Bf I guess. And not fucking up my masters degree ffs.
Caleb Murphy
>Reach 1/2/3/4 >Get my 10k time down to 55min >Get gf >Find a hobby or something fun to put time into
Lincoln Garcia
2017 goals >get that promotion at work - HELL YEAH >deadlift 200kg - nope >get a gf - check! >down to 12% bf - not yet
2018 >deadlingaling 200kg - gonna get it this time >next big work promotion >fill out my workout tee that says reps for jesus on it because my friend is an asshole and bought me a large but fuck dammit I will stretch that fucker out
Carson Russell
Ohh and lose 10kg
Cameron Lee
2017 >first romantic hug, first kiss, first gf >solid social status among engineering bros >pass all my classes >start working out 2018 >get gf back (I fucked up pure and simple) >retain social standing and possibly improve >get my self-pitying ass back into gym and become b i g b o y >pass all my classes >help my stupid sister through her divorce
Best of luck to all of you. I know that many of you guys on this board are fighting your own battles, and that many of those battles are looking bleak. I know it gets tough, it gets lonely and sometimes it feels like it never ends, but I'm here to tell you bros, the shit thats going on now will end, and you have the power to end it. Maybe not with one day of effort, or a week of effort, maybe with years of effort, but one day you will get through this absolute shit show. I know many of you may have stopped believing it, but we're all gonna make it. Hang in their bros, I'm rooting for you
David Reyes
What I did in 2017 in a mostly chronological order: >made social gains, I lost touch with almost everyone but I still learned how to interact much better >graduate college >got a car >finally got over my previous oneitis of 2 years >got rid of the friends I had that were complete cancer while keeping the rest >cut 20 pounds >got a full time job >started living my life however the fuck I wanted >Hit 315 bench, fixed whatever was wrong with my knees/hips and hit 315 squat again for ATG, and finally broke my stall on deadlift hitting 435 as of yesterday after it stalled just short of 4pl8 around the same time my squat collapsed >finally hit 1/2/3/4 although I guess it was 1/3/3/4 since squat was the most recent
Goals for 2018: >cut another 30 pounds, I still have a lot of fat but I don't want to go too hard because I don't want to lose any gains period >get moved up to the next level at my job and get a raise which should theoretically be happening in the next few months >hit 365 bench, 405 squat, 495 deadlift by the beginning of summer at the latest, and 185 OHP by the end of the year, the more gains the better but any after that are just a bonus >work on filling out my back since I've neglected that for years >stay far away from any remotely possibility of a relationship, hookup, oneitis or any interaction with a female because they've been nothing but gainsgoblins in my life That last part shouldn't be that hard.
Samuel Young
>What are your goals for 2018
Finish CCNP studies Take that new promotion and stop complaining about my work load/projects Get back in the gym Focus on lifting and continuing to better myself Also looking at finally taking time off from work and leaving the country
Camden Adams
Realistic >get my EE degree >start driving more ( i have the license but never take the car) >increase lifts by atleast 30% >keep making crypto gains >keep contact with friends, go out more >get my first job >get accepted to foreign universities for post-graduate degree
Pipe dreams >get a gf
Gabriel Richardson
2017 accomplishments >More social due to work and interest in politics >Started getting active/fit - died down a bit toward the fall >Multiple female mires >First date - coworker asked to hang out after work. Didn't really like her, but went well. >Asked to dance with a couple of girls, they weren't interested but was my first time stepping out of my comfort zone in this field >Cut out the vidya jew. Still play on occasion but does not control life >Started writing about/researching politics for fun/discussion when bored
2018 goals >Get into entrepreneurship/business >Get real estate license >Start College >Get Car (preferably something older; 67 impala dream) >Learn formal dance >Learn guitar >Join Knights of Columbus/Start doing more charity >Get firearm license >Get more fit >Get gf >Go camping for first time >Get passport