Looking non-DYEL in clothing

How big do you have to be to look like you actually lift in regular clothes, such as a t-shirt or a button-down? Alternatively, what where were you at measurement/lift-wise when you started getting mires in everyday clothing?

I've only been lifting about 3 months, and while I can definitely see progress in the mirror with my shirt off, I know I'm still DYEL as fuck by everyone else's standards.

pic related - not huge, but you can tell he's seen the inside of a gym before

is that way

Just buy shirts a size smaller. You’re welcome.

is that picture supposed to be of a guy that looks like he lifts? LMFAO

I want to know how strong a person would have to be to look like they lift without making an effort to do so. That's why I'm asking, not for fashion advice


If you have low body fat you will always look smaller in shirts

Most of the people who look big in shirts are fucking fat asses when they take that shirt off

the key is finding that 1 in 100 brand of t-shirts
everyone with years of experience knows it exactly

American Apparel t-shirts show off your bod well i find. Bought myself five recently.

15" arms, i think. a little bigger for lanklets, smaller for manlets, it's all about proportion. chest and traps play a big role too

that's not true. when you're lean, you can still fill the shoulders/sleeves of a shirt, and slim-fitting shirts will accentuate your v-taper

this is true, its not just about being this big or having a small size shirt, some brands just make you look good and its different for everyone. I always look a lot bigger in a shitty oxford university shirt i bought in a gift shop, the letters in the pec area give like a 3d effect to my boobs and they look bigger

Are there any good shirts that fit well when you have broad shoulders but a small waist (and otherwise not that big)? I can't wear shirts in a size that would accentuate chest and arms, because then it won't fit at the shoulders and if I get one that fits at the shoulders it will be too baggy around the waist.

Show us your photo big boi

>wearing clothes
>look swole
>not wearing clothes
>visible love handle etc.

Fucking hell

You have to look approximately 6,928 big

What a fucking question is that? You think you can generalize this?

sure, with an arm size or a BMI + bf% or something

27+ BMI with 15% bf and 17 inch arms if youre not a manlet

In my experience you only look big as a natural in clothes if you gain a bit of bodyfat, which happens anyway if you want to lift heavier weights.

It's all relative and special to each case. If you were a couch potato, but no a nearly lost cause (I'm thinking like 6' and 150 or 250) If you follow something like SS for a year and stick with it, and don't eat absolute shit, you'd look, at the very least, athletic after about a year.

You need to stop doing SS and train your arms

Actually that's a recipe for looking like an absolute faggot

When your upper body starts developing, lose bf % and nail your fit is when you look non dyel to most people. As
long as you dont have tits or a belly


Depends on frame, muscle insertions, limb lengths and ratio. Some guys have big ribcages, long torsos and short femurs, of course they will look different than someone the same height but with super long legs and a tiny ribcage.
The guy on the left is in great shape as well, yet his narrow clavicles permit him from ever looking as big as the guy to his right. The Greensboro jock at 16 had more robust bones than many adults

fucking this
all you can do is gain muscle and lose fat. you'll always look like you, just more jacked.
there's a reason not every skinny tall woman is a model, because women have different body shapes and proportions. how hard is it to comprehend that the same applies to men

t. dyel twinks

As long as you're out of total dyel mode (hint: you're probably not after only three months) it's not about size but literally just buying clothes with a good fit. The OP pic is a good example because he's barely out of ottermode, yet his muscles are clearly outlined in his shirt.

someone on sluthate found him, that guy is a selfmade millionaire
Third row, second from the right. He is twice as wide as some on his team, steroids my fucking ass.

As long as the shirt fit's your torso it's mostly about low enough bf&, your triceps and forearms I guess.
Triceps contibutes most mass to the upper arm, so the sleeve is filled and you can easily see the biceps insertion near the elbow.
Finally, the vascularity, hardness, size and striation of your forearms will be visible regrdless of shirt, especially when your arms are crossed. People (especially women) seem to notice these in my experience.

This is all from the standpoint though where you don't want to roid; if you do that, people will call you big in a matter of months.
But to be called big being natty works in different ways it seems...

It's more about frame. I look pretty good in shirts even though I've only lifted for a bit over a year because my shoulders are wide and big (though I've had great progress and am already 'big' by normie standards).

Veeky Forumsggot here

darker colors make you look slimmer, so conversly, lighter colors make you look bigger (to a degree)

V-neck shirts give the illusion that you are taller and stronger (to a degree)

Sleeve width and circumference is more important that sleeve length (to a degree)

Now just start lifting til the shirt fits slightly tighter in the upper body than it does the lower body giving the illusion that you have visible abs

Ringer tees should be a good starting place cause the extra band of white fabric around your neck and biceps will definitely make you look bigger if you are actually big, otherwise you look like a kid at peewee baseball