Are weighted vests just a meme?
Are weighted vests just a meme?
ask yourself user, why would you even need one?
my sprints and hikes don't feel intense enough
yes. they are only really good for bodyweight exercises
Have you considered going faster?
sprinting at full speed doesn't get me sore anymore
fuckin lol
Lift weights then, focus on explosive strength so exercises like jump squats will be your friend if you want to get faster.
Of course they are everybody knows weighted turtle shells are where its at.
Fucks up your joints, not really doing anything that lifting wouldn't on the positive side
>running to get sore
I shiggy diggy don't do this
Run hills faggot
Train shorter sprints, a weighted vest wont help you with explosiveness.
Fucks up your joints, not really doing anything that developing a personality wouldn't on the positive side
where can I obtain said turtle shells?
Just get a plate carrier
It can protect you from getting shot, which is more than you can say about weighted meme vests
Kame House duh.
>Running with my body armour on
>45 pound chest rig under jacked because it's cold
>Mugger comes out of no where with a knife
>demands my fitbit and wallet
>Say no
>Get stabbed in the chest
>The knife bounces off my plates
>He looks at me like I'm the fucking terminator
>Asks me I didn't die
"I guess I'm just a lucky guy"
>Beat the shit out of him
Vest like the one in your picture can fully replace a barbell program if you also have a pull-up bar.
Vforce vests are generally incrementally loadable in 3 lb blocks, which can work for progressive overload on calethetics moves.
For a 200 lb man, a push-up would be about 140 lbs of resistance.
A 60 lb vest gets you to 200 lbs.
Then, you switch to one arm knee pushups which is about 100 lbs per arm.
Once you are doing one arm knee pushups with the full vest, you will be pressing in the high 200s and should be able to do one arm pushups.
Rinse and repeat to get the same effect as benching in the 300s.
>For a 200 lb man, a push-up would be about 140 lbs of resistance.
>A 60 lb vest gets you to 200 lbs.
How does a class 2 lever work?
calisthenics is all I gotta say /thread
>Vest like the one in your picture can fully replace a barbell program
Stop posting.
>How does a class 2 lever work?
The effects are null because the vest weight is concentrated around the middle of the torso.
You can prove this objectively with a scale and a backpack.
The load is still in between the effort and the fulcrum
you are retarded
kek please be real
This. Wear them when your doing pullups, dips, pushups, etc.
>wear weighted vest for so long that I don't even notice it anymore.
>take it off one day to get it washed.
>go to gym and try to put the moves on a new hotty, but without the vest I'm so fast that she can't even detect my movements.
Wear it for dips, pull ups, push ups rows etc for huge gains. Weighted calisthenics is fuckin Goat
no dude, newtonian physics don't actually apply when wearing a weight vest, great question
bad for joints if used with "impact motions" (running, jumping)
but for things such as weighted dips, slow and controled no impact, it's obviously suprior to having a 25 lbs plate dangling between your legs
I walk 3-4mi a day with around 75 lbs attached to me and lift after, it works out just fine for me.
>I have no comeback
fucking newfags
Weighted vests are for retards. No, really, they are. I work as a behavioral therapist, and I'm being completely serious when I say we use weighted vests to make mentally retarded children who like to escape a little slower.
The only downside (lol) to this is when we take the vest off, the kids are like rabbits, they're so much faster then normal. So what we've started to do is to make them wear the vest the whole day, then when we are loading them on the bus to go home, we take the vest off. All the parents have been complaining, but we don't care.
Used to go up and down the hill of life in Austin a lot. Got so jacked by carrying rocks and alternating press, triceps, curls. Then sprint holding like a football
thanks bro
bait might be bait, but bait is still funny
only if its tactical
should just break their legs imho
Weighted pushups
Found the newfag
>The load is still in between the effort and the fulcrum
Imagine a 5 foot rigid weightless plank on the floor that can be gripped.
Place a 150 lb box at the end you are lifting.
Next, place the same box near the pivot point.
The scenario with the weight at the pivot point will be easier to lift.
The scenario with the weight near you will be harder to lift.
How low can she even go with those tits? Also
>light people doing push ups
Not impressive imo
>How low can she even go with those tits?
Still more range of motion than most powerlifters.
Only really useful if you are an anime character.
And even then you'll probably don't get much millage out of it, because willpower and some plottwist powerup will be worth more than your trash training.
>sprinting at full speed doesn't get me sore anymore
That doesn't mean anything
Former soldier here, used to wearing a plate carrier
its a fucking meme
Well her tits are smaller than most powerlifters
Can confirm. At my meme of a community college there is this one tard that has to wear a vest and constantly be wrangled by a para. He got loose once lol
>unintentionally creating an army of super fast and jacked retards
Were you feelin' fit buddy?
>"I guess I'm just a lucky guy"
Nice Veeky Forums reference.
I used one while training for the CPAT to mimic carrying the gear during certain workouts.
Would not recommend buying one unless you had a very specific reason to. Collects dust now. Total meme.
I broke my wrist, used them to do weighted leg exercises but I have not touched it since.
If im already lugging around 100lbs of fat, putting on another 80 sounds like it'd do wonders for my back pain!
nah. ill just start the sticky.
>Almost 2018
>not doing speed screeches
The question is, can we use them?
Anime as fuck.
wouldn't it be better to just progress to archer/1h pushup and 1h pullup? Or are we talking beyond that?
1H pushups/pullups are different than weighted pushups/pullups. It's like the difference between dumbbell vs. barbell bench, or pullups and pulldowns. You should be doing both.
Will the weights help me train for explosive vest?