Who would win in a fight: JJ Watt vs Eddie Hall

JJ Watt
>290 lbs
>NFL defensive end
>Jumped on a 61 inch box
>700 lbs squat
>Very fast and evasive

Eddie Hall
>410 lbs
>2017 worlds strongest man
>1,100 lbs deadlift
>890 lbs squat
>660 bench press
>If he catches you he could just squeeze you to death

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Depends on the size of the ring

How much prep time does JJ have?

Obviously Hall, granted that JJ has no martial arts experience.

How much prep time does Eddie have?

JJ, probably cause Eddie would die of a heart attack first

Longer hands, faster.. a hit to the head and your size doest matter anymore

Cope. Eddie Hall very clearly has a MUCH larger skull than Watt. Could definitely take harder blows.

pussy 1 vs pussy 2? who cares, put me in the ring with them and i'll beat both their asses. i'll fuck their women and kids too.

open plain
20 minutes to mentally prepare. They're both in peak condition.
Yeah but if Eddie got a hold of him it could be bad


lol you wish, pussy. i have more height and weight than both of them combined.

>700 lbs squat
Searching for this turned up a hatfield squat. If you're going to post shitty vs threads at least get the stats right.


i-is that you m'lord bloatmaxxx?

wouldn't you like to know? ;)

i'm a girl btw

sorry babe

Eddie, simply because of reach. JJ has nowhere near enough height on Eddie to be able to land hard hits without getting in grab range. Sure JJ may hit some light jabs, but the moment he puts some power into it, he is gambling with his life. If he doesnt knock that tree-trunk necked gargantuan out he is in a world of pain.

Hall would tire out in an open field he’d never catch jj

are you sure? JJ is the taller one and most likely has longer arms. He's also super agile.

how you know? you fuck him, faget? you fuck Gay Gay Hott?

It's alright, at least it isn't one of the endlessly recycled match ups.

I got that, but speaking from experience, you need alot of arm length to be able to land shots that have actual power to them, while also being able to stay out of your opponents reach. Im 6'9" and i have gotten pulled into a grapple by guys under 6' when sparring. if they had the kind of spine snapping strength that eddie had, I would be fucked, long fucking arms or not.

hall is stronger sure, but has limited rom and isnt really used to moving more than just doing the strong man shit. dude does no cardio

watt has the cardio in addition to being really strong and can just evade for 3-5 minutes until hall is winded and then rock him.

>this guy thinks height matters in a fight

LOL it comes to weight m8

endurance is important. weight isnt shit when you're short of breathe and JJ is kicking and jabbing your head


You realize most NFL plays last about 5 - 7 seconds. And then they stand around for 30 seconds (not counting 2 minute drill, hurry offense, etc....)
Watt does a lot of catching breath, yet still needs to be (or look) explosive on every play.

>don't compare their incomes

eddie gets himself into painful shape for strongman comps.
I would have to say jj watt wins.
There is a point where being so large is a determent and even eddie has said that.

>tfw you will never have a 12'8", 700 pound gf to kick your ass in an open plain


Eddie is literally gassed by putting straps on to deadlift. No way in hell he'd win a fight unless it was literally a 10 second fight. Any form of endurance, he's fucked.

>Literally the world's strongest man vs some random soccor player

>cant move 10 feet without needing a break

>Strongman event to run back and forth with 800+lb farmer's carry (Eddie got 1st)
>Strongman event to pull a 40ton plane 100metes in less than a minute

Nice try, brainlet

>if he catches you he could just squeeze you to death
You've never been in a fight have you?

weightclasses are just heightclasses in disguise

You're skull doesn't grow if you get fat dipshit

Eddie would gas in under a minute and JJ has better conditioning /thread.

> youre

Also, eddies neck is far stronger then some faggy football player, I believe when it comes to amount of power in a punch needed to make one of them blackout, eddie is way higher on this scale..

all while moving at 3 mph

Autism, the post.

ive never fought the strongest man in the world

This is you


It all depends on Watt.
If he even watches MMA then all he has to do is throw low kick at Hall's legs since Hall cant bend down and grab them easily and Hall will eventually gas just from walking around but even then I don't know how Watt will ever finish him.
It's more like he can win the fight but he would need to like hit him with a rock or something to beat him in real life.
All Hall has to do is go hard in the beginning and charge up on him and slam him.
These aren't martial artists so as long as they don't fight like they are retarded then either one can win.
If they full on try to box each other then Hall wins with no problem.

>i know what i am doing
>i watch ufc

>real fight

try again faggot. your shitty martial arts training means nothing when I can poke your eyes out and rip your limbs off

You don't have to know what you are doing to know that dudes knees are under a lot of stress from his huge bulk.
If you hit someone in the same spot for a long time then it will hurt like a bitch and be painful to use it.
You don't need to train for martial arts to know basic things like how to throw a punch.
Neither one of these guys are going to be perfectly effect at whatever their game plan is going to be.
If you have ever fought a fat dude before in real life you know that you constantly have the initiative to do whatever the fuck you want because they can only use their arms.
All Hall has to do to win is go hard in the beginning and there isn't much Watt can do.

That's the right track. I bet Hall's knee ligaments aren't in the best of shape.

Palhares style outside heelhook to inside ashi/saddle would be my non-larping best guess as to how to win.

JJ because he has more explosive strength, Eddie Hall just lifts heavy things, he can't put that strength in punches or stopping takedowns, the fight goes to the ground and it's over.

Eddie Hall in a landslide

Did you get bullied by the football team in highschool? JJ Watt isn't some bantam weight either he's 290 lbs defensive end at that point no matter what weight class anythings he lands flush could knock you out. football players slam into each other on a regular basis so when it comes to getting punched he's the least likely to bitch out as well. I don't see Eddies size or cardio not being a hinderance here maybe if you replaced JJ with someone sub 200lbs.

JJ Watt ez

I don't think any of you appreciate how fast NFL players are

>implying you could submit Eddie hall
He is the 2017 bloatlorde yaknow

jabbing in a street fight is the absolute dumbest thing you could do

knowing how to throw a straight punch in a street fight gives you an automatic edge

whichever one is better at fighting and/or has a stronger chin. strength is irrelevant for both of them, they're both plenty strong.

No, but unironically JJ would win because of his football autism.
Football players absolutely destroy their body on the regular, and can handle being thrown around and hit much better than a normal person can.
While Eddie hall is objectively stronger he probably isn't as used to physical confrontation as JJ, and couldn't tank multiple concussions or a torn a ligament or two and keep on fighting like JJ could.
While JJ isn't a trained fighter, he is literally paid to be a meat wall and overwhelm and endure getting his shit kicked in.


JJ dominates the best, strongest athletes on earth. he's considered a god amonst men. very strong, fast and therefore explosive whereas eddie is just strong. jj watt is also very tall and has a reach advantage.

jj would destroy him

More like

JJ Watt
>plays the most violent role in a contact sport
>trains to get through opponents who are paid good money to stop him
>has a good foundation of understanding how to beat another human being from all his years on the line
>regularly makes high pressure decisions in a cunt hair of a fraction of a second.


Eddie Hall
>lifts a fuckin shitload of weight
>entire career is based on lifting a shitload of weight
>never trains quick decisions or actual variety, just a shitload of weight

Watt all day, every day.

>this guy is 6'5''
>people will still claim pro sportsmen are natty because muh random tests

ITT: ignorant morons who don't know that prior to becoming the 2017 WSM champion, eddie hall was a national champion SWIMMER.

JJ Watt is almost 300 pounds of solid muscle in excellent condition and did 34 reps at the combine. He's not some DYEL nerd. He's in far better overall shape and breaks people for a living

>implying a swimmer can beat a professional bodyslammer in a fight

so it's now an obese, retard strong swimmer vs a defensize lineman recognized as one of the best in his profession.

this is literally what will happen

easy, JJWatt. being an NFL player is like constantly being in car crashes, he's absorbed some huge punishment and is athletic AF. Hall needs oxygen every 30 seconds or he'll kill over.

fedor and Tyson both crushed guys who were a lot taller than them. In fact, as a rule, if two fighters are the same weight, the shorter one will win.

I don't know neither of them but if they are not trained fighters, it will be the biggest and "strongest" the one who will win. I bet the fatty is the winner.

>a guy who picks things up vs a guy who is paid to pummel others into submission without using his hands
>yeah the fat guy will win

I dont know, but he would definitely kick both their asses at the same time

Depends on how many hits to the head eddie can take, has the HGH made his head invincible or weaker?


the bigger and stronger will win.

are you pulling my nuts bro? The NFL player, you know the guy that actually hits resisting opponents 100 times day and is conditioned like a motherfucker, is going to beat the shit out of the gymrat every fucking time

I don't think anybody is going to claim watt is natty

him and gronk are your poster boys for nfl gear use

A football player is basically a high impact wrestler user
You are dumb

Being in a caloric excess will make everything grow though, especially during puberty. Eddie Hall does have a larger skull and more overall bone mass. Not to mention that the skull continues growing your entire life. Keep coping.

why do you think that

270lbs+ of lean mass is not possible without a little help

A man built like Hall doesn't have the ROM to actually fight.

>the actual state of Veeky Forums

yeah, I also remember Veeky Forums logic how Olympic weightlifters were better sprinters than a professional sprinter. How gymnasts were better fighters that a trained fighter and how powerlifters were better rugby players than professional rugby players.


what are you even talking about retard

doesnt look very lean

it is when you're 6'5" and your whole life is about being big and violent

lmao alright man gronk and watt and all the other nfl players are natty, believe whatever you want

>I need to hammer a nail
>no hammer
>but I have a crescent wrench
>guess I just won't be hammering in this nail
JJ Watt has a crescent wrench. Eddie Hall just has bare hands.

Watt definitely uses his hands. Good hand placement, speed and power is an essential part of playing on the line, both offense and defense.

I'm 6'5" and played line in football my whole life and played D1 and let me assure you that no natty is EVER going to go beyond 240-250lbs of lean-ish weight let alone 270+

interesting way to say "I cant support my claims"

you are a straight up retard if you think those guys aren't using some sort of the good stuff

>not knowing about steroids and asking questions makes me a retard

You didn't have the fuckin NFL tracking your nutrition and paying you to live a very low stress lifestyle.

>low stress
Laughing my fucking ass off

>paid a fortune to live at football camp
buddy, I don't think you even like football.

Physique is a terrible indicator of juice my man. Keep in mind Lance Armstrong juiced too. Accused of taking Test and HGH (healthland.time.com/2012/08/24/which-drugs-is-lance-armstrong-accused-of-taking/). Fuckin' Jason Genova admitted to juicing, take a look at him.

I wasnt saying his physique is proof or not. It's just that you said he had lean mass and it didnt look THAT lean.

You're an idiot

isn't mebut imo I think he's juicing. The NFL hosts some of the best athletes on the planet making absolute ridiculous amounts of dosh. They've obviously got access to some good shit, and if you're having to consistently perform at your highest athletic level against guys doing the same, you'd probably no qualms about taking gear either.

Maybe, idk, since they're so fuckin rich, they can afford some newfangled designer roids that go undetected by tests.

eh, maybe. remember, the NFL does not give a fuck. it's entertainment, and if they can rake in the millions that they do, they don't give a shit who is taking roids. the tests are pretty half assed.

Coming from an actual amateur fighter (boxing muay thai, wrestling, etc.) JJ would demolish eddie if he has any strategy whatsoever. The only way eddie wins is if JJ just decides to fucking tackle him and ends up on bottom.