What's your sleep routine, Veeky Forums?


Been sleeping >5 hours for the past week. Not sure I'm even tired anymore.

whenever i feel like it because i don’t need to show up for class or study and can do hw without reading the textbook. 5-6 hours at night, 1-3 hours after lifting and lunchtime. Biphasic sleep is the alpha method. Allows for waking up at random hours and going to bed very late. doesn’r significantly effect gains at all. neither does caloric deficit if you don’t have subhuman genetics

sleep routine
>usually stay at a friends place from like 8pm to 3am
>fall asleep cause bong
>wake up around 3 am hit another one
>go home
>home at 3:30
>sleep for another 3 hours
>alarm every 5 minutes till i finally have to get up at like 9:30
>super late for work means i have to work longer
>get home, workout, visit friend

life is a painful circle and i wanna break out

10-7 every night. If I need to get up early then I'll just go to bed earlier to keep it at 9 hours.

Wake up at 3 am every night to the horrible fear and darkness I feel at my back and I'm unable to move

go to bed at 1am and wake up at 12pm

Going bed hoping that I'm never going to wake up.

Sleeplets, when will they learn?
>brush teeth right after dinner
>fuck around for couple hours
>21:30 open window, turn off radiator
>22:00 close window, go to bed, play with phone
>23:00 bed is warm, room is cool, fall asleep
>7:30 wake up feeling well rested
>take a nap after lunch

>Alarm every 5 minutes for 3 hours


>get three plus blankets
>lay on the floor with no pillow
>take valerian root
>read but end up thinking about my ex
>get sad
>get six to eight hours of shitty sleep

sleep paralysis is a good thing you should try turning it into astral projection

>read before bed
>no pillow
>sleep like a baby and don't move when I sleep
After years of 3h a night filled with nightmares and backpain I have finally achieved patrician status

Crying 1xF

> 5-6 hours at night, 1-3 hours

Do you set an alarm for either of these sleep cycles? I think I would oversleep on the 5-6hrs sleep cycle, but seems like a good cycle overall which is why I'm asking.


my sleep is relatively normal except when i have a lot of work. unfortunately over the last two years i've been moving houses a lot and no one seems to fucking understand that it's not just a switch for me, i get woken up real easy and it usually takes me a while to drift off
people just scream and shit after i go to bed and when i tell them to shut up i'm the ass, i just don't get how so many people sleep as heavily and as well as they do

7.5 hours a night for maximum rest

how bro

Go to bed anywhere between 10 and 12pm, rarely later than that. Wake up between 6 and 8 without an alarm.

I sleep like 10hrs a day

I can't seem to function normally, not sure if it is depression or something but mentally I have no reason at all to get up so early in the morning, I wake up when I feel like it and I work remote so working just means turning on my laptop, logging in, and checking emails- deciding when do i actually respond to this and start working

I need some balance to my life, I need a reason to get up earlier, just not sure what i can do since im enjoying my fucked up state of mind

Honestly I alternate between short and long nights based on how much I work (very physical job) and train. On a true off day I am going to be shitposting until like 2 am

>Go to bed at around 11 pm
>Wake up with my watch alarm (vibrates, it's less annoying than sound)
>Go to the gym

It isn't that hard

my body seems to naturally prefer about 6 hours at night and then right after lunch around like 1-3 PM it wants another 1-2 hours of sleep, I dunno if I got lucky and just have MJ type circadian rythm or if this is from public school and vidya as a kid. Whatever works for you, biphasic sleep just keeps me energetic in the evening and allows for night owl schedule and random wakeups. U cud set up alarm if you fear sleeping the full 8-9 hour block.

>get to bed around 11
>fall asleep instantly
>wake up in the middle of the night to piss
>go back to sleep instantly
>wake up at 6:30 - 7:00 feeling exhausted

>go to bed at 12pm
>wake up once or twice during the night
>finally wake up at around 4:30-5am
>can't fall back asleep

At 11 pm I go to bed
Then at 5 am I fall asleep after 6 hours of tossing around unable to sleep and crying into the pillow
Wake up at 730 am, spend day on a precipice between dreamland and reality
Repeat infinitely

I go to sleep at 8 PM, and wake up at 5 AM.

>be me have trouble sleeping for 20 years
>can literally sit there for five or six hours before falling asleep
>get depressed and put on antidepressants
>fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes
>three years later depression gets better so I slowly decrease medication
>get to a sub therapeutic dose still fall asleep fine
>completely stop medication second night takes three hours to fall asleep
Guess I will just be on antidepressants forever

Snooze makes you more tired. It's better to set the alarm at 9:20 and have it on and off for 10 minutes than to do it for 3 hours.


I work from 11pm-7am with 3-4 4 hour OT shifts (either on the front or end of the shift) a week.

So I really dont have a sleep routine. Its easily the single least healthy aspect of my life.

stay wake until drop dead from exhaustion
wake up only with murderous intend


Why not piss just before bed?

Dudes, same thing was happening to me, which was abnormal because usually I'm a great sleeper. The problem was believe it or not, the lightbulb. I moved to a new place (student) and in my room was a white halogen bulb (really bright). I was advised to change it to the usual yellow bulbs I've always lived with and viola, sleeping problem disappeared. And no, I didn't keep the bulb on until bed time, usually turned it off and hour or two before bed and would use my bedside lamp which had a yellow bulb but still couldn't fall asleep.

>tl:dr maybe try changing the lightbulb to what you've usually lived with