but imalpha carnivor pls no kil me surpreme vegan overlord
But imalpha carnivor pls no kil me surpreme vegan overlord
Other urls found in this thread:
>doesn't mention age
>doesn't mention body composition
>doesn't mention physical activity levels
Everytime. Keep on shilling the flawed cherry picked studies breh
im not autistic enough to go vegan
>implying pety 13% is comperable to onions magnifficent 300%
>implying pety 13% is comperable to onions magnifficent 300%
why not do both?
>doesn't mention age
>doesn't mention body composition
>doesn't mention physical activity levels
What did the brainlet mean by this?
>All mean hormone concentrations are adjusted for age, smoking
>status, vigorous exercise, time of day of venipuncture, time since
>last eaten at venipuncture and time between venipuncture and
>blood processing. Mean hormone concentrations are presented
>with and without adjustment for BMI (Table 2).
you're obsessed, seek help senpai
>... but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globu
lin, and
there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone.
Age (yrs)
Meat-eaters 52.8 (51.2–54.3)
Vegetarians 46.3 (44.8–47.9)
Vegans 42.9 (41.3–44.4)
Cholesterol (mg/d)
Meat-eaters 327 (301–355)
Vegetarians 112 (108–127)
Vegans 20.8 (19.2–25.5)
Alcohol (% energy)
Meat-eaters 5.83 (5.07–6.58)
Vegetarians 4.30 (3.57–5.03)
Vegans 3.96 (3.22–4.70)
>Vegans are on the same level as their 10 years older, overweigth, high cholesterol, alcoholic meat-eating counterparts
Why do you write like a nigger?
>Vegans are on the same level as their 10 years older, overweigth, high cholesterol, alcoholic meat-eating counterparts
Brainlet spotted. Try reading a bit more
>Why do you write like a nigger?
How would you understand otherwise?
I can read more whenever I want, but you'll always be a malnourished brainlet, my soyboy.
So, do you admit to halfassed reading and misrepresenting the study results? Or is your bias too strong
I don't need to read the whole paper, when glaring bias is spotted immediately, not to mention the source of funding or the outdated references.
But I guess a soyboy like you who studies arts wouldn't know anything about that.
The "average" meat eater is an overweight tub of large that doesn't work out ever. The "average" vegan is health conscious and probably works outs occasionaly and eats more vegetables.
Obviously the vegan has higher test levels. Compare test levels of olympic athletes that eat meat and those that don't and get back to me.
>vegan group average age: 42
>meateater group average age 52
really makes me think
>I don't need to read the whole paper, when glaring bias is spotted immediately
But you didn't spot an actual bias you absolute moron. That's the whole point
Another brainlet that didn't read the study. Meatcucks are hilarious
>Soyboy damage control
Please get your tofu induced tits out of here
Second page, table 1.
>All mean hormone concentrations are adjusted for age, smoking
status, vigorous exercise, time of day of venipuncture, time since
last eaten at venipuncture and time between venipuncture and
blood processing.
'Vegan science' everyone!
Then it feels extra good being a meat eater, eating all the delicious meat I want and still having my total T be around 700ng+
I guess all the time spent actually exercising instead of being a faggot on Veeky Forums pays off.
>Then it feels extra good being a meat eater, eating all the delicious meat I want and still having my total T be around 700ng+
It also feels extra good being a vegan, making all the gains of a meatcuck while avoiding heart disease and limp dick
Sure I didn't, soyboy.
Get back to milking your gyno tits.
If your brain hadn't rotten from malnourishment already, there might have been some point left in trying to explain to you the statistical analysis is wrong.
All you can get from this study is that 42 year olds have more test then 52 year olds.
>making all the gains of a meatcuck
post body dyel with timestamp. I have yet to see a single impressive vegan bodybuilder on Veeky Forums.
I can't believe it. You guys are completely fucked. Why comment when you don't even know wtf you're talkign about
Huh my Test is at 836 and milk and chicken have always been staples in my diet. Stay mad soycuck
>I have yet to see a single impressive vegan bodybuilder on Veeky Forums.
Do you have cataracts? It's significantly more common among meatcucks..
Another LMAO DIDN'T READ champion. Is the average Veeky Forums person really this retarded?
>Population study
>Huh, my data point doesn't match up with the trend, u mad?
This is your brain on meat.
>doesn't post body
Thanks for proving my point.
>kek i didn't even die of heart disease yet despite eating a gallon of eggs daily
>vegans eternally btfo
meat logic
>t-trust us, we totally adjusted according to unmentioned criteria, don't ask!
>control groups? no way, meatcuck
>t. cant read or make a decent argument
>t-trust us, we totally adjusted according to unmentioned criteria
It's literally in the study. Little meat-brain too stupid to read?
lmao the study literally had nothing to do with measuring test between equal age men
Argument against what? The point raised is obviously stupid, because test levels were adjusted according to age, lifestyle, etc. Anyone who read the study knows this. Biased brainlets will never learn, I guess.
>lmao the study literally had nothing to do with measuring test between equal age men
That's literally what they did, brainlet.
Yes I read that. And that makes it a very bad study.
Where? Cite the part.
And where does it say how exactly was this adjusted? Why not just sample comparable populations from the get go?
I'm waiting soyboy
>Why not just sample comparable populations from the get go?
>Values are adjusted for age (in categories of 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70+)
They did that. People in same age groups are compared against each other.
40 to 49 year old smokers are compared to 40 to 49 year old smokers, etc. Welcome to science
>vegan men can cook
What are you waiting for sir
Christ you're one retarded nigger.
You're going in circles. Learn why a confidence interval is and you'll maybe see why this data is bs
Kek please explain your point further, I fucking dare you. Give me more hearty chuckles, brainlet
Just stop already. Unless you can tell me which age groups they used in table 1, or say with which data they performed a backtransform, than this research is only good for fooling gullible retards like you.
>british people
>having high testosterone
13% higher in comparison to 100 mg/dcl is still low test.
Alright then tell me what the population age distribution was, soyboy.
>13% higher in comparison to 100 mg/dcl is still low test.
I'll assume that was a typo..
The average was like 600 ng/dl, though? Another brainlet joins the thread?
>Unless you can tell me which age groups they used in table 1
Kek.. all data is in table 1.. adjusted for age, etc.. I don't know how to make this any more basic without giving a lecture on statistics. Unironically go back to school or stop posting shit
Then tell me which age groups they used
13% is fucking NOTHING, man
all of them...
>all data is in table 1.. adjusted for age
lol is it really now? Maybe you should go back to kindergarden
Hmm, not really an explanation
>values are adjusted for age (in categories of 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70+)
But meateaters in this study are older on average, and you can still get a 9 year difference in the age groups.
Welcome to science.
>Maybe you should go back to kindergarden
Maybe I should, 5 year olds make more sense than you
Alright then. thanks for proving you can't read basic data. No wonder you're a vegan or whatever the fuck you are.
>But meateaters in this study are older on average
That's why there are age groups...
>and you can still get a 9 year difference in the age groups
And that goes both ways..
Alright, I guess you win this one! Vegans btfo
Yes except that one group is on average ten years older. So convenient.
There was no adjustment for age in table 1, or any adjustment for that matter. The 95 % CI in all dietary groups is narrow and the means vastly different that's why the p value is so low. The age was not normally distributed. You know why? Because the research was biased. No amount of "adjustment" will fix that. The study is flawed from the get go.
you mean people paying attention to their nutrition are healthier than your average joe?
More brainlets incoming... Great day to be on Veeky Forums, witnessing the continuing downfall of human civilization
>40-50yr olds
The absolute STATE of the vegan propaganda machine, where is the data on men in their physical primes?
If veganism was so great we would have a near constant stream of buttblasted vegan shills.
They'd be out there enjoying their lives. You wont see us on your vegan boards trying to get you to convert.
But no, you picked a miserable existence and we know misery loves company.
Duh, all vegans are health autists. Normies eat meat
what possess somebody to sit down, type this thread out, and then knowingly commit to another 1-2 hours of debating people on an anonymous image board over dietary preference?
surely this qualifies as at least 1 kind of mental disorder.
not really cherry picking studies when 99% are funded by meat/dairy. Pretty much comes down to just choosing which has a decent level of evidence that hasnt been influenced.
>people concerned about their health had higher T than the general population
The study shows a correlation between veganism and slightly higher testosterone. However, it should be taken into consideration that a major portion of the male population are meat eaters, and most people don't care about their macros, excersise and such. So a man who is a vegan has higher test because he takes care of his diet, which is an option for meat eaters alike.