extra delusional edition

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If the landwhale is actually on the moon that could work.

And unless the blondies is 6'3", she's not 150 lbs.

if your explaining the difference between lbs and kilos then yes you would be correct

they both weigh 150

Dat omission of units tho.

No way that pic is real, they don't make jeans that size do they? and how are the chains able to support that many tons?

That thing on the right is wayyyyy bigger than 150kg/330lbs.





It's so obviously shopped from a shop from a shop from the original

No way that is a real picture

The one on the right would be pretty if she dropped 2/3rds of her bodyweight

Still would....

There is no way that poor little chain could support her weight.

The power of onions...

you mean 7/8ths


Made for the BBC

Do I HAVE to?

> made for the Bovine Beef Chopper

Hear hear

Why does this happen? I've seen black guys that could get much better looking women but they go for blimps.

Slim bitches aren't challenges for black guys, they strive for having the entirety of their dicks feeling something while thrusting inside, so they aim for hamplanets

shut it Elgin

Blonde is like 120lbs at most.
She is skinnier than my girlfriend who is 130.

Right is easily over 250lbs.

Right is easily 500 lbs
My friend is 300 lbs and way smaller than that beast



I don’t really see what you guys are angry about. In the last two years I have gotten pretty fat, and I haven’t encountered any problems. Even my gf loves me. (She is fat too, we got fat together.)


More like lbs and stone

>"can I sit in your lap user?"
>"uhhhh well..."
>you say as your in house whale you call a girl friend stands towering over you"
>being a socially awkward beta manlet has forced you to drop your standards to just above literal trash bag
>she turns around and slams you into the floor like a construction vehicle backing up. the entire room shakes and all the air is shoot out of your lungs.
> she slowly puts more and more weight till CRACK. you feel pure pain as your rib breaks and punctures your already empty lung. you begin to cry and feebly small at her huge ass. her nerve endings being dead for years due to lack of blood flow she doesn't even notice.
>"oh user, I love you so much. I can't wait till we get married and have kids, but no sex before then."
> she goes up and down in excitement. each time CRACK CRUNCH POP
>you pray to God repeatedly to let you die and have this fat land whale starve to death while eating 30 pizzas afterwards.
>but in reality you know another beta cuck fat loving autistic subhuman will tend to her every need after you die.
>you realize justice, fairness, morals, god, and any semblance of hope for humanity dies within you.
>all of your guts shoot out of your mouth splattering all over the wall.
>"OH FUCK!!!
>not another one..."

how do these fucking things live? don't their hearts just give out from that insane weight it has to pump oxygen to?

Notice how the pictures are always 20 to 40ish year olds?


Get fat and find out. Seriously.

you sure, user? in high school i knew some giga niggas who were about 6'0-6'3 and ~300lbs which was partly muscle since they ere football players, and weren't impossibly far off from that build. I figure that since she's a woman with different sructure, and it's likely all fat, and she's probably around 5'4 (as per USA average), she's likely about 330-370 lbs.


They don't even look real

No it’s not. gf was a feeder, but it rubbed off on her pretty badly.



>lifting whole life
>realizing your just a fuckboi for beanbags

Thanks user.

i would facefuck the ever living shit out of the one on the left jesus christ hold me


Too late


Someone should photoshop the chain of the fat much larger











I dont get it


I'm 80kg at about 5'10", and I'm skinnyfat, my bro is pretty built and he's ~100kg at 6' something, that beast is at least 200kg


This is Hungarian youtube celebrity he rakes in a lot of dosh during his “Getting drunk as fuck” stream. You can pay him $60 and he will dance for you.











You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.

>An effective language
Du host moi wornung ogehört :DDDD



How appropriate, she does look like a bog monster

Looks like she's being choked by her own fat


this one confuses me more than anything

I dont get it


holy shit that's grim

laffed oot loud


try 350

How pathetic do you have to be to be killed by deer or vending machines?

Some fuckers ate an entire thing of dark chocolate almonds from a store I worked at and then had the gall to get a refund. Sadly they got their money back. Was like 15$ worth of stuff

>didn't have to butter the doors

check'd n' nice

This bitch's pants weight 73 pounds!?

>me in the back

Man, she would be gorgeous. There is no way she didnt think so too.

But that's my fetish user.

damn she thicc though

If a deer fucking charges you then you will get fucked up. Check our some videos. Get knocked on your ass and bounce your head on the ground = fucked. Vending machine is just retarded exercising Darwinism.

deers are car accidents?

Deer are strong as fug dude.
If they kick you then you are fugged up

It's when you hit a deer with a car and it goes through the windshield.