>boogie 526 lbs
>brian shaw 437 lbs
Why do knees of fat fucks give up but knees of powerlifters don't? I mean knees don't care if they carry 400 pounds of meat or fat. Someone explain.
Boogie 526 lbs
Other urls found in this thread:
> Brian Shaw: Strongest man in the world
> Boogie: Saddest man in the world
Boogie is a professional mayonnaise chugger while Shaw is a conditioned athlete.
Malnutrition I guess
Muscle. Are you okay, user?
being strong means his bones have structural support
being fat creates an inflammatory environment, exacerbating osteoarthritis beyond stress caused by injury and mechanical load
Muscles aren't the only thing that get stronger when you weightlift. Your bones get denser and your tendons/ligaments get much stronger.
>someone who steadily trains their muscles and joints can support more weight than someone who doesn't
>omg how?
knee isn't a muscle, even trained athletes can ruin their knees if they run on hard surfaces too much
Steroids increase bone mass and muscle supports joints.
obese people get worse arthritis in non-weight bearing joints too
>It becomes increasingly clear that the link between obesity and OA transcends excessive loading.
There are lots of rugby/football players still playing with no ACLs. Their legs are so built they don't need them.
>even trained athletes can ruin their body doing stuff that ruins bodies
Did you ever have any education at all? Do you really think the bones and joints of someone who is muscular aren't under less stress than those of someone who is weak?
shaw is 6’8
I mean boogie walking around weighing 500lbs is a lot of training wouldn't you say
Do you see the problem?
>he deadlifts AND squats 500lbs everytime he gets up
>implying his knees are week
>everytime he gets up
That's around 5 times a day.
Still causes stress? So wouldn't that train the joints overtime to handle more load
He waddles my bad
no, he's fat because he eats 10k calories per day
walking wont do shit
boogie isn't far off
Was. Eddie Hall is now
you dont train the joints, user. your muscles help relieve the stress of weight on your bones and ligaments
Interestingly enough Eddie Hall's knees are actually super fucked. He can't use leg drive at all during pressing movements.
These are the people giving advice on Veeky Forums.
These are the people mocking your body in cbt.
This fucking board.
Some muscles going from humerus to tibia or fibula next to flexing, extensing or adducting also stabilise your knees.
Boogie isn't even 6'
He's 5'9"
Any of or a combination of a few reasons
>Better nutrition: stronger bones and joints in someone who eats nutrient dense foods (in excess) vs someone who eats empty calories (in excess)
>Psychological: A powerlifter wouldn't really care if their knees hurt, a fatty would use it as justification for moving even less.
>Medication: Powerlifters (and anyone over the natty limit) have chronic joint and bone pain because their bodies are fucked; part of the game when you use steroids to become bigger than your body can sustain. As a result, most strongmen/powerlifters/bodybuilders are on POWERFUL painkillers 24/7, and drugs like deca that reduce inflammation/pain.
is everyone ITT retarded
More muscle = more support and somewhat less load for the joint
I'm thinking the question is is that if a fat fuck is ambulatory, or even semi active, they have plenty of muscle under that fat, in order to haul around all that fat. I don't know, but my guess is that it's the difference of carrying 500lbs all the time vs a few times a week. It wears out from the constant load.
like... does nobody here even understand how shit works on this board anymore???
tendons joints and bones gain mass as you subject them to stress, retards. Poopie doesn't work with his weight, he sits on his ass and has no muscle to stop himself from folding at weird angles as well.
honestly, fuck that cunthole, he has everything he needs and more to lose weight, but he's too much of a spoiled, woe-is-me bitch to do it. A neon haired tumblr landwhale trapped in an eunuch's body.
wew lad, so rude
It's almost like lifting strengthens yoour bones and ligaments and not just your muscle
Deadlifts 1×5
Exactly as programmed
because Shaw couldnt compete that year. everybody knows Shaw wouldve wiped the floor with Eddie unless you are a fanboy.
So you think he's deadlifting 1100 pounds with his back and biceps then? Dumb.
>because Shaw couldnt compete that year.
What are you talking about? Shaw competed and came in 3rd.
>not having a broken down body at least as bad as fatties
Is this Generation Z? What the fuck?
There are some muscles that helps the knee, especially the tensor fasciae latae ends up covering the knee.