Even lefty "science" pages confim the fact that we already knew.
Even lefty "science" pages confim the fact that we already knew.
I saw that on kikebook too. I had a quiet chuckle.
>If youare a man with a female partner and you don't have the perfect body, go ahead and ask her what kind of body type she prefers in men. We'll wait.
>Ok, have you done that? If she said anything other than "massive rippling abs", "oiled bulging biceps", or "pecs that can dance up and down on command", there's a good chance she's lying to you out of kindness, according to a new study from Griffith University, Queensland.
“Our data couldn’t find even a single woman that preferred weaker or feminine male bodies.”
>the researchers also found that women preferred tall and lean men
when will they learn
How the fuck is that bad news ? Even when I was DYEL i knew women preferred strong healthy men. Its why i decided to get fit and I'm all the better for it.
The weirdest thing is that anyone will find this surprising
Women are attracted to men who look like they have good genetics and are strong. Shock
Because you can't be a lazy fuck and desirable at the same time, something modern western society starts to actually believe.
Saw this study posted on reddit and all the soyboys were coping hard. Was fun to read through those comments.
post thread
>females attracted to strong, lean and fit body types
>bad news
Why is this bad?
they are supposed to like the queers that read pages like i fucking love science
this would be a great time to post that fascist rap video but it got deleted
When will YOU learn? Never, I guess
Post the link, I’m down on sodium this week
>current year
>gender roles not progressing
I can't even
>it's not good news, men
it's very good news
screencap faggot or cherrypick the comments, i aint clicking reddit. its going to be useful for /fph/ as well
Think it was this one
oy vey ishtvan
>i-its just college age women
>small sample size!
>it changes with age!
>face is more important!
fucking hell these people
Not user but I searched and found
ctrl-F "ripped but still lean" if you want a rage-laugh
OP here.
I'm Hungarian and I'm really ashamed of the fitness of the people here.
lmao the cope
Oy vey! What those comments could've been about?
I am also of Hungarian origins.
To be honest with ya I never noticed that. Are we?
When I lived in Hungary I never noticed an obese person in my city. Maybe one guy who was a regular visitor to my gym but thats all
>There were other points as well, e.g. previous researchers suggested a kind of inverted-U shape between attractiveness and strength, claiming that very strong men would be found unattractive. There is some evidence for that with pictures of body builders, but we tested a normal population and found no evidence for it at all.
Sadly, thots will probably STILL be saying "uh i don't find muscly bodybuilders attractive"
I live in Miskolc, and there aren't much obese person here yet.
I can see lot's of fat kids sadly, and older people are fat too
They all say they love it, but how come I see smaller and weaker dudes with qts?
About onions
Charisma and or money
>face is more important
I doubt most of reddit users bitching about this have an attractive face.
>lefty "science" pages
lmao brainlet
>The questions "how strong does this guy look" and "how attractive is this guy" correlated at about .85 with each other. They're almost the same question.
-Quote from one of the study authors
kurva anyad miskolci suttyo
>i aint clicking reddit
watch out sonny, ma's callin' cuz the cows done jamped tha fence agin
personality, looks, intimidation
Damn ol' Marky boy looks like Tom Hardy in this pic.
Also that quote gives me hope, thanks user, I needed that right now.
The avg. Hungarian mentality. Thats why I never talked to youngsters back then. Bunch of braindead faggots. I was not far away from miskolc tho
huzz el kisgyerek
Radu here, I was recently in Budapest and hungarians didn't seem fat on average, why do you say that?
Hungarians are known for shit mentality but its especially worse in the eastern part of the country. Miskolc is basically Brooklyn/Detroit of Hungary. its the lowest scum, everyone tries to run away
Because when you say "bodybuilder" people think of freaks like Coleman in his stage looking excessively big and unproportionate and also the idiotic synthol Popeye guy, both on the.same category, while you think on the proportionate guy and discard the rest that are not into aesthetics.
So when you hear people say "I don't like muscly guys or they look disgusting, they are thinking in the freaks alone.
And also, there's a huge sensorial difference between seeing a BB in a screen than in real life, same goes with models and extremely attractive people
yeah but
>We also brought men to the gym and tested their strength on weight lifting machines: super long pull, bicep curl, chest press, and an ab crunch. We measured the most they could for 10 reps.
-Quote from one of the study authors
why are you even there
i searched "body type study" in last week
Not the best test of strength but I imagine it gives a good measure of how strong a group of guys are comparatively to each other.
I don't know, I like it here.
Hardship strengthens the will, so faggots are rare.
The city is full of life, and the university is good too in my opinion(but I may be a little biased since I work there).
The buildings are cheap and quite nice, the forest is near so the air quality is good too, not to mention the endless túraösvénys
I know who i think about
Well yeah, that's how you measure strength for scientific study purposes. You want to eliminate technique, leverages, learning curve etc. Also time constraints and liability.
Machines allow to standardize movement in different subjects. For the purposes of this study is enough, they weren't looking for Olympic athletes doing clean an jerks
>super long pull
tf is that
>no squat
I wonder what the correlation is between squat 1RM and attractiveness
long pull is also known as seated cable row machine
Alot of college athletes squat, at least the guys I know who are in football, rugby, hockey and basketball, so there's probably a correlation.
Probably a U shape like the other guy said; if you're too weak then it's unattractive, but getting to the point where you can squat 700 lbs will probably be too much for most females.
Id guess its lat pulldown
It's pic related, seated cable row.
Kekd hard user
>that pic
Anyone else train for self-improvement not bitches?
I self improve for (partially) for bitches. Nothing wrong with wanting to be attractive man, it's as natural as wanting to be powerful and healthy.
kurva anyádat OP
The younger population is mostly okay, but the older part of society is heavily obese. It can caused by genetics (Adrian fenotypes often gain weight in their older ages), but mostly caused by ignorance (egyél hozzá kenyeret kisfiam, mert nem laksz jól) and by our shitty fatty cuisine
Have you ever been to Balaton or a public beach? Every 10th people looks decent.
>it's not good news that women want gods to breed them
(((inverted))) world
I can't decide betwee troll, sy who didnt read other IFL articles or brainlet.
Well, not the fattest but one of em'.
that's inaccurate, Mexico and the Pacific Island countries are way fatter than the United States
Keep telling yourself that, amerifat.
Isn't the Emirates the first with 80% obesity rate?
> 1 million comments
> all cope posts saying what about muh legs and face
lmao. How is this even controversial that women like fit guys? Fucking soy boys need to get off the internet.
make sure to sort by controversial or new for maximum laughs
>[+] Comment removed
Why is lebbit such a fucking shithole?
And this is bad news for some reason?
And holy shit, that comment section is so butthurt,both women and nu-males.
>all that dyel cope
Mein sides
>Yeah, just based on the upper torso. I wonder what would happen if they did the same study with just the lower body. I think there might be a chance that women actually care more about strong legs and round butt more than chest and arms. Then you add the face into the equation, they'd probably prefer a handsome skinny guy over an ugly buff dude. Add their scores on standardized tests, results would swing even more. I'm just saying stuff that was sort of acknowledged through implication in the article
SS claims another victim
The 'fat american' meme doesn't die easily
Change the URL from Reddit to Ceddit. It reloads the page with any mod removed comments made visible.
>Bear mode at 5'6"
>Koala mode
>It's Not Good News, Men
>implying low test soyboys with no muscle mass are worthy of being called men
Kinda dumb test desu. They should try ottermode vs stronk, both with same bf%. That would be a truer test.
Yup I read through the thread on reddit.
The amount of soy boy seething got me erect.
It's crazy I hate the left and men on the left so much, that knowing they see that thread on the front page and are absolutely seething with anger that their hug box fav sub reddit is bullshit.
Leftist redditor men should be fed to muslims and africans
Where there men really under this delusion? When I was fat even I knew it wasn't attractive to girls.
I'm surprised that most of the removed comments actually brought nothing to the dicsussion and were writter by dyels and retards
did they buy into the dadbod hype? and actually believe it?
>Basically, being a strong, fat guy is OK
/plg/ will be relieved
bloat max fat disgusting power lifter trys his best attempt at mental gymnastics to convince himself he is attractive to the opposite sex.
>good body takes work
>this is bad news
Female mindset.
he looks like a ninja turtle without the shell and the face of alex jones
Women settle for good things in whatever areas they can find, while searching for better options to leave their man for.
If you're jacked but far poorer or uncharismatic compared to her dyel man, she won't bite except maybe for some side dick. If you're rich and jacked and charismatic and single she's contemplating risk/reward in her head.
I'm fucking tired of being a tall lanklet! I want to be fit right fucking now but it's so hard