Talking to friends about jerking off

>talking to friends about jerking off
>tell them I masturbate without porn
>they look at me like I’m the weird one

Who else /noporn/ masterrace?

i don't touch myself and preserve my lifeseed

Tell your friends they are falling for the jew mind control.

I try to, but I keep relapsing.
But going 2-3+ months without porn makes you feel wonderful. Everyone should do this. It's probably one of the reasons why testosterone is so low these days.

Helps me!
Smart. Sex is good but if I rationalize noporn wankin I'll rationalize porn the next day

I think it definitely causes feelings of sexual inadequacy, which probably doesn’t help your overall stress levels, and that definitely will drive your test down. Porn detaches people from reality completely, it’s just not healthy.

>everyone crying about how net neutrality being repealed will ruin their porn
>mfw I have trained my mind to conjure avatars on the astral plane to arouse myself

My pornstars exist only in the nominal world, as forms without causality. They float behind my eyes as ethereal maidens, awaiting the beck and call of their aroused God.

>mfw I masturbate with and without porn
>mfw I never had problems while fucking girls
>mfw I still appreciate and get aroused by innocent things like a girl just showing me her boobs and even holding my hand up to walking her naked on the street like a dog.
You guys need to step it up.

Is there an acceptable and healthy limit to which porn can be used?