I hear that removing of wisdom teeth later turn my jaw and cheekbones into shit. Is it true or another broscience shit...

I hear that removing of wisdom teeth later turn my jaw and cheekbones into shit. Is it true or another broscience shit? My pretty good facial aesthetics are only good thing vs my disgusting untermenschen body.

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Only retarded Americans remove their wisdom teeth. That's why they all have that mongoloid mutt look

How old are you and do you have pain right now?

i doubt that what 3rd world country are you in?

20 and yeah my jaw hurts, can't move it well, and molars hurt

Humans should rip and tear so our wisdom teeth don't cause problems.

Third world countries and native tribes have no problems with their wisdom teeth because they actually have to chew their food.
They also rarely get cavities
But that doesn't seem as out there

i mean if you're wisdom teeth are coming out slanted and will fuck your other teeth up isn't it necessary to get them removed?

Do you need to get your wisdom teeth removed if they've fully broken through without pain and don't look crooked?

>inb4 get your teeth looked at by a doctor
I will. Might as well ask here for the time being though.

from what i read if it comes in straight you don't need it removed. but keep in mind most retards don't keep their molars clean, so people that did not get it removed end up increasing the chances of getting cavities there. i'd get it checked out

My dentist said I have to remove all 4 of them, but its been few years and i don't have problems. Except from occasional pain in my jaw.

I was thinking about that too. My 2 bottom wisdom tooth has been giving me pain and it hurts so much when I try to chew food. I know they're not compacted, just somehow cut through my gum. Any advice?

if you throughoutly chew your food and eat hard food you will develop a larger jaw and have room for wisdom teeth

people in western society needed to have theirs removed because our food is processed, soft, textureless slurpee compared to the hard food our ancestors ate, hence why we even evolved the need for wisdom teeth because they were there to replace the last molars that would be worn down through regular usage.

granted this is more effective the younger you are, if you're a young adult already and you have a smallish jaw then you'll probably need to remove wisdom teeth as it's too late to develop a big jaw

You got things mixed up there. It's said our jaws are smaller than our ancestors through genetics, not eating. Hence wisdom teeth no longer fit.

However, the fact they no longer fit was outweighed by their usefulness to our more recent ancestors, as their teeth would get do worn or rotten or missing that eating was impossible. It was a lifesaver.

>have weak chin
>jaw at least big enough to grow all wisdom teeth
Feels good

It's a Jewish dentistry trick to acquire more shekels. In the rest of the developed world, most people keep their wisdom teeth unless having symptoms. I have all mine still. They are useful. I use them to chew.

Utter retardation.

Just because you ate chewy/solid foods as a kid doesn't guarantee you'll have room for widsom teeth.

Only Americans seem to have problems with their wisdom teeth

Mine have never given me problems, and I'm 40. Your jaw is supposed to grow out in puberty to accomodate wisdom teeth. If youre getting pain, then congratulations, you're a jawlet.

>wisdom teeth are now fully in, no pain whatsoever and they're perfectly straight

feels good to not be a jawlet

>Using impacted wisdom teeth to chew
I'm pretty sure if I kept mine it would have more of a negative effect than taking them out.

>Should I remove my perfectly fine teeth for no reason?
You should remove your life

Unironicall just mew

Don't fall for their jewish tricks
Removing your wisdom teeth is like removing your foreskin

>mfw i was born without wisdom teeth

feels fucking GREAT being genetically advanced. enjoy your useless shit and dentist's bill you GDEs.

Expanding your jaw and growing it forward with proper tongue posture and chewing tough food/gum. Your jaw will expand, give you enough space to for the wisdom teeth to come in properly, and you will become aesthetic in the process. Veeky Forums and this forum

Are the best places to get information and talk to others about this. Someone has a thread already talking about their wisdom teeth erupting in their mid 20s as a result of mewing/chewing.

This and the neckpill are the only good things to come out of lookism, but lookism are now heretics of Mew

wisdom teeth removal is a fucking racket

>heretics of Mew

You'll be fine OP

I have them but they are perfectly straight. Objectively better.

Lookism ( its owner) are literally surgery shills. Multiple accounts are just alts, and there was a branched off website where the guy would take your picture and recommend surgeries and then forward you to 2 specific doctors who the owners seems to be getting paid by for referrals. I tried to find where I read this, but google isn't bringing it up. I think it was on a returnofkings or sluthate or some other website like that where somebody connected all the dots.

Went to the dentist for the first time in 15 years yesterday and got talked into spending $1k on a complete deep clean scaling and root planning. Was I scammed?

Also the looksmaxing forum is completely dead. The website is 99% in the shitposting forum which is worse than /b/ tier most of the time.


Removing wisdom teeth gives you hollow cheeks at low bf%. Models used to (they still might, not sure) remove their second molars as well to achieve an even greater hollow cheek effect.

It looks better

Yes that's what I realized when I went there. Pure cancer

All my wisdom teeth came out perfectly fine without needing surgery. Suck it genelets.

I'm 23, I started mewing 2 months ago and a couple of weeks ago my second set of wisdom teeth started moving forward. Are you saying this is because of mewing??

Yes man. The wisdom teeth will move forward when space is made for them. Your jaw is growing forward and widening. A tooth is only like 4mm across so a little bit of growth will allow for eruption

thats not broscience thats just retardscience

shoo shoo dental shill

Is this true

No. Posterolateral part of the bone mandibula called angle is literally the last part of it to resorb.

T. Dentist + med student future oral and maxillofacial surgeon

They used to remove molars from female actors in the 30's and 40's t. ^


For this effect*

Well im a graduated dentist and this is basic dentist stuff

I'm 24 and haven't had wisdom teeth emerge yet, is it likely that I will just never grow them?

dental bro, my wisdom teeth are getting removed on thurs by an oral surgeon

i developed a clicking in my left wisdom tooth. is this related? it's hard to move my jaw to the left, and the clicking doesn't cause pain. i asked the oral surgeon at the consultation and he basically called me a pussy and to stop worrying

do you agree with him?



Sounds weird not sure what you mean by clicking. Its propably your joint thats clicking show and ask ur dentist if it continues or causes pain

Thanks lets stick to broscience then

like when you crack your knuckles, if i open my mouth wide enough the left jaw creeps each time

Will do

You're probably needed that shit cause your gums were fucked up from not getting a cleaning for 15 yrs

Pretty sure I got that done for £20

I got quoted $8000 for palate expansion. Basically they put the device in your mouth and turn the screw every few days. The device costs like $300 to get made by a lab and all you do is turn the screw.

Dentists are the biggest fucking scam on the planet. May they all burn

got mine removed yesterday
It hurts extremly
When will I be able to workout again ?

Dental is some of the easiest work around. All you do is numb the mouth and start pulling away. Next time I need some work done I'll probably just order the numbing stuff off the deep web and have a buddy do it for me.

if things go well and you don't get infected or anything probably like a week

you get the pain kills?

This isn't true, retard. Wisdom teeth erupt to replace molars that have been damaged with use and removed

Yeah took painkillers but they don´t work at all.
Already on 2400 ibuprofen and it´s still hurts like hell.
Got all 4 removed at one time though