why aren't you vegan yet Veeky Forums?
better for your health
better for your hairline
better for animals
better for the environment
why aren't you vegan yet Veeky Forums?
better for your health
better for your hairline
better for animals
better for the environment
yes goyim, eat more soy, become the woman of your dreams
shant be going vegan
Been vegan for a year now, feels good fuark
Because whey and casein
>yes goy, kill more animals for no reason, consume estrogen filled dairy, and eat less carbs (which are coincidentally the main macronutrient responsible for testosterone production.
found the hairlet
post body
Because I don't have an ethical system based on the rantings of retarded children.
>be vegan
>stop retards from killing normies
>let wolves kill deer
r8 me boi
you probably would've grown into an upstanding adult male if you would've eaten meat desu
That's Clarence Kennedy
literally wut
>caring about animals' feelings
You do know animals kill other animals too right?
>Consume estrogen filled dairy
Nah, this is pure bullshit. Especially if you're drinking raw milk. Look at asians who are lactose intolerant, they're beta as fuck.
>eat less carbs
Lmao name me one essential carbohydrate? Go ahead.
Also, why do you vegans think it's impossible to be a conscious meat eater who doesn't shitty processed meat and doesn't buy meat from this mass produced places were the animals are treated like shit? You do know it's possible to eat meat and not support animal cruelty right?
That carb thing is interesting. Never researched just went from word of mouth but I always thought that was fat. What's the typical percentage split for a vegan with protein/carbs/fat?
>where are you from
>how long has you been vegan
>what's your fav vegan meal
>what's your favorite soymilk?
>why do you vegans think it's impossible to be a conscious meat eater who doesn't shitty processed meat and doesn't buy meat from this mass produced places were the animals are treated like shit?
Simple, it's not possible to meet the demand for meat products without mass farming.
Holy shit that's one of the saddest asses I've seen in a while
>Never researched just went from word of mouth but I always thought that was fat.
>where are you from
>how long has you been vegan
2 years
>what's your fav vegan meal
Butternut Squash, Charred Corn, & Black Beans
>what's your favorite soymilk?
>hurr you use a minimal amount of fats for testosterone but ignore that fact that you need high amounts of carbs to create high testosterone anyways
Ok boyo.
60-70% of estrogen consumption in America is dairy.
>where are you from
grew up in norway and hungary
>how long has you been vegan
5 goddamn years in may
>what's your fav vegan meal
i dont know.. i like everything
>what's your favorite soymilk?
some generic cheap shit sold by aldi. it's just water, soy and some salt
>but ignore that fact that you need high amounts of carbs
Point to the high amount of carb in the pic please.
>gained 20lbs
>took an equivalent amount of dick
If semen fits your macros I guess
You can technically put everyone into Texas and use the rest of the world to farm properly, not impossible. A more realistic solution though would be to simply be better meat eaters, most people don't even eat organs or all the weirder parts of the animals; we should stop eating for taste and just eat any animal and eat the entire animal.
Yeah because the dairy in the US is absolute shit. (((They))) even made it illegal in certain states to purchase raw milk.
For a bunch of people who claim it's great, vegans sure do spend a lot of time trying to make their food taste like normal food
Are vegans now actually claiming they have higher testosterone than meat eaters? You people really do force yourselves to believe whatever you want to believe.
And I'm not a vegan because I don't want to eat the diet that the UN promotes.
im pretty sure Clarence said there is absolutely no difference between meat based and plant based diet in terms of progress and physiological changes
>And I'm not a vegan because I don't want to eat the diet that the UN promotes.
Stupidity at it's peak! Good job
Theres already a thread for this
20% protein
30% fat
vegans are retarded. you losers go to any extreme to justify your autistic cult-like diet.
stay small, soyboys
yes eating like 3 foods less than the average person is truly extreme
??? I thought vegan meant not ingesting or using animal products. It's not just food it's shampoo, and toothpaste, and plastics, and clothing right?
Clarence has technically been vegan for the past few years.
there are tons of cosmetics clothing etc with no animal products, it's close to zero effort to find them. once you know what brands/products are vegan, it becomes zero effort. i'd hardly call this "extreme"
This desu. Not really helping the vegan argument.
I don't kill animals for no reason, I kill them so that after I have sunk my antique genuine nazi dagger into the chest of another jewish deer and plunged by teeth into her soft, supple jugular, swallowing warm mouthfulls of blood and flesh
Only because western vegans are still the same people that grew up on shitty food. They're not culturally different. They still crave shitty food.
explain the hairline thing
because its a scheme to switch over destroyed microbiome having mutants to crickets and soy food.
creatine in meat causes balding
soy protects against balding via equol
this is legit a compelling reason to go vegan
Question is: Did he build that body natty with Veganism? Or convert after the bulk of the work was done?
Kill youself Buzi
Wtf? I love vegans now
You too, fittetryne
Plastic is normally considered vegan though. I guess it depends how far you want to go
With that logic he should have lost all his strength after making the switch, no?
This needs to stop. Nobody on fit is vegan. Being vegan is fucking retarded. Where does veganism fit into the average Veeky Forums posters intrest? It doesn't make you any healthier and literally virtue signals for fucking animals. Yes we eat too much meat on average, vegan fantasies arent going to fix anything. Some retard who probably isn't a vegan posts this thread, which might as well be a bait thread and every fucking comment is
>no, I eat meat
>vegans aren't healthy
>you can't eat a proper diet as a vegan
>we have no interest in veganism
>I literally don't give a fuck about animals or the environment, just my gains
And yet you still think this belongs here. News flash
>lalalalalalalalal I can't hear you lalalallalalala
The amount of estrogen in milk is so small, men naturally produce 6000 times more estrogen naturally then is in a pint of milk.
You would need to be drinking about 1000 pints a day to get anywhere near levels at which it would affect you
There is no definitive evidence on how phytoestrogens effect hormones, most studies so far say it has little to no effect either positively or negatively on hormone levels.
What is with all this misinformation? Drink whatever you want, the most important factor in estrogen production is body fat, reduce your body fat with a controlled and healthy diet if you are worried about estrogen levels.
Clarence is on steroids so regardless of his diet choices, he was going to make massive gains.
Brehs how do you go vegan if you have mild allergic responses to wheat, oats and lentils?
>allergic response
What does this mean?
like this but replace oats with something else
nvm wrong one
wheat, oats and lentils? that's a weird combination of allergies. i'm guessing you made this up and/or you're a hypochondriac
Nah, tested and found out today. Also mild allergy to kiwi, lol. It's fucked. Fuck you too btw.
>western vegans
Veganism is an exclusively western thing you retard. Third worlders eat meat every chance they get cos they don't have the luxury of choosing. Find me one example of anethnicity or culture or whatever outside of the first world who are deliberately vegan.
Don't a lot of buddhists deliberately abstain from meat consumption?
umad lad?
ok, you're a confirmed freak then.
not the end of the world though, eat these instead - millet, rice, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, sorghum, beans, chickpeas, split peas
>testosterone is a sugar based molecule
its synthesised from lipids like cholesterol you utter retard
why should i care if im not a balding manlet in the first place?
thats vegetarianism though
Is it true that being vegan you can't make muscle?
eating meat is degeneracy
veganism is purity
Yes, I've been vegan my whole life, 35 years, and I have zero muscle mass, my heart is literally made out of broccoli instead. Fucking retard
Ooh yeah forgive me cow. Let your bull husband ram his gigantic dong in me please it hurts just so you can forgive me.
Ooh Yeah cock give me you cock. Please forgive me aaah good
Tyrone please please put your bbc inside me. Forgive me for my ancestors hnnng feels so gooood. It's all in ? OMG that's so good forgive me
served yourself
Hah, nice catch. I can admit to making a typo, can you admit to making life decisions like the average nigger?
I'm not the same user as . I eat meat because I like it and am sipping on a pint of choco milk rn because I also like that. It tastes good and is a convenience when I have next to no reason to avoid these foods and products in the first place.
>You do know animals kill other animals too right?
therefore I can kill animals too
>Nah, this is pure bullshit. Especially if you're drinking raw milk. Look at asians who are lactose intolerant, they're beta as fuck.
>raw milk
milkjar? you're a fucking shithead, how does the process of pasteurising add estrogen to milk?
>Lmao name me one essential carbohydrate? Go ahead.
name one essential animal product. Go ahead.
>You do know it's possible to eat meat and not support animal cruelty right?
stabbing a pig in the throat is not animal cruelty?
>I have next to no reason to avoid these foods
All my grandparents have lived in to their 90s and ate lots of meat
All my grandparents have lived in to their 90s and smoked lots of cigarettes
All 20 of grandparents died in the Holocaust and they lived to their 90s. One is still active tennis player
Buddhists eat meat faggot. Many Hindus are vegetarian not vegan but they also shit in the street.
>vegan general
>starts with "why aren't you vegan"
at least pretend you're not doing this to start an argument, some vegan recipes maybe?
>name one essential animal product. Go ahead.
Vitamin b12 (b12 supplements are extracted from animals btw), fat, iron (piece of meat > shit ton of different types of greens)
>Inb4 pic of McDonald's
I know you fellow Americans struggle to understand the concept that you can buy meat from a butcher and prepare it yourself in a healthy way but it's okay we all Learn new things everyday
are you trolling me
funny story I actually knew her in college
>funny story
>doesn't posts it
Come on lad, don't make us wait
That's not the point of the post. You saw one term you didn't like and got triggered and distracted.
I was pointing out that a westerner that adopts veganism is more likely to crave meat and cheese substitutes because they grew up on vast amounts of it. Vegans in other countries like India probably don't demand all these vegan novelties because their diets are already mostly vegetarian.
Vegan's are not exclusively western. There's vegans all over the world.
>being so ignorant that he doesn't even realise that the Chinese Prince Liu An invented soy meat replacements to fill his craving for the good stuff as a vegetarian.
>not realising that seitan was invented by vegetarian Buddhist monks for the exact same reason
Craving for meat is universal because we're supposed to eat that shit retard.
There are not vegans all over the world. It's a western thing. If you find it outside the West it's with rich westernised third worlders. It's only arisen as a result of the luxury of the West.
still can't walk
>being so ignorant that he doesn't even realise that the Chinese Prince Liu An invented soy meat replacements to fill his craving for the good stuff as a vegetarian.
>not realising that seitan was invented by vegetarian Buddhist monks for the exact same reason
I know you think you're smart and informed with that comment but you aren't really
There is literally nothing wrong with eating meat replacements since eating meat is unethical, just like there is literally nothing wrong with playing GTA when robbing and murdering are unethical
>Craving for meat is universal
Yes, it is
>because we're supposed to eat that shit
Source: your ass
>There are not vegans all over the world.
Yes there are lmao
>It's a western thing.
No it's not. Mediterranean, mid East and far east cultures have all always had "accidentally vegan" dishes and the West simply jumped on the bandwagon hard in the last 10 years because of the internet helping with information and idea circulation about the ethical, environmental and health detriments of eating meat as well as vegan recipes, products etc
>If you find it outside the West it's with rich westernised third worlders. It's only arisen as a result of the luxury of the West.
What the fuck are you talking about you triplenigger poor people survive on potatoes and rice