Will using a pussy pad when squatting hurt your gains?

Will using a pussy pad when squatting hurt your gains?

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Yes, the gains is channeled from the steel of the barbell through your skin, a pussy pad will block the flows.

>literally called pussy pad
>think it will turn you into a man


Of course it fucking won't but your self-respect gains will evaporate.
Squatting with just a bar shouldn't hurt unless you have a condition.

What people don't realize is that the squat is a lot more than your legs at work.
Proper squat form rests in the positioning of the bar on your back and an equally balanced weight on either side of your body.
Pussy pads put a giant block of foam in between your back and typically unbalance the weight you're lifting.
Do not use them.


am i supposed to be shrugging my shoulders?
the bar bruises my vertebrae


Wtf is a pussy pad?

You've probably seen chicks use this at the gym.

Just don't use it.

It resets on ur traps, not bones. Move it down, and your shoulders back

it unironically throws off your balance and makes squatting harder.

Maybe use it first off if you have literally no traps due to living like an ultra nerd you entire life (like I did) but honestly its better to just never touch it.

Using a pussy pad teaches you to squat with improper setup, which is going to be detrimental for you in the long run. Only reason someone uses it is because "it hurts my neck/spine", which means you're placing the bar right in the first place.

Never used one, but what actually is the problem with it?


see , and

If I do high bar I feel like my traps are getting fucked but if I do low bar I can squat anything without it hurting. Try that before handing in your man card

Its fine and usefull for hip thrusts though. Couldnt go for 100+ without

Yes. It will fuck with your form if you actually squat enough weight that you'd think you might need one.

>showing gear squat technique to someone who probably just started lifting
This is what Veeky Forums is, bad advice and bad memes.

Is a towel acceptable?

Is it a pussy towel?



Definitely hurts your self-respect

Just your dignity

Amazing transformation! Is that really you? Solid 9.5/10 if also blonde and blue-eyed

research and decide between High and low bar

both are good but for different reasons

>L O N D O N


I squat on the smith machine and use a pad. Am I doing it wrong?

Idk dude I use one just cause I dont want sweaty negro aids from the bar

you forgot to use those collars to stop the weight from sliding off

Hahahahaha ray gtfo bro.

Yep Smith puts more strain on your lower back and knees due to the fixed bar path. Get under a bb

>before and after photoshop

No way CIA nigger

>idiots ITT
It's highly recomended to use this pads on 20 rep squat programs. A lot of people have head pain on last reps when not using it.

t. pussy midget drug addict who now looks worse than the average non lifter his age