my cycle begins today, wish me luck goys
Take my natty card
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hahaha what a dumb fucking pussy,enjoy shutdown for 0 gains,you're better off just pinning test. oh wait you're a bitch
>showing source on the sarm bottle
they are illegal for human consumption,enjoy ban
fucking idiot
This cunt isn't natty though.
that's where you're wrong kid
for real, retards are taking these (((supplements))) thinking they will do anything other than kill your libido
get real and take TREN OP you fucking faggot
LGD only?
Bought everything for a test cycle that I am doing, soon. Kind of nervous desu senpai
Lmao I'm not though kid.
waste of time nice job cucking your gains
i did a "cycle" for 8 weeks and it didnt do much other than make me put on 4lbs and killed my sex drive. plus this shits still in early development so i dont know if its too reliable. youd be better off just eating clean and training hard
>2012 was 6 years ago
>WILLINGLY taking a meme juice that will give you manboobs
do people even read up the effects other than "muh legal steroids"
I got a 35% increase in my rate of gains vs bulking natty. Not huge, but it is one of the better legal supplements out there. I got minimal shutdown.
did you get a PCT? I've heard some people recommend it but I don't think it's mandatory.
i'm should be finishing up my bulk in a couple months so i plan on doing an 8 week cycle to see what kind of gains i can make. I've done a lot of research, and it seems worth a try, considering how little side effects there are.
if you're going to give up your natty card, at least get the real deal and don't puss out
prove it
You are dumb
I had a pretty positive but unremarkable experience with them. To me it was just an easy way to sneak in more gains.
are you competing? no, of course you're not, because you're a gutless little bitch. enjoy your early grave since vanity (of which you shouldn't have because i can TELL that you're a gargoyle looking manlet no matter how many chemicals you pump up your ass) is most important to you ya dickless faggot coward. no bump, kys.