Hey, guys, I'm a pro wrestler. Rate my physique

Hey, guys, I'm a pro wrestler. Rate my physique

why doesnt Jinder just get fucking gyno/

What is his fucking problem
The rock got the operation.
I got the operation.

A.J clean
ya seething

Rocky had to wear the track suit for a long time though. Jinder wants to show off his tits.

>why doesnt Jinder just get fucking gyno
because he already has one

>be a pro wrestler
>have to wrestle The Titler
>lock up... he breaks it and puts you into a headlock
>your mouth accidentally touches his man puffies
>your teeth graze the roid acne and one pops open
>you spit the solidified oil onto the puffy
>it looks like he's lactating

The brass balls of the WWE to push this dude and try and act like hes clean

he had slight gyno when he was skinnyfat years ago, why didn't he get that shit fixed when he got released

Cena, HHH, Shane these guys are 100% without question TRT / HGH
...They really don't care

IF anyone believes Cena is Natty, you deserve to be shot


Jinder claims natty.
He would fit right in here on Veeky Forums

kek, actually HHH is off the gear now. He looks really bad. Don't know about shane, i haven't seen him shirtless

Shane is on HGH, thus he looks better now than he ever did when he was young. His jaw is defined he solid as rock
HGH is truly the fountain of youth..

Oh, i have noticed he looked way more buff than ever before, when he returned . but he always wears big shirts covering the biceps.Good for Shane

But they look good, they don't have puffy nips

doesnt hgh give u a gut or is that just when u abuse it too much?

No. Thats hgh + insulin and possibly other crap as well.

Can hgh be taken alone, or do people take it with other shit?

Yea not everyone gets gyno and Jinders is probably pubertal gyno.

Some guys get gyno without taking roids, some don't even get it

why is he always red faced and sweaty just walking to the ring? is his heart giving out?
dude was sweating harder than the actual wrestlers and he was just reffing yesterday

its all the shit hes on

hgh+ insulin

Probably the same reason vince looked that same way when he started doing ring shit


Kek that's what I thought as well

This is a photoshop. His tits aren't that bad yet.