How did you over come “gymdimidation”?

how did you over come “gymdimidation”?

Why would you get intimidated at the gym

Never had it in the first place.


The gym falcon keeps hissing at me when I get near a power rack.


I use a home gym now.

That's what the water cannon is for

>Going with a friend
>Ideally going with a friend whose being weight training for a while already
>Go during emptier gym hours(morning, nights)
>Have a set plan for what you're going to do when you get there so you're not nervously looking around wondering what to do.
>What videos of proper form so you don't have to worry about looking silly

The meatheads at the gym couldn't care less about you unless you're a hot girl or impressively strong. Anyone who makes fun of someone is very insecure and pathetic themselves and need to make themselves feel better.

Jordan Peterson recommends focusing on the crowd. Look at one specific person realize that these are just people no better or worse than you

This helped me get over my party anxiety

By becoming the gymtimidator.

I haven't completed the quest that unlocks it because a quest requirement is to spot 5 people in the gym.
Also I don't want to wait for the 10 minute cool down on the falcon's aggro after he gets off the power rack.

never had this problem cos im not an autist

no one in the gym gives two fucks about you and what you're doing, everyone thinks the world revovles around them so they get paranoid thinking everyone else is paying attention to them, but guess what, EVERYONE includes the cunts at your gym

You might be able to bait a manlet into kiting the falcon. It could actually be two birds with one stone kind of thing. Falcon is gone for a while, and the manlets are getting pecked and hissed at to keep them in line

Ah I see, that sounds like it would work!
Thanks user.

>they don't multibox squat

Jordan Peterson has helped me in a lot of aspects of my life. Can recommend to any young angry man.

observe or be observed


Man anyone who goes to the gym and judges you probably has bigger problems than you ever will, grow up OP.

>this never happened to you but the other way around

you said to a man that if he becomes a manlet you will dump him and then he became a manlet and then all the blush disappeared from ur face?

No, nigmass, I was referring to the pic

what do you think I was talking about

>how did you over come “gymdimidation”?
Let me guess: You're a kid in highschool using the highschool gym, or you're in your first year at Uni. Either way you're 'scared' of the other 'kids', who are likewise young and immature enough to misbehave, play stupid dominance games, etc, instead of just doing their work, minding their own business, and leaving when finished, like an actual adult would. Am I right?

FFS kid, just mind your own business, ignore everyone else, and just do what you go there to do and LEAVE when you're done. Stop being so fucking melodramatic.

Wait no I meant the female being taller

I understand user I was just trying to be ""funny""

Well don't

much laughter from this thread
thank you friends

I do what I want

Not very well.

I laughed user, ol sourpuss here is just salty from being a manlet.

it was funny

I laughed and people in the hair salon looked at me and I shrugged and smiled and then a couple of them shook their heads and the rest smiled. Good times.

I don't.

I'm currently the strongest guy at my gym and I always get nervous before going to the gym. After the first work set I feel fine though.

I'm not even that much of a social autist, I think it's just a pavlovian response from when I was a skelly.

>my time never came

What's her name again? I've forgotten

>tfw 5'4
>everyone taller than me
>feel that everyone is making fun of me in their head
>pray everytime i go no one is inside

Find a routine. If it isnt PPL, try again.

Once you have a routine, gymtimidation isnt a this anymore because you know exactly what you need to do, what you're there for, and how long you need to do it.

>>feel that everyone is making fun of me in their head
my boss is 5'4" and he's totally cool.
you're probably just a little bitch.

Kathy Bates

>feel that everyone is making fun of me in their head
[spoiler]we do[/spoiler]

I went with a gym buddy who was already pretty strong and Veeky Forums to show me the ropes, now I hope to do the same once I get to his level, sort of like a Discipleship

I felt awkward my first session because I had no idea what to do with myself.

I felt awkward my first couple of weeks in the changing rooms because we live in a culture that shuns public nudity in 99% of situations but then expects you to be perfectly okay with it when expelling bodily waste and changing/bathing after exercising.

After the first few weeks I became perfectly fine with it all though because you just get used to it, and also stop being a complete mongo in the gym because you understand what you want to do each time you're there and how all the exercises/equipment works.


I'm a huge prude but I don't have a problem shitting in locker room showers.
you're probably just gay and in the closet about your tiny weiner


Angie Varona

>You never talked to girls so both of the panels never happened

Is Angie one of the most fertile women on the planet? I would be trying to put kids in her left and right if I was her boyfriend.

You should be shitting in the toilet, not the shower, you fucking wafflestomper.

I don't have a problem shitting in locker room showers

people don't make fun of you, they feel sorry for you for being such a bitch.

had it bad at first, best way to get over it is go when its busy and workout anyways and then you'll realize nobody gives a fuck what you're doing.

By becoming the intimidator

It ended for me when I started having a plan for what to do before I arrived. Also, I realized that no one gave any shits about what I was doing, as long as I wasn't in the way.

literally no one cares user. I used to think the same think when starting but now that I am on the other side i know people don't care. unless they are a dick. in that case fuck em. stop letting what other people think stop you from getting what you want, faggot.

No one cares about manlets or lanklets irl

>Jordan Peterson
underaged white teen detected

This. I just went full don't-give-a-shit. I would only shower like every 4 days, never use deodorant, workout in a euro-bathing suit bottom and sweater top (helps you sweat more anyway), fart loudly when doing squats (then laugh out loud), smell my own pits in between curl sets, etc...
Go big or go home, user

Is smelling your own pits supposed to be bad?

Bought a rack and a barbell

The gym clown keeps grabbing my dick in the shower...

I heard if you lead the falcon into the manlet pit it never comes back.

>tfw gym bard keeps making hurtful verses about my calves

this comic is so cute it makes me sick

Jordan Peterson is a cuck and a kike, and should be treated as such.

Personally I don't care unless you otherwise exhibit faggot qualities. If you're some obnoxious looking douchebro phaggot AND you're 5'4 you should kill yourself.

inb4 "don't judge ppl for how they look man!" or some other gay shit, Veeky Forums is full of fucking pussies nowadays

By brazenly flexing in the mirror after every set. Also every time some DYEL looks over at you, glare back at him (or her) and say, "Keep 'mirin, cunt"

Natsocs are cancer. Wow just because someone doesn't buy into your retarded conspiracy


wear a long shirt and sweats to the gym

and also realize nobody cares about anyone else in the gym unless theyre dying from no spot

you're too small to see, only a dick judges a kid

by being white

Luvia is probably my favorite non-servant in the fate franchise.
She exists solely to disparage Rin.

What's wrong with Jordan Peterson


tfw 6'2" but ginger

>tfw lifts aren't really that good but I look good enough to get stared at by girls
>Unsure if I should stare back, so I just pretend to ignore it

DO I stare back boys? It's killin me inside

Due to Motor Learning and Progressive Overload being the principles that determine 'fitness'.

You best 'get comfortable being uncomfortable'. Physically, as well as emotionally and mentally.

>he doesnt understand 3000 years of Jewish Slave Morality and its political/historical/religious motives for the inversion of western tradition and hierarchy

you don't even need to like Hitler or entertain his ideas to figure out Jews are the antithesis to western civilization.

>Veeky Forums is full of fucking pussies nowadays
yeah..because a whole lot of dickheads from the misc decided to come and shit up the place

(remember, elliot rodger was a miscer)