
I was wondering what you guys think of adultery, if a guy goes with a girl with a bf, do you blame her or him for tempting her?

The guy is a bit of a dick but really whatever. She is scum

Honestly adultery is just behind murder and rape in terms of depravity (for both parties) and deserves a similar punishment

>Blaming someone for tempting her

What the fuck kind of idiotic logic is this? Everyone has temptations, part of not being a savage/barbarian is ignoring and controlling our temptations. Just because you're tempted to steal, rape, assault or even eat 10,000 calories a day DOES NOT make it the fault of others.

The shop owner for owning something you want to steal, the woman for being attractive to the point you want to fuck her, the guy for annoying you and deserving a punch in the face and the delicious junk food are not at fault for existing. YOU are responsible for your own actions, take some personal responsibility, you aren't a dog for Christ sake, we have the ability to choose.

Any sex outside of marriage is adultery and is equally morally reprehensible.

>guy knows the girl is in a relationship
both get flogged
>guy doesn't know the girl is in a relationship
girl gets stoned

same thing with sexes reversed

Monogamy is underwhelming and was only ever meant to be a Hollywood ideal. EVERYONE in a relationship thinks/often thinks of having sex with another simply because that's what we crave. Humans get BORED and want something new/an alternative.
Cheating doesn't necessarily mean the person falls out of love with their partner, just that they want something fresh in the department of sex.
I've heard the argument, "If you really love them you wouldn't do it." however this is false since love cannot be defined and the practiced love we use today is just that, practiced.
I've cheated on my girlfriend and at the same time went out with her that night. Loved her all the same.
Cheating is fine, cheating is only natural. Anyone who thinks different struggles with endless, looming thoughts other sexual partners and so on. It's admirable for their conviction however ultimately foolish for thinking your partner is only going to think of you sexual and or relationship wise.

applies to married people only, kiddo

>current year
>having relationships

this is sad. i feel so much pity for you brother...

I don't know how much of a scumbag this makes me but I think cheating is okay for the man but not the woman. When the man cheats he can still support his woman and pay for her and provide and be with her. A guy can give a lot of himself to different women at the same time where I feel with women they give all of themselves to the man they're with so cheating is horrible if the woman does it. I don't cheat and am uncomfortable with it but these are the thoughts I have on the subject, it seems to be more crushing if a woman does it.

No it doesn't, it applies to all people who are having sex outside of marriage. You're cheating on your future spouse by having premarital sex.

How is it sad? It's true. When you expect your lover to only love you YOU then set yourself up for disappointment when you find out she's cheating on you or is thinking about some other guys during sex.
Not saying disappointment can be nullified, just that when you accept it -- like REALLY accept it then it becomes easier to manage.

It's really simple: if a girl cheats, she is a slut and you should dump her. If a guy cheats there's nothing wrong with it. Dudes have been getting side pussy since the beginning of time.

more of the blame lies with the cheating partner.

can't hate on a breh if he thinks the girl is single, but if he knows she isn't, then that's a dog act on his part

so you are at peace with being a cuck? how did you reach your current mindset? (genuinely curious)

Obviously depends if he knew. If he doesn't know then it's 100% on her, I think that goes without saying. If not, both parties are at fault. Of course the girl shouldn't be looking for anything on the side, but the guy also has a moral responsibility not to do anything with her. If it really means that much to him, he should at least have the courtesy to ask her to call it off with her boyfriend first. And of course if she's in a religious marriage then she'd need to figure out whether or not her faith would allow divorce because no faith that I know of allows adultery. But the guy doesn't get a free pass just because it's her cheating and not him - "There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!"

Relationships require effort and dedication. Good luck with being alone when you're older user.

if it's a girl with a boyfriend and you don't know the guy or anybody immediately associated with him then i think it's fine, she's a piece of shit ofc.

if she's married i think it's probably too far tho

Dubs of truth

If it is so unnatural then just get an open relationship. Oh wait, you don't like it when your girl fucks other people, it's only okay when you do it. I guess you just conveniently ignored the fact not having one's partner cheat on them is even more important than being able to fuck randos every once in a while.

Sorry, youre a loser who settled for a woman thats not worth being faithful to and youve convinced yourself its got nothing to do with you. Kys fag

So im a bit into this situation..there is this girl at work who I've always liked amd used to flirt every now and then. A few months ago we went out for a few drinks and we made out all night, after it we had sex four times. Shes in a relationship with a guy for almost three or four years and she told me than she was really atracted to me and that this never happened to her before. So the thing is that im really into her and Im waiting for her to break up with his bf..what should I do? This is the first time im "the other one" and I feel a bit bad about it but on the other side I really want to be with her. Should I ask her to break up with her bf or what? Pls gib advice

You are not the first guy shes done this with. She will never break up with her boyfriend. If you do ever date her she will cheat on you with multiple men. Accept it and move on, faggot.

She isn't going to break up with him, and if she does do you want to date a cheater?

tell her bf

Adultery should be a lynchable offense regardless of gender
Enablers too


Anyone that commits adultery should be fucking burned alive.

Both the girl for being a whore and the man for being a traitor (and vice-versa)

There is absolutely nothing more I hate than that.

Part of the reason why I lift is because I want to have more options so if I'm with a girl and she cheats I can left that whore immediately without ever worrying of finding a partner.

God dammit I hate those people.

What are you talking about? I'm not saying they don't. What I'm saying is that all you guys are insecure about your relationship to the point where EVERYTHING stops once she/he commits an act you find irredeemable because "muh feelings".
It's ironic how you think THEY are the ones committing the selfish act when you put your selfish act into the plan the moment you considered her/him "yours". Fucker.

I have no choice whether or not she goes out and fucks someone. People don't understand that a man/woman can love someone, sleep with another and STILL have that same amount as love prior to sleeping around. The fuck are you on about?

Have you told your gf your thoughts on this or are you too big of a pussy?

What are you talking about? Being "faithful"? What does that even mean? Suffering through an obviously dying relationship for the sake of conviction or dedication? Please.
You're all acting as if cheating is the ULTIMATE form of disrespect or something that's COMPLETELY unacceptable yet you fail to realize it's not even in your circle of control. You seem to believe that, "Just because I'm faithful that means she will be and everything will be OOOOKAY cause we have each other! :)"

FUCK NO you dumb fuck. Relationships break off and the only reason why you see these 60 year olds together saying their marriage has lasted 20-30 years plus is only because of their fears and insecurities of being alone not this magically, "LOVE". Kidding me. Grow up.

Depends. Otherwise, both are at fault.

What's the point, man? It may or may not upset her by WHY even bring it up? Literally why?

For HER feelings? Thing is, she doesn't have feelings UNTIL I tell her. Why create that disharmony for the sake of "I'm a good person, I'll always be honest and tell the truth! :)"
No, just no.

who hurt you user?

so you're full of shit and your comments on monogamy are meaningless

Look, the typical EASY answer to just throw out there because you think you're hilarious. Come on man this is a discussion. Fuck sake.

Who hurt you so bad that you assume someone hurt him?

Subjective and literally mistaken.

who hurt you anons?

Truth. Old ass couple been married 40plus years. Their secret?: "We never used words like breakup or divorce. We might yell and fight and scream, but never ever bring up separation."
>ask old man "Did you ever want to?"
"Yeah, tons of times. But where was I gonna go? We'd been together so long...finances...children..."

From what I've seen (and experienced) being in a relationship is mostly a horror show after the puppy love wears off. And it can last an absurdly long time in some cases. Was with a girl for 4 years and it wasn't until the end that she showed her true psychopathic colors.

>when your gf violates the NAP by breaching the implied relationship contract so you cut her head off and put her into your muslim neighbor's dumpster

Go fuck your self Muhammad, virgin pussy. Bit of an overreaction, just don't be a retard and don't marry a whore. If you aren't a total loser you'll be able to keep your woman faithful, or
At least be able to tell if a woman is a slut or not.

Thank you, brother. Not saying it's impossible but it's definitely wishful thinking if you believe you and that your partner are going to defeat EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM with the power of love.
I would say, "that's not what love it, that's just stubbornness" but then again I'd be biting myself in the ass by claiming to know what love is even though everyone has their own definition. Anyway, thanks brother.

>make a comitment to another person declaring that you LOVE THEM so much that you want only them.
>Betray their trust in them by being unfaitful.

You dont care about the other person, and your a degenerate who doesnt understand what being a man is about. A man keeps his word, a man is loyal, a man protects those he cares about. Of course theres temptation, part of being a man is overcoming your fucking desires. You are probably a fat peice of shit who gives in to every desire who thinks hes so enlightened because he is just doing whats natural.
If youre obsessed over the fact that your partner might cheat on you its because youre attributing YOURE insecurities onto others. YOU have already established you arent faithful so you can fathom a world where there are people that dont stray from their partner.
This all boils down to you being a beta weakling faggot. Work on yourself before you try to being another person into your pitiful life.

That's a lot of conjecture without a lot of actual evidence
Is it so hard to believe that people stay together not just because of not wanting to be alone, but because they respect the other person enough to work through the problem? Relationships ARE work, and they're their own reward. It's like saying "well, my dog shit on the rug, so I threw out my dog!" No, you don't get rid of something just because something went wrong once. You work on your problems unless you're too much of a bitch to face the situation you created and work through it like a man

Ah I see we have a Rick and Morty fan
On a serious note, what I said to the other guy applies to you. You just are a selfish individual that has no grasp on other peoples' emotions. It's not about "not wanting to be alone", it's about sharing your life with someone and always having someone there for you. It's about being there for someone when they need someone most
You can literally boil anything down to the most basic functions of "eat, fuck, survive". Why maintain friendships? The only reason you have friends is so that you're not alone, right? It's retarded logic that takes a completely surface level approach to something extremely complicated. Humans NEED interaction with other humans, and forming a long-lasting basic relationship is COMPLETELY fundamental to human nature

It's called the Coolidge Effect.

Anyone who is being honest will tell you the best part of the relationship is allways the beginning. No relationship grows sweeter as time moves on. You were evolved against it.

You are pressured to stay together "for the kids" because we have destroyed or trival support structures. Two people raise children instead of a village in modern times.

This is an anonymous image board. Pretending to feel the same feelings of excitement with your 3+ year relationship now as during the first 6 months is weird. It very clearly comes across as lying to yourself, hence why the first reactions to words like this are very often nothing but ad hominem attacks. You may have a very deep relationship with your 3+ year partner. But, I'd be willing to wager that brain scans would register that the "security and safety" parts of your brain light up more than the "sexual arousal and excitement" parts of your brain.

If you are one with woman with the goal of loyalty for life, you're a fool. I'm not here to tell you cheating is justifiable. This is the post of amorality. You are going to get the most life utility from never depending on a single woman for anything. You will get the most utility from attracting females throughout your life. Some dudes will find it easier to just never enter a relationship. Some dudes will find it easier to get some secret side action every once in a while. The dude who plays it by the book is due for a sobering slap to the face when reality crushes his illusions.

You're kidding me, right?
"LOVE THEM so much that you want only them"?
"Make a commitment"?

These are UNFULFILLED PROMISES IN THE MAKING YOU FOOL. How can you guarantee not only to her but to yourself that you are going to stick with her through any and everything? You can't--it doesn't make any sense.
Calling me a weakling faggot, come on man. You've watched too many Hollywood films and think the power of love will overcome all situations in a relationship so long as you two "hang in their".

"Is it so hard to believe that people stay together not just because of not wanting to be alone, but because they respect the other person enough to work through the problem?"

Uhm, you're joking right? The ONLY reason people connect/talk/interact with others is because of the value they see in them. I'm ONLY responding to you because I'm getting satisfaction out of this conversation. After that, it's whatever. The only reason they "respect" one another is because that lowers their chances of getting out what they want from that person whether it be a one time thing or recurring.

And I am the same guy by the way.

"You just are a selfish individual that has no grasp on other peoples' emotions."

What is this jab supposed to mean? Are you implying that it's possible to be selfLESS?
Tell me, what's more selfish, right: Me expecting my partner to stay with me because of a promise we made then possibly getting upset because they did OR my partner cheating on me because "we had a promise..."
Come on bro. We're all selfish here--I'm just the one being honest while you're living in wonderland.

>power of love

This is why you cant grasp what im saying. A strong relationship isnt created through 'the power of love,' its done by two people who commit to each other and work together.
Like i said, youre a weak faggot who hasnt ever found somebody who would want to do this with you because you project your own insecurities onto them. At the end of the day a man only has his word, if you think that its IMPOSSIBLE for somebody to not cheat because they have attractions to other people youre too far gone already. No amount of working out will ever turn you into something of worth.

>a man

Why excuse women from this?

This is currently the most "REEEEEEEEEEE" thread on Veeky Forums. Congrats bros.

>Come on bro. We're all selfish here--I'm just the one being honest while you're living in wonderland.
I definitely disagree. There are millions, billions even that share the same ideas as me. I think you're a bit jaded in the relationship department, and I'm not sure you should be convincing other people that your way is the "right" way. I'll choose to respect your opinion, even though I don't agree with it, and you're allowed to view relationships however you want
That' being said, there ARE people out there that are in relationships to be partners with the person, not just to use them until something better comes along

At least the crushed man will be able to rise up again knowing he stuck his moral convictions, and be a better person for it.

Men and women cheat for different reasons. A man is a hunter, he has sex because it is his biological imperative to fuck many women. A woman is a nurturer, it is her biological imperative to fuck one many, many times.

If a woman cheats, it is malicious and it means she thinks the person she cheated with is better than her partner.

if a man cheats, he is just trying to bust a nut.

My LTR and I have an understand wherein I am able to have sex with other girls and she participates in threesomes with me because she knows the reason why I am doing it - I am not going to leave her for some cum slut, I chose her as my queen and the rest are just my rag.

>girl knows your banging chicks on the side
>she only bangs me and sometimes does threesomes with me

Yeah she's 100% fucking other guys

If the woman doesn’t know he’s married then the man is at fault, though I don’t support casual sex. If they both knew then they’re both at fault, but the woman would be slightly more at fault if she was the one who initiated it knowingly.

I've had a girl cheat on me once. The guy didn't even know she was with me. I felt stupid after confronting him and pushing him down. it taught me a lesson. Don't blame guys for trying to get your girl, blame your girl for letting them get her in the first place. Men will always be prepared to go for your woman at all times, it's up to her to stay loyal.

Oh, I misread OP’s post. Just reverse the genders except for the last sentence.

T. Estronaught

I love the jealous beta males in here that don't know how control women. If she cheated on me she knows how horrible her life would be because I would leave, and I would totally be fine hahah.

Look at you thinking you're heavy, bro.
"its done by two people who commit to each other and work together"
You're not grasping that when you do this you're instantly clashing with another--another human being. You're telling me that a strong relationship is predicated on a simple "commitment" two people promised? What sense is that? You're saying people just say they will commit and that's final. It's deeper than that you imbecile.

Bro.... People are using other people. It may not be like, "Hey, I need you for something real quick." it's something beyond asking--it's indirect. The fuck?

Yeah I'm sure she couldn't ever find another guy like you. Impossible. They just don't exist.

Bail nigga. If she wasn't loyal to her man of 3 years what makes you think she'll be loyal to you? Because you're "different"? Breh you're "different" until the next Chad comes along, then you're back where you started

Lel, all the cucks in this thread mad about something that's been happening among humanity before religion was even a concept.

It is so difficult to have this conversation on Veeky Forums because it is quite doubtful you will ever be able to imagine what it is like to be a good-looking, successful man. You are either a beta-male or a normie at bet, so you always shoot above or across in relation to female dominance hierarchies. The notion of outcome independence and complete control over your relationships is such a foreign and absurd concept to you because you will never realise such a state of being, it is this mentality that either drives people to the flawed Red Pill philosophies or towards being male feminists, both being pathetic attempts for people like you to scramble together an effective mating strategy.

My girl could find a guy who looks like me, who make as much money as me, and fucks as good as me, of course - she and I both know this. However what we also know is that she won't find all of that with commitment or the offer of an LTR and a stable future, it is why my offering is valuable to her.

>dedicated to a single chick
>thinks he's not a beta


I'm dedicated to a single woman that I want to build a home and a family with so I can raise children to become good citizens. I also am able to fuck any woman I want on the side while also having routine threesomes.

I hate being a beta-male. I just wanna fap to cartoons. :(

Excellent post.

>I'm dedicated to a single woman that I want to build a home and a family with so I can raise children to become good citizens.

AKA a beta. Alphas have multiple women that all know that they are part of the harem and accept their position as only one of their man's women. Omegas fuck other people's women.

I'm with you man. There is a reason why the divorce rate in USA is 51 percent. And that number reflects "mature" individuals who have gone through the process to unentangle themselves. There isn't a number that reflects unhappy relationships where Dad drinks to cope with what he legal bound himself to. Or where Mom feels trapped and inadequate, so she screams at her kids to relieve pressure. Each secretly wishing to turn this thing back somehow. Neither noticing until it's too late that they are raising dysfunctional fucking children who, in the absence of a proper example, are taught "what true love is" by Disney.
>thus, this thread

>not one mention of the word "respect"
See anons, L.O.V.E, without respect, means nothing.

>some people like being in committed relationships
>other people don't

There I solved this stupid thread

That is true if you are an incel that bases all of his opinions on retarded infographics. People that just go and have sex with a bunch of women without ever choosing one to raise a family with are generally unable to do so because they are unsuccessful due to some deficit in elsewhere in their life (those that are successful and still choose never to have children are the exceptions, not the rule). Having children and raising them to be capable members of society is the single most important thing any man can contribute to species outside of some massive scientific discovery or invention. Not having children (and worse, having children and not raising them) is the most degenerate and depraved act one could possibly engage in.

We are not animals, we have a higher calling and purpose. You are a pathetic beta, and you will never, ever be happy if you continue the path you are on. Take my words to heart, they could save you from a great deal of pain in the future.

Anime is a fantasy with no connection to real life.

>Having children and raising them to be capable members of society is the single most important thing any man can contribute to species outside of some massive scientific discovery or invention.

Yeah, a beta.

>We are not animals

Yes we are.

>we have a higher calling and purpose

No we don't.

You can't seem to accept the simple facts of biology. All animals (including humans) are on this planet to reproduce and make sure as much of their offspring survives to adulthood as possible. That is our biological programming. What the strategy is to attain that result is different even among a certain species, let alone throughout the whole animal world. Same thing with humans, some choose to have shit tons of children and take little care of them, letting survival of the fittest cull the weak and let the strong survive, some choose to have one or two children and put as much effort into making sure they survive as possible (aka the beta). These are all viable strategies that can be observed in the natural world. You being human doesn't make you different, you fucking special snowflake.

Once pounded the life out of this thicc juicy redhead who had a boyfriend of 4 years. She spent the night at my place and the next day she puts on her Snapchat story “My boyfriend is the best.”, after he had bought her some gifts. The poor sap never found out.

This is just pathetic and sad. I really do feel bad for you, I am not saying this as an insult. Get yourself together, user. Please.

Sorry mate, the only sad one here is you, who can't accept reality. But go ahead and keep thinking you're a special snowflake that has a "higher purpose" until your wife fucks another guy and you realize you've been raising another man's kid for years.

Accept the consequences of your actions user

>My girl could find a guy who looks like me, who make as much money as me, and fucks as good as me, of course - she and I both know this. However what we also know is that she won't find all of that with commitment or the offer of an LTR and a stable future, it is why my offering is valuable to her.
This is unironically what beta providers believe. And I have cucked enough of you to know.

I just laugh my ass off when I read you beta larpers trying to talk down to me about women and sex.

At least we are both laughing friend. If your posts really describe your relationship -> (I'm not a high value male, but I'm committed, and she knows she can't get commitment anywhere else)
I think I'll get the last laugh

I am a high value male, that is why I can have sex with other women (with her involved occasionally) and still reap the benefits of a committed relationship (someone to cook and clean for me, help keep up appearances in our social lives, and to bear my children when the time comes).

But hey, go ahead and laugh my man.

>a beta who's "committed" woman uses their open relationship to justify cheating on him with other men laughing at anyone else

If you were really high value, you'd have multiple committed women, not one who fucks around behind your back and uses your fucking other women as justification for that.

>multiple committed women

That is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life. That would be a massive fucking headache that I wouldn't want to deal with.

Have you never had a jealous, psycho ex when you were a teenag-oh wait... you are a teenager that has never had sex.

>That is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life.

That's what it means to be an alpha. That's why the majority of men are betas who settle for one woman. Alphas are men that have vast resources and are usually kings or the like. I guess with monogamy being not as favorably looked upon nowadays as it used to be, you could say that these men change wives frequently instead of being openly monogamous, like Trump or Putin for instance, but they still have multiple women with whom they have many children.

>Trump or Putin


What is an alpha? It's literally a leader. Both Trump and Putin are leaders. You're a beta, get over it.

The guy is just doing his job trying to fuck women. The woman is to blame for being unloyal.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

You are either Adult/Self Sovereign enough to make and keep a commitment, or you are an animal ruled by lower brain urges.

And im not talking marital commitments urged by religious institutions so they get future worshipers.

I mean you state up front, honestly to their face, that you want whatever degree of monogamy, convenience, or an open marriage with defined terms that you seek.
Most arent honest enough with themselves to even to know what they want.

I have a significant other who is not only my lover but also best friend. I have had many chances to cheat with female clients.

Its very simple not to:

Over a decade of friendship and love invested together ruined for 30 minutes of horseplay?

There is only one Woman, and she resides between your ears. Most men fall for her numerous masks that they project on the women around them.

Rise above the plight of the breeder.

I fucked around with a 19 y/o who had a bf.
Basically he barely paid any attention to her and I paid maybe a little too much attention to her, calling her cute and asking her to send me cute selfies of herself and she fed right into it. She loved the attention.

One day we were hanging out and she said "If I wasn't with my bf, I'd be with you. I want to be with you but idk what to do." I told her to do whatever she wants to do bc it's her life and the only life she'll ever have., then we started making out and I started feeling her up and next thing I know I'm sucking on her titties and sliding my hands down her pants but she stops me and says "I can't let you do that" and I do the whole "Do what? I'm just trying to show you a good time" shit and she says "That's too far, I can't let you do that. You can touch me above my panties" So we make out and I'm doing what she told me to do (above the panties) and I feel her getting wet and she stops making out for a sec and goes "Okay....we can't fuck but I'll suck your dick" then I say okay and she takes her shirt off and sucks my dick and I come in her mouth. After I finished cumming, she looked at me for a second then went to the sink and spit it out, then put her shirt back on and asked me to give her a ride home.
She was being all quiet and moody the entire ride and when I finally got to her apt she said "I don't even let my bf come in my mouth" and I said "idk what to say to that" and she got annoyed and left.
We talked a few more times after that but then she texted me saying she can't hang with me anymore "for obv reasons" and I responded "i understand" and she hit me with "wow ur not even gonna try to fite for me? i guess I know what u were after" and I didn't text her back

Adultery promotes cultural lack of trust, so if you like disintegrating hell world you should indulge and encourage it

lmao. dumb bitches man

yeah I know the entire care ride home she was waiting for me to be like "what's wrong?" wtc wtc but I didn't feel like it.
She wanted to suck my dick. I didn't pressure her. She wanted to make out. I didn't pressure her. I didn't suggest it. I'm not gonna be made to feel guilty for something I didn't start.

This kind of thing never happens to me. I have low self confidence and my girlfriend isn't that hot. I'm gonna start lifting and quit being a pussy.

No dude. It sounds like you should be in an open relationship. If you're cheating on your girl and she thinks you're faithful, you're just a scumbag.
