Calling All LINK and REQ holnders


in biz every one knows about this req and link potential. but out side biz lot of normeis dont know much about these coins. we should focus on improving awareness in bitcointalk and reddit. lets some of us post frequent updates on these two to bitcointalk , let us get normies on board with us.

Other urls found in this thread:

>pump my bags


do you say guys. u retards sit in biz and open 100's of thrds which most of biz know potential. let spread this to bitcointalk and other forums. unless we do that normies wont get in our boat. lets do it guys.

The price hasn't dropped low enough for me to fill my bags you dumbass, delete this post

Only if you prove that you're White. Post pic of hand with time stamp and I will shill plebbit for you

fuck off
we dont need to shill these to people

im entirely confident that by this time next year, no matter what kind of dumbass shilling you try and pull off, these products will succeed.

this. fuck off. go shill leddit on your own

how about we accumulate in silence you retard.

yoo retard, I am not asking to shill, we need to just post it usecases, some updates to those normies so we can build larger community. I am not asking u to post moon missions like 10-100x like that, we need post frequent updates..etc

Sell your bags and get out.
We're holding because we see the potential, we don't shill outside of our containment threads. Kys.

>hey this coin looks really good and has potential lets fucking tell everyone instead of keeping it a secret

never gonna make it user

ok, then lets accumulate as much as we can, anyway before we blow off bitcointalk with updates, these two should be in bittrex,bitfinex, those bitcointalk normie retards only use those big exchanges. lets wait our mission until it hit big exchanges then

We're expecting this to go up because of adoption by large organizations like SWIFT, not because of normie FOMO. Just chill you nerd.

you foggot, I am link holder, accumulated more than 100k so far, will add more every month when fait available from paystub. but we need to build larger community outside biz reatrds.

you are right faggot. but we need to get normies on board. those normies are the ones to keep price moon when partnership happen. these biz retards are p and d scammers some times. so we need normies . otherwise we wont win this game

Could you be more Pajeet like holy shit. Fuck off retard.

hey niggar. hru ?

please for the love of god post pic of hand
if you aren't brown ill send you 500 LINK
better timestamp too, pajeet

So partnership won't happen until norms get on board?

>those normies are the ones to keep price moon when partnership happen.
>implying normies have more money to play with than bankers and other multibillion dollar industries

Reddit is aware of both. Just not the most retarded part of reddit which is r/cryptocurrency.
The subs aware of this are really really small.

Why do you want to make those people rich?
Fuck em

this, lol



don't fucking do this, if this gets to reddit we're fucked. Let them build the product and accumulate HARD or spread fud if you want. When they finish the product in the next few months, I'm hoping around March, we are all getting gold plated lambos. Until then, just stay put

What price per coin are we selling at?


lmao, nigger. dumb nigger. or maybe pajeet. kys $100 lmao fucking nigger

>the absolute state of LINK FUD
just accept that we LINKers are your intellectual and soon financial superiors.

What will REQ be worth in Q1? Above ico or still shitting itself?

No, I want to accumulate more. I don't need it to pump. The products will speak for themselves in a few years time. If you cant cope then sell.

STFU, they will get on board when the time is right on their own.
Also, why the fuck are you putting your fiat into this? Just put your profits from other flipping into it while it keeps tanking.
>being this new.

Some of us have jobs and don't flip shit coins all day while mommy makes the tendies

I am 34, have a job and I have been living alone since I was 17. You just set a buy/sell and leave it till you come home. It is not hard. Sure you miss a few moons but whatever. Set it and forget it. Christ, you can even do some tweaking on your breaks if you need to or if like me you don't work a shitty job where you can't take 5min off as and when you feel like it without HR threatening you with sexual discrimination. The fucking state of working slaves today.
>being this new, again.

Whatever you say, obvious 12 year old

>newcoiners on biz still think they are ahead of the curve

Typical degree holder working as a slave in denial about reality. Go outside your bubble user. there is a real world out there and not one you can experience through your package holidays and skydiving 'adventures' with a side order of pumpkin latte from Starbucks. Very Sad.


above ICO definitely

Enjoy your soya milk frappuccino and organically sourced poppy seed muffin.

You're a real cunt.

Doesn't look so great right now. Still comfy?

prove you're white currynigger

So, I've bought the REQ dip, but it keeps falling.
How is this even possible?
You've told buy low is the key to success.
I'm 50% down with REQ/LINK. REEEEEE

why does chainlink have such a high volume, but such a low market cap?


im sitting comfily on 1.2k link and 500 req

trying to accumulate more link

So sell it and rebuy lower when it dips some more.
Because too many people are holding it and not selling. It won't moon until real news comes out. Same with REQ. For things to 'moon' without news requires less holders. Sure you have lots of people trying to swing trade it which accounts for volume but they are eating themselves with no bag holders selling. Best bet is to swing some other alts and put the profits into LINK/REQ while it is cheap. Also ALIS. Not even shilling it. It is the Japanese steam basically and damn it looks tasty.
Still under 30m market cap with a relatively small supply. They are burning a lot. It should make top 100 MK in 3-4 months and top 50 within a year if they stick to the white paper.
I have no bags, I bought in at around 3300 satoshis and have only done a bit of swing trading on it almost doubling my stack but I don't want to risk that too much as it could take off any time now.

> So sell it
Are you per chance a jew, trying to make me let go of my moon tickets?

LOL no. DESU I am sitting on 1700 REQ and 4k LINK bags myself. I cba trying to sell them now to buy more (which even selling now if you can flip it you will still end up with more) so I am swinging other easier coins to buy more of them. The ALIS is just a little gem I discovered that I thought I would share. Really though, thinking about it. If you sell now, and it drops another 2-300 satoshis and you rebuy, what happens? You end up with more of that token. Even if you 'sold' for a 50% loss or something the fact you end up with more tokens means when it moons again you will just make more money. HOLDing is me not wanting to risk it on those two. Three is no practical reason you shouldn't sell to rebuy though, as long as you make more than your fee then you are laughing. Do it enough and you could even cover your current profit loss in extra tokens. That is why the volume is so high, from people trying to do that. Except they are getting justed by the whale manipulation. It is much easier to do it on other coins like ALIS or even shit like dogecoin or bitbean (the cheapness means you can accumulate vast amounts of tokens quickly and make big profits), XLM is pretty good. Most alts are down atm though so anything you buy should go up once the bitcoin forking drama and BCC crap is finished, including LINK/REQ so be careful.