Is this physique possible without using gear?
Is this physique possible without using gear?
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yes, unless photoshop is considered gear
>number of reps
It's reps at 225, the NFL standard for strength test
holy fuck
Pretty sure there's several guys in my gym that could rep 225 55 times. It's not amazing by any means.
For reference, Candito's best 225 is like 18 reps (world class powerlifter).
its photoshop retard
Bull crap, rethink your life.
the record at the combine is 51 reps
no way dude the guys in this guys gym are better than roided nfl athletes.
brock lesnar did it for 30 reps
>tfw pro wrester beats a lifter
Imagine being an 11 year old boy and seeing this, not understanding that this is mostly just gear and photoshop. I feel like that might fuck up your self esteem.
Canditos also like 160-180lbs m8
It's just a fake image mate, not even any gear. Just fake stats
Dude get off Veeky Forums your brain is destroyed.
Most top NFL linemen only bench 225 40+
To be fair Lesnar was on of the guys that brought the importance of strength in martial arts, from what I've heard (im no expert) the guys isn't the best technically, but he makes it up with his super strength. And he weights a lot more than Jonnie and is on roids most likely
Post the unshopped version
Yeah if you watch official combine lifts for the bench press they are allowed to do a tiny bounce on the bottom and not 100% lockout at the top.
I am a strongfat but at 270lbs as a 23 year old physio student at our fake combine I did 28 and I'm 100% natty. There were 200lbers who did 30-32 legit reps. Bench press endurance is an ego thing and worthless for football players. They do it because muh numbers must mean something. Same as Wonderlic.
For someone on loadsagear who uses proper form and is trained and is 220lbs+ 55 reps is easily possible. Your only limitation is clearing metabolic waste at that point. College football players are only on the equivalent of 250mg gear a week so they can only get so strong.
Right is Dekoda Watson
Left is randos from an amateur photographer on Flickr
55 reps is suprisingly little considering his mass at 6'11
Meh. I still believe in OP's pic.
>your brain on Veeky Forums
Only with the Gene-labs of the God-Emperor can one become an Astartes.
Some dude literally opened up photoshop and photoshopped a bigger bulge on some other dude. Wonder if artist is closet cuck.
Shooped him to be more black too
Still extremely impressive stats
Photoshop fags BTFO
>that dick
I am 6'4'' and only once in my life have I met a non skelly person that was around 6'8''. Made me realize how manlets must feel around me every single fucking day...
I can't even fathom how much this fucks with the average persons mind