Can they be trained for better eyesight?
Eye muscles
if you can't lift 200 pounds weights hanging from your eyeballs you're not gonna make it
fuckin jej
If you're born with bad eyesight it's your genetics.
Yes. Why are you asking this question here? You know how to use google
I trained my eyes for 4 months and saw improvement, slight bit definite improvement, too bad I stopped.
what kinds?
My yoga class does eye exercises where you gaze clockwise and anticlockwise and it is beneficial.
I use a shaving mirror at home for this one.
WhY aRe YOu AsKiNG tHis QuEsTiOn?
Google aint that reliable and it would be better to know it works for a bro
Leave redditor
>using a normie meme that even normie s hate now
There are mobile apps that will help fix some of your vision limitations. There was an article how baseball players were improving their vision using it.
So it seems it works but you are going to have to try it yourself to find out.
Thanks user
wtrf lmao
train your iris holding your arm outstretched in front of you while holding a pen, you train it by alternating the focus of your sight between the pen and whatever is behind it
Studies say the improvement is negligible. Like 0.25 diopters over the course of a year.
No but you can unironically train away a lazy eye and its amazing to me that so many people so obviously suffer with them despite the treatment literally just being 10 minutes of eye exercises a night for a few months.
t. used to have such a bad lazy eye that people couldn't even tell I was looking at them.
Yes user, I was diagnosed with weak eye muscles and I’ve trained them every day for 5 years since. My sight is now 20/20.
Do this
But move the pen closer to your eyes when you’re not focusing on it and keep doing it. You’ll feel those eye DOMs
>tfw see 20pl820
So you think with dedicated training it's possible to reverse my bad eye sight? I need glasses to drive, can't even read the big signs until I'm next to them without em.
t. Glasses cuck
back when i was in military we had to do eye excercises every other day, i did it for about 2 months and saw some good improvement. ive stopped since but my eyesight has stayed the same
how pls explain
curious about this also.
whit glasses, the ultimate /fitlit/ tool
is this what autism look like?
Literally just shut down the strong eye and keep doing whatever you were doing. Reading is one of the best exercises.
Please tell, user. I feel one of my eyes is getting lazy but I've not visited a doctor yet.
Please elaborate
NO. The muscles shown in OP only control the movement of the eye. They do not have any effect on the eyesight.
t. medfag and glasses cuck
what kind of doctor/specialist?
Do you think the eye and cornea and pupil change shape to alter vision by magic.
Special forces sniper manuals discuss training the eyes, but don't go into detail. It does say something about opening the iris, and doesn't go into detail. It may be similar to what:
Pic related to add a little more stuff in this matter. It just seems to be making yourself more used to the environment, but unsure of the iris
Anybody got exercise against myopia ?
wear glasses x failure
then eye strain x failure
or get lasik/prk for a couple thousand
Every 20 minutes get up from your computer and try to focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Look at pic. Look at the muscles. Do you see out of those parts of your eye? Kys
I had to do a bunch of them as a kid. A simple one is focusing on the tip of your finger, held up in front of you, slowly moving it to the tip of your nose and trying to keep both eyes focused on it, then moving it slowly away again, and doing this for a good few minutes.
I can't remember much else, there may not even have been anything else (googling reveals that wearing an eyepatch over your non-lazy eye is one of the most effective methods, but I can't remember ever doing that), but my eye is now only rarely lazy and I can easily keep focus with it, no one even knows I have a lazy eye unless I mention it.
I always found it odd when i encountered other people with lazy eyes because I had mine sorted through exercise. If you have a lazy eye and feel bothered by it, I really recommend going to an optometrist.
some fucking people
>tfw don't need glasses to see
feels good to not be an eyelet