Bodyweight general/BWG/ Winter is here edition

>Overcoming your BodyWeight [Open] [Open] [Open]

>2016 Olympics highlights [Open]

>What is gravity lul [Open] [Open] [Open]

>Skinny grills with asses [Open]


>Youtube Channels

>Safest Static Hold Progression

>Common Prereqs

>Wrists mobility

Foundation Handstand One

>Bicep Tendon Prep [Open]

>Scooby teaches you how to do a pull Up [Open]

>How to make parallettes out of PVC

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Don't let this one die in an hour, fuck-Os


Throw out a question, pal.


Come on you fuckers, ask some questions, post pics or just how your training's going idc

Got 3 full ROM handstand push ups today and hefesto is getting closer

Been doing plebbit rr for 8 months or so, gained 10 lbs in the first 6. The past 2 months been stalling at about 165 lbs. (6'2) My progress has been stalling also on chin-ups, can only do 1x8 and 2x6, been like this for a month or so. Should I switch up shit?

These both look like they are absolutely terrible for your joints.

Do more work, I find that when I am stalling just doing more helps a lot.

whats better;circus acrobatics or olmypic gymanstics?

Well olympic gymnastics are based on doing certain skills or movements for points. Circus acrobatics are based on just aesthetics I guess.
I really don't like gymnastics that much to be honest, I think its much better just to train calisthenics alone if you want to master different movements and just look good.

can you ever look like this if you do enough proper calisthenics tho?

Trying to increase my pt scores, what are some good ways to increase numbers of push ups and sit ups? Just progress on reps? Or should I do harder movements, then go back to push ups and sit ups once I’m stronger?

Who knows, there are street workout guys like Matteo who are doing malteses and planches on rings like video related
but he still does other weird exercises because he has freedom to do whatever he wants without being distracted by gymnastic rules

iv been told people hannibal4kang secretly lift.
however soon I'll have 2 hours for calish. daily training.
Ill try to look buff trough BD only.hope it works

why do you care if someone lift or not? Just do whatever you want.
Also certain calisthenics guys have better Victorians than gymnasts kek

Even the biggest calisthenic guys seem to have tiny bitch forearms. Is there anything that can be done about this?

Quick question:
>Going on vacation
>No access to gym
>Calisthenic noob

What can I do during this week?
Just something to prevent too much muscle atrophy as I am also cutting.

Can I get this pic with a higher resolution?
Hard to see all the pictures and read the text.

Look at Dan Jeong, he has very developed overall arms.
Also i think doing false grip work and towel pull ups is very helpful.

hey man want to be friends with me

try doing L-chin ups instead of chin ups. If you can do 1x5 stick with them. You got many options here actually. but you got the right idea that you need to switch something up. You shouldn't be stalling for 2 months in the beginning. Especially on back exercises.

If you are stalling in weight it means you've balanced expenditure and intake of calories. you got to eat more to weigh more. But you know what those feminist gals say .. weight is just a number. Just look in the mirror and decide if you want to eat more, don't look at the scales.

>adding more and more backpack weight to pushups instead of switching form
>pullups are going great
>use backpack with 38lb for bicep curls
My upper body is getting pretty good but my core is pretty shit I think, my lower body is very lacking, and I'm not sure what exercises I can incorporate into this that doesn't target any of the muscles I'm already working out.

Also, should I switch form on my pushups or just do regular ones and add weights indefinitely? It feels like such a hassle to do handstand pushups and alternate between wide grip and diamond pushups. I just do normal ones now so I hit all the muscles evenly.

look up greasing the groove

Increasing numbers is different than getting stronger. I used to be able to do like 100 regular pushups when I was just doing regular ones aiming for longer and longer. Now that I do much harder pushups with low reps and am much stronger, I can hardly hit like 20-30 pushups and that's a real struggle.

Training endurance is really just doing more and more reps continuously. Just do regular pushups every day for as far as you can and you will see progress fast. Regular pushups aren't that hard too so you don't have to worry about recovery.

progressing to one arm pullup using this method is almost literally impossible. Much better to add weight to regular pullups once you can do those

>progressing to one arm pullup using this method is almost literally impossible. Much better to add weight to regular pullups once you can do those

How many powerlifters can do one arm pushups?

I'm just saying you need at least DOUBLE strength progressing from regular pullups to single arm pullups. Just raising yourself higher seems like a really inefficient way to DOUBLE your strength once you can do regular pullups

someone pls reply, is the backpack thing a good plan or am I fucking up?

I disagree with planks as an exercise. A dude held a plank for like 4 hours and his stomach muscles were smaller than mine. It's just endurance and nothing else.

Nothing wrong with a backpack as long as you are training with the proper intensity.
There's no reason for your core to lack with calisthenics at all. Just do L-sit and dragon flag progressions.
As for legs if you want to gain a lot of strength i would start doing nordic curls and sprints.

Are there ANY worthwhile door frame pull up bars that just stay in place by tightening them until the tension keeps them in places? Ones like Iron Gym don't fit my weird ass door frame well and I'm worried they'll fuck the top of the frame.

But I feel like a lot of tension bars can only handle up to like 160 lbs, and I don't want it to become useless once I start gaining weight.

he lifts and is on drugs, all competitive athletes at the world championship and olympic level weight train and take drugs

Thanks for the reply dude

How's dragon flag vs hanging leg raises?

They are both different.
Hanging leg raise you just go from a stretch position to full contraction.
Dragon flag you are in a hollow body position using your core isometrically

>every athlete on that level takes drugs
This is the dumbest meme in the world. Yes, out of the thousands and thousands of athletes who competes in the olympics, a lot of them are probably taking drugs. But there's proportionally very few compared to the total athletic base. One high profile dude and a corrupt branch of russian olympic team gets caught and the ten thousand athletes competing are suddenly considered dopers too.

You've never actually tried to do any of that.
A real half pullup is feat in and of itself.
Belittitling it like that basically exposes how little experience you actually have.

they’re all on drugs, all the chad’s at my HS (won state 4/8 years since i was in 5th grade to freshman year of collitch) who were starters were doping. the other school in my state which wins the state ship every year (this is fb) has been caught doping up their athletes multiple times in the last decade, dozens of those kids went on to play at D1 schools. Drugs are everywhere in hs and college sports, when medals and pro contracts are on the line its obvi even more prevalent. don’t be sad its just how people respond to incentives. and again, i luv dips and pullups as much as anyone else but that nigger in your image is lifting, taking supps and doping

I went from halfrep pullups > full pullups > weighted full pullups and now I'm just adding weight.

Sure I might have been an asshole for criticizing it (if it works), but the jump seems too steep using that progression method.

I'm from Norway and know one skiier on the olympic team and a swimmer on the olympic team
>inb4 calling those meme sports
And I guarantee you neither of them are doping. They talk among themselves wondering if certain co-athletes have taken drugs before, but nobody accuses each other now because they get tested constantly throughout the entire year, even offseason.

One skiier took a lip cream for her cracking lips that her doctor gave her the OK to take, one substance in that cream is on the banned list because in really high doses it can technically be abused, and she got immediately banned. There was a lot of controversy about it.

Cheating might be more prevalent in certain places, but in others it is really not that normal

You didn't actually attempt it yourself and jumped straight to weighted.

Your opinion is less then meaningless.
It actually seems actively harmful stupid and pushes the weighted calisthenics meme that all lazy imbeciles do.

Here's 350lb paul anderson doing handstand pushups for reps.

>You didn't actually attempt it yourself and jumped straight to weighted.
To be fair I didn't follow some guide or chart, had to figure shit out on my own.

>This is the dumbest meme in the world.
Oh, you poor dumb child.
They are all, every single one of them, on drugs.
Even the olympic walking team and curlers are on drugs.

Since you're not talking about your one arm pullup or absolutely fucked it up.
Good job.

I'm sure many athletes on a high level are on something, but those are probably more common in strength based sports like gymnastics and weightlifting. Do you think fucking curlers are shotting up tren?

Getting strength vs doing an impressive gymnastic move is very different. I did it for strength, where weights are fine. I don't say people who perform athletic calisthetics are retarded for pursuing it, but you're actually an idiot if you dismiss adding weight for higher gains.

They are on drugs that give them a bit of endurance boost and concentration boost.
It's a thing.

>Getting strength vs doing an impressive gymnastic move is very different.

You are absolutely fucking retarded and have no place in this thread.
You and the rest of the "use weights while doing calisthenics" imbeciles should fuck off.

There's a drug hysteria around the olympics right now mostly because Russia got caught doing state-sponsored doping (surprise, the most corrupt shithole of a country in the world does something unethical), and a few high profile guys have been caught over the years. Makes for great sensationalized news, but compare that to the thousands of olympic athletes and the caught ones make up a 1-2% of the total olympic base.

Not only that, but drug detection has become so good that a lot of the people caught were using really shitty drugs whose effectiveness are doubtful at best. It's perfectly easy for a natty to compete with these idiots taking supplements that supposedly has an effectiveness comparable to caffeine.

Well just to have my input here. When it comes to one arm pull up for example I have had much more success training it with the pulley system instead of just doing weighted chin ups.
The same with planche and front lever.

Adding weights to simulate increasing your total bodyweight for BODYWEIGHT exercises is perfectly acceptable, you retard. There's no reason to gatekeep or be elitist about this, it's about getting stronger and healthier, not following some buddhist purist principle.

Dude, all of them, every single fucking one of them ARE ON FUCKING DRUGS!
If it's not steroids or growth it's a drug that helps concentration endurance etc etc.

Wake up and smell the coffee

you're actually right

It fucking defeats the purpose of bodyweight and is only championed by oft stupid and weak pussies who are too dumb to use variations or too fucking weak to do higher strength endurance activities to build the necessary base of strength endurance.

Fuck off back to the lifting threads.

>It fucking defeats the purpose of bodyweight
Last I checked, the end goal is to perform cool feats. What's the problem with adding weights to optimize the process?

What about his shoulders, chest?

You judge

>It fucking defeats the purpose of bodyweight and is only championed by oft stupid and weak pussies who are too dumb to use variations or too fucking weak to do higher strength endurance activities to build the necessary base of strength endurance.
>saving time is retarded because of muh purist principles

No, it's to strengthen your body using your own bodyweight.
Not perform cool tricks. You actually have to train to get to that point.

Also, the weight lifting you've been retarding on about STOPPED at just low rep "heavy" weighted basic calisthenics movements.

You're not progressing fucking anywhere. You've stopped you've stalled and you're making a safe movement more dangerous because you're fucking lazy.

Bro, you're in a rush to nowhere.
What you push gets no one in this thread towards any goal that they want.

Shouldn't you be shilling optimal and time managed lifting in yet another trash powerlifting thread?
I'm sure you can convince a few stupid naifes to ruin their joints with stupid workouts.

thanks for the info.
I didn't know the plank was a meme.
that being said, I think I will still do it for the endurance if nothing else.

I am all for bodyweight but ignoring weight training for isolation is retarded. I was stuck at 30 pull ups when I only did bodyweight. After starting weights (mostly machines and dumbbells) I could suddenly do 72 pull ups (12,12 10,10, 8,8 6,6)

plank is just a really basic exercise. People should progress to a harder variation instead of holding one for 3-4 mins or more. It's like curling a 5lbs dumbbell for 1000 reps and hoping to get rich piana arms.

Just do straight arm planks, its harder and also trains arms and good for joints

Lying faggot who always pops into any thread that talks about calisthenics and goes on about how lifting weights and the gym helped him go from 2 pushups to doing one handed one fingered chinups

The fuck is your problem, fuck off cunt

>I could suddenly do 72 pull ups
>(12,12 10,10, 8,8 6,6)

you what m8

Why are you shitting on a program with logical progressions when you yourself are a shitter who straps on a fucking weight filled backpack?

You never tried to do heavier variations and even passively aggressively spat on it like a female.

The fuck are you even doing here? Are you here to suggest doing basic calisthenics movements weighted thereby making them even more dangerous then simply lifting?

But I never suggested anything of the sort.

What else do you suggest?
Have another variation in mind?
Or are you simply waiting to drop the"weighted pullups" thing?

Ah, that's right.
You never progressed passed basic pullups.
So you were just going to shit out the "do weighted pullups" thing.

Nice projections, why dont you project some more

I'm not projecting. I'm analyzing your posts.
You're not deep.

What exactly are you analyzing?? I posted exactly 1 post in this thread regarding my own actual fit experience I also called you a cunt and said you are projecting... yeah you better analyze this.

Jeez louise man. He just said weighted calisthenics was useful, it's like he tryed to completely invalidate bodyweight trainging as a whole. I myself like to do weighted dips and pull ups on my rings every few months to see how much strength I've gained and to get some more hypertrophy action going.

Oh, you're that idiot.

Nah, he's a fucking imbecile and his suggestions were retarded and based on nothing.