Do I have high or low insertions? What do yours look like?
Bicep insertions
Number of fingers you can fit in the gap
0: Chad
1: Good
2: Bad
3: Shit
4+: Suicide tier
I'm going with 1.5. So not bad.
Left arm:1
right arm:0
Fine with me
I can do one but if I really dig in there I can almost do 2
>implying you can't make it
>2 fingers on my left
>3 on my right
What did my body mean by this?
What gap
2.5 and this is suicide tier. doesn't help I'm a lanklet and my forearms are long. basically it doesn't look like my arms have grown at all.
how the fuck do you fix bad insertions. is there anything at all you can do about it?
Everyone has a relatively huge bicep gap, they just trick you by 1. having massive forearms OR 2. holding their hands forwards or outwards. (You are holding your hand inwards.)
Don't believe me? Find me a photo of one (1) natty lifter who is not famous who doesn't have this gap. You can't. You're going to try and BTFO me, but you literally can't find one example, because this is standard human anatomy.
Long bicep insertion squad checking in.
Freakishly long forearm squad also checking in
Nothing at all.
Thing is its the opposite for body building, long insertions mean shit peaks, arms will always look small and flat.
nice lipstick
>left biceps smaller than right one
>tfw 3
>and a manlet
i-i must have some positive qualities to balance this out right?
This is normal, you can even out the imbalance to a degree but you will always have an imbalance due to dominant hand.
4 fingers but im 6'5
1 on both arms if i dig it in or else 0 without forcing it. didn't even know this was a thing feelsgoodman
yeah it shitty the longer i look at it
4 fingers, and i'm a 5 foot 7 manlet. FeelsBadMan
Same here user
4 fingers but i dont have trex arms haha im about 6'2 btw
It's not great. How much do you weigh though? Are we talking lanklet, skinnyfat, bloatmax, or shredded?
If you can fit 4 fingers in there, and you don't want to commit suicide, what can you do?
currently I am just trying to do lots of hammer curls but my biceps seem to always remain undeveloped no matter what.
I remember Arnold saying that he trained one bicep to be short and peaky, and the other to be long and big, so he could get both effects in his poses.
write/mouse with your right hand, fap with your left. It'll even out eventually.