What's this 'time under tension' meme I'm seeing from fruitcakes on instagram?
What's this 'time under tension' meme I'm seeing from fruitcakes on instagram?
disregard anything fitness related on instagram
It’s a real thing. Athlean talks about it all the time. Makes sense to me...
>time under tension
>does a normal speed neg and then struggles to get it back up
>only gets two reps
>using 4 25s on each side
jesus christ
no wonder Veeky Forums is so dyel
>no advanced programming discussions ever, just endless "SS is a meme/not a meme" arguements
>"why would i deadlift if i just want to look good?"
>"what is this 'time under tension' meme I'm seeing from fruitcakes on instagram?"
I bet you can't even bench 245, let alone CG for 2
>time under tension
>only 2 reps
Mike Mentzer understood and applied this better than anyone else. Get anything he wrote and read it frontwards and backwards. Mentzer is so, so underrated, he a was a genius of bodyuilding
bumping for science
If you want to look like this, you better wake the FUCK up and stop doing stupid bullshit.
TUT is the GOAT
bingilo dingilo, chicken dinner is yours
Its nothing bro. Keep drinking your soy milk.
Where would you recommend starting?
how the fuck do I get that vascular
>4 25s on each side
read Mike Mentzer
Is this fucker working out in Jeans?
I actually like using time under tension, I'll put one exercise in my program per day for it. It has a really good burn and I find it helps for building strength.
It's basically the same concept as weighted stretching. The longer the muscles are under load, the more muscle fibres are torn.
Haha wow why are you just sitting in front of your computer and making shit up, user? Go to bed.
i never understood why people put small weights on the bar, are they trying to look impressive with that bs?
Drop sets
slow eccentrics are a major component of HIT
this board has fallen for the strength training meme despite mostly having aesthetics goals
why does it matter? it's the same weight