Contradictory manly men stereotypes:
>menly men have a very good looking physique
>menly men also have unhealthy habits: smoking, drinking, definitely don't follow a strict diet
How does one reconcile this two ideas?
Contradictory manly men stereotypes:
>menly men have a very good looking physique
>menly men also have unhealthy habits: smoking, drinking, definitely don't follow a strict diet
How does one reconcile this two ideas?
Other urls found in this thread:
You don’t.
(I guess)
Manly men don't look any less manly if they're not smoking or chugging bourbon.
By going to war. By sheer virtue of the work you'll be doing (running, jumping, climbing, and generally fighting), you'll maintain excellent stamina and muscle tone.
You'll also have ample opportunity to commit heinous acts against other humans, which will force you to indulge in heathenism, such as smoking/drinking/eating shitty food.
My grandfather crushed Allied skulls for 4 years before the war ended. He smoked most of his life, ingested god knows how many toxic fumes/chemicals during the war, and ate a traditional German diet rich with meats and pastries.
He was fit as fuck until his heart just gave out one night while he slept. He was 89 years old. He fathered 4 kids, who all had kids of their own. My entire family is healthy, even though two of my aunts have smoked since they were 18. My great uncle just passed away at the age of 99, and he smoked every day since the age of 16.
You can attempt to reconcile these seemingly contradictory things, but a lot of it is simply genetics. Some people are born with shitty, sickly genes, and others are born genetically superior in almost every way. There was a man who tried to explain this to the world once upon a time...can't remember his name though.
Fuck off jew shill. This is a Muslim board
Jew shill? Pretty sure my grandpa tacitly helped orchestrate the Holocaust you fucking dimwit.
I know Muslims hate reading and education, but you might do well to read this.
autism; the post
>>menly men also have unhealthy habits: smoking, drinking, definitely don't follow a strict diet
This only exists in the degenerate American mindset. Coincidentally, the world leader in falling T and sperm counts.
Because attractiveness is about genetics, not effort. Being healthy deapite drugs and hedonism and a lack of regular excercise proves your genes are amazing.
ASVAB scores too low, eh little fellah?
>someone actually took the time to write this
This will be my new copypasta. I like it, it reeks of autism.
Did your grandparents serve in the gas chambers or something?
strict diet is for desperate cases only. here you can hear it from the manliest cuckman
>menly men have a very good looking physique
There's your false assumption
Actors today do, but that's because they're on steroids
Clint Eastwood didn't have abs. Teddy Roosevelt sure as shit didn't.
>>menly men have a very good looking physique
my great grandpa who was shot twice and served as an army medic, and a lumberjack wasn't huge even in his youth
neither was his lumberjack son who grew up selling furs from animals he trapped and skinned himself
or my carpenter dad
big biceps, high endurance, strong back for carrying burdens but not body builder physique
This is the problem. Disgusting women's interest mags putting unobtainable standards in women's minds
these shitskins can't handle the truth. think about a world filled with high iq beautiful driven people
one word: GENETICS.
genetics rules everything around you and i, you dumbfuck.
also, your line of reasoning is so thin and weak, because these "unhealthy habits" can be done in don't see highly masculine men smoking and drinking to the point of becoming fat, wheezing weaklings.
even when men smoke/drink in high amounts, or eat unhealthy foods, their genetics and years of doing MASCULINE physical activities helps to buffer any damage done by these "unhealthy" behaviors.
STOP trying to copy James Bond and other societal BS cues on how to be manly, and just do what works best for you, within the constraints of your own genetics.
also it's spelled MANLY not MENLY you pajeetnigger.
the eternal /pol/itician arrives to straighten things out
this guy gets it.
this guy also gets it, but due to jewish manipulation, the future does not look bright and white.
War fetishists are easily the most pathetic "men" on the planet. You couldn't announce your insecurity over your masculinity any louder if you tried.
Oh really? I think *every* post in this thread would counteract your statement.
Smoking curbs your appetite.
They also get regular exercise, so moderate drinking doesn't make them fat cows.
They don't put on airs. These "GRRR SO MASCULINE I'M A REAL EUROPEAN" idiots are LARPing as what they think manly men are and it's sad.
love to see what you look like as the offspring of this guy. Because I bet your soyish through and through.
You're actually making shit up, the post doesn't LARP at all. Older generations were definitely manlier, and it probably had something to do with the hardships they experienced. Baby boomers were basically the first generation to go without having to fight a major war (except some in Vietnam), and it shows in how they act. It gets passed on to their kids in how they're raised, and so forth. It's probably why the teenagers today are such beta-esque manlet fucks and why they're all turning into traps or becoming anime-loving weaklings.
Stop projecting so hard you irritable little faggot, there's nothing less manly than some bitch whining like they're on the rag.
wow what's with the shitposting? are you jewish or something?
I'm a soldier who has been to war 6 times. I think you're a faggot
Manly men are manly by not giving a fuck.
holy shit who triggered the weeb
I'm a Marine who was born during a war and just got home from one. I think you're a faggot.
Your grandfather would be ashamed of you. So much so, he would have gassed you with the Jews.
Being the spawn of a man doesn't make you one.
Oh please. They borrow imagery from the past to try and make themselves look better. You ever notice how whenever some /pol/shitter wants to look smart he'll attach an image of an ancient statue to his post? Or how the idiot in this thread does the same sort of thing, trying to look masculine by posting some random soldier? They constantly try to bask in reflected glory.
>weeb talking shit about anyone
This is great lol. I can't imagine what a scrawny soiboi you are, and you're here projecting all this butthurt onto some random guy about his grandpa.
Are you actually trying to argue that genetics doesn't play a role in how people develop? Maybe you need to pick up a fucking science book and read the part about natural selection.
Even the average Veeky Forumsizen is so horribly insecure and lacking in self-confidence. You think every man didn't doubt themselves at times? If someone can draw inspiration from a role model, especially a family member, why wouldn't they?
You sound jealous as fuck 2bh. Were your grandparents draft-dodging cucks or something?
>Older generations weren't more physically active
Are you a fucking retard? There's an obesity epidemic and people are living more sedentary lifestyles now on average, shut your mouth you nonsense spewing dumbfuck.
Neck bridges. Trust me
so in other words destroying their god tier genetic heritage by consuming fermented, carcinogenic jews and participating in various types of degeneracy.
>How does one reconcile this two ideas?
one does not
great grandpa was shot in the face in WW1, still fought with the resistance in WW2. Died at 100
Get slightly 1 upped pussy boy
>Pretty sure my grandpa tacitly helped orchestrate the Holocaust
exactly, Jew Shill, perpetuating the holohoax myth
Yeah his grandpa was on the losing side and this cunt inherited his loser genes
Their superior genetics override the unhealthy habits.
>fought with the resistance
>tfw you now realize he fought for the wrong side
>tfw you realize there was an objectively righteous side in WWII, and they lost
oy vey
so much unnecessary suffering and death.
Imagine if usa had joined nazi germany instead. We would be living in perfect world today, disease free, technologically advanced, probably traveling between the stars or at least within our solar system, yet the reality is we are living in a kike hell.
Read this book.
>Nor was there a test to show whether or not a pilot had this righteous quality. There was, instead, a seemingly infinite series of tests. A career in flying was like climbing one of those ancient Babylonian pyramids made up of a dizzy progression of steps and ledges, a ziggurat, a pyramid extraordinarily high and steep; and the idea was to prove at every foot of the way up that pyramid that you were on of the elected and anointed ones who had the right stuff and could move higher and higher and even--ultimately, God willing, one day--that you might be able to join that special few at the very top, that elite who had the capacity to bring tears to men's eyes, the very Brotherhood of the Right Stuff itself.
>Tom Wolfe-The Right Stuff
stop it, this triggers the sensitive weebs
>menly men also have unhealthy habits: smoking, drinking, definitely don't follow a strict diet
None of those make you manly.
>Needs analogy to explain man's never-ending quest for improvement and ultimately, perfection
Fucking mustardgasbois
High natural testosterone
Being a man is about not giving a fuck and having confidence. You can be a well respected professional earning 6 figures with messy hair and an old t-shirt. you can be a fat sack and still have a girlfriend if you have the success and personality. being able to simply not give a fuck makes you a man. these are the things women cant afford because no matter what, they will always be judged more on their outside appaerance and are more expected to act in a certain way. by being an insecure cuck who worry about wrist size and height, you basicslly give the only advantage you have as a man. Veeky Forums is probably the most unmanly board on the entire site. its men being obsessed with other men. 90% of you have absolutely no personality and you can only define yourself by things you dont like and things you like but only because other men hate it and youre desperate for an identity and want to be like those men you care about so much. no wonder more than 1/3 of this board are virgin.
>good look makes you a men
your social outcast brain on hollywood with no life experience
>delusional euro-centric worldview, the post
Every european I have ever met has been an awkward pretty boy lanklet with little to no athleticism. Say what you will about Americans being fat, if you have superior genes a high calorie diet breeds muscle rather than fat.
it's M A N L Y fuckhead
this. as a men, you can be a plumber or a make-up artist, no one cares. you can be 40 and have a hot 25 year old girlfriend. you can look like a piece of shit and still be widely respected in a field.
being a man is about being able to do what you want. most of this board will never make it as they focus on other men instead of focusing on themselves. the absolute worst is the virgins larping as christians, they are already failing at being a man, and they gave themselves even more restrictions because they are desperate. this boars has just absolutely no idea how wrong they are, but keep looking for a boogeyman
Good approximization of yurop. Everyone can grab outliers, average yuro is a bitch
>This is what wehraboos actually believe
Every male in both sides of my family and even some females have been in the military, most went to war. Most of them are pieces of shit. The military is just a glorified welfare program. But I know you don't care you baiting fuck
my dad is bigger than your dad: the post
achieve something yourselves, and stop bragging about your grandparents achievements, be proud of them, sure, but do something yourself
This guy actually gets it.
It’s simply genetics.
I smoke drink and do a lot of drugs and eat like shit, and I’m still more fit than 99% of guys my age
>that's right goy! 21st century warfare is exactly the same as it was back during WW2! So go join the army and destabilize another middle eastern shithole of Israel's choice so more shitskin refugees can flood Western countries!