Do PUA works or is BS?
Do PUA works or is BS?
It works, depends on the person and how committed they are to self improvement. Just found a wingman near me to help out.
Yes but don't follow it religiously, you'll just end up chasing dragons. Cherry pick the important parts of it and integrate them into yourself. Important things like projecting confidence, owning a social situation, showing clear boundaries and making your intentions clear.
I've been doing it about 5 years now., and yes it does work if you're smart and willing to put in the grind. AMA I suppose.
It's brain poison and it might work on getting some attention from insecure girls but once the jig is up what legs will you have left to stand on? You can't pretend to be something you're not 100% of the time, that's a psychopathic act and a nightmare to boot.
The whole point of it is you aren't pretending. It's a process of genuinely changing your core personality and dispositions. You clearly know fuck all, or have been reading and watching some shit.
>Veeky Forums - Fitness
Google ''Roissy'' and then read every single blog post from before 2009.
Your life will change forever.
Got any decent approach lines/ideas? I just mention their clothes an stuff
what's better
>meticulously re-structure your personality in order to project an air of confidence in order to have sex regularly
>focus on personal accomplishment and success and develop actual confidence as a byproduct, thus rendering you more attractive to women which results in you have sex regularly without extra effort
inb4 autistic screeching
Just ask them about the weather and the immediate surroundings
I understand so much rationally but I can't put it into practice. For instance approaching a girl. I know I'll never see her again and that it doesn't matter if I fuck up. I know that she'll probbly just take it as a compliment and I'll come off more creepy looking at her from a distance and I know it will only make me more confident and competent with girls if I approach her, even if I fuck up, yet I can't get myself to do it. I walk up to her and I just freeze, it's like my subconscious takes over like a scared animal and I walk off. I just can't do it. Even if she was giving me indicating looks, I can't.
This. I committed to it for 2 years with a mate. Only catch is it's just about picking up, orchestrating conversation towards what you want initially. Doesnt really go into advice a year into relationship. After that it's naturally all you and working with someone that compliments your life and you WANT to be with.
>Use PUA to initially meet people and lead to confidence with strangers, especially women.
Any success and confidence in life won't work if you're still too scared to talk to women.
Yes. Sorry, I left for a while. Ignore the other reply. Comment on clothes, the way they walk etc..make it unique to them, and make it slightly humorous. Jokingly compare them to an animal or n eskimo or something. It takes practice to get this down. Always have a slight wry smile and keep eye contact. You will feel - and come off as a spaz for a while. But keep at it and it becomes very effective.
I understand this. Anxiety is a real issue for most guys, but there are ways around it...even it means just easing into by making small talk with guys, or non sexual small talk with women. You HAVE to get over the anxiety to make it work.
Focusing on personal accomplishment and success but avoiding learning how to actually develop social skills specifically designed to be effective at attracting women. Fuck off idiot. Sensible cultivation of "pua" is a great addition to a general SI plan.
Utterly false dichotomy.
you wanna learn how to talk to women? THATS GROSS! CREEP! Just be a natural!
*walks up to random woman and awkwardly says hey*
*woman walks away*
She was a SKANK anyway. I get sex all the time...
*reminices about the two girls who pity slept with him*
it works.
>the nu-male that dont want you to evolve and be your best self.
>dont doing at least both
never going to make it
The best thing about it is that genuinely committing to it encourages you to approach many, many women. The rest is generally just you learning through trial and error what works and what doesn't.
Most dudes have sound social intuitions they're just shit scared of rejection and so never make a move and when they do, give up after the first rejection.
That's really the most value PUA has to offer to a guy who can't get laid. You'd have as much success just approaching as many women as you can and learning from your mistakes; just like you would learn to do anything else.
The actual theory and technique is useful for those who approach many women and never improve because they're too socially maladjusted to understand what they're doing wrong. That's a minority of guys.
Essentially if you want to pick up chicks, start talking to them and don't stop. After a little while you'll realise how stupid it is to have been afraid of them for so long and the rest takes care of itself.
I'd argue both are essential to self-improvement, sans the 'in order to have sex regularly' part. The reason you do what you do is up to you.
The sad part is that girls know most men feel this way. That's why you don't even need to have anything clever to say when you approach a girl. Literally the act of saying more than two sentences to her let's her know that you are better than everyone else who didn't approach her, because you DON'T feel that way.
Even if you feel like it's so obvious you're struggling... Just say "man i'm so tired I don't even know what I'm talking about" and then start saying more random shit. I've talked about the plot of rambo 3 before for so long that she thought I was explaining something I witnessed during a humanitarian aid thing I volunteered at.
In general, the PUA thing works if you are following the correct version. RSDMAX has a great youtube channel. That's what I watched before I decided to start applying the techniques... And there really is only 2 or 3 techniques and most of them revolve around learning to stop caring how stupid you look and just embracing it.
This also pirate bay bang by rooshv an look up krausers in fields
Pua is a noobtrap. It's autistic by definition because they approach social situations with a predetermined pattern. Pua can maybe help you get experience socialising if that's what you need but I wouldn't go further than that.
Had a friend go deep in pua and he became more awkward around women than before.
I even went to a pua meeting with him where we met up with a bunch of pua artists and where supposed to pick up girls during the festivities that were taking place.
They were all very cringey and autistic except 2 chad looking guys.
RSD, PUA's and those faggy motivational speakers all prey on beta men needing someone they can look up to.
Man fit cringe threads look different nowadays
All I'm seeing is a suburb in France.
Tell me this, have you ever met a guy who is an "experienced PUA" who wasnt a douche?
There is only one guy I know who has been doing PUA for some years. He swears it is what transformed him into a pussy slayer (which he really is), but the problem I have with that is: He is 6'5 and looks really good. He thinks his height and looks have little to do with his success with women, but I believe he's only saying that (or wants to believe that), because then pulling the women would really be his own accomplishment thanks to his skills and not just thanks to winning the genetic lottery.
PUA has this really dirty image. At its core, PUA is just the art enjoying social interactions. No tricks, no secrets. It's just the art of learning how to get what you want, enjoying it and making others get on board with it.
Yeah there's the whole shitty pickup lines thing but saying "hey" with the right voice is a pickup line in itself.
It works only because it makes you feel like you’re doing the right thing, like a self fulfilling prophecy based in delusion but if you have any iota of self awareness you will cringe at how unauthentic and lame you’re being. Pretending to be someone your not is another way of saying “I don’t like who I am and am too much of a coward to be myself”
>It works only because it makes you feel like you’re doing the right thing
So it works? Then what's the problem?
Read the second half you dumb nigger
i've read about PUA, but i still don't know what to say to people
i read about "stacking" and telling stories (including stories that demonstrate your higher value). but i literally have no stories to tell
i've read about approaching girls in public during the day. i'm worried these girls will see how ugly and short i am, and yell that i'm harassing her
what do?