>Go to doctors
>So you're 6'5 right user?
>No i'm 6'
>Oh, I thought you were much taller!
How many of you faggots lie about your god damn height? God fucking damn it.
>Go to doctors
>So you're 6'5 right user?
>No i'm 6'
>Oh, I thought you were much taller!
How many of you faggots lie about your god damn height? God fucking damn it.
People's perception of height is so off it's crazy. I regularly get people thinking I'm 3-4 inches taller.
The only way this is possible is because of manlets lying about their fucking height.
okcupid did some interesting data analysis on their site's profiles 5-10 years ago. the bell curve for male height skewed 2" right of average.
i'm 5'11" and can attest to having women assume i'm 6'1" or 6'2". and you know what? i may have told them i'm 6'0" even, too. if the pit will not rise, then we shall level the ground.
I think the vast majority of body builders are manlets. I'm 5'9", and I knew a girl who is at least a couple inches shorter than me. She met Kai Greene and got a picture with him, and she pretty much dwarfs him. And he claims to be 5'8".
So idk, I didn't meet him, but I think he's lying.
>put 6'0" on dating profile
>I'm actually 5'10
>5'11 girl messages me
>ignore her
>6'3 on driver's license
>actually only 6'2
Same lmao. My friend is like, you’re 6’3/6’4 right? I told him I was 6’1(I’m 6’1.5 but 6’1 sounds better than 6’2)
I look so much taller than I actually am. It’s weird cause I don’t feel that tall either.
this has happened to me too many times
I'm 6'3, but when I am around manlets I will say that I am like 5'10 just to fuck with them.
>doctors visit in june
>ur 69.5in says dumb nurse bitch
>definitely grew since then
>doctors last week
>ur 69in says different dumb nurse bitch
I'm 5'10". I want to chop down a taller woman and use her.
I say I'm 5'10", probably closer to 5'11", so 6' in shoes. Girls think I'm "strapping". I'm not complaining.
i tell people i'm 6'3" but im actually closer to 6'4" (192cm) :(
I am 5'11" and I tell people I am 5'10, doesn't change a thing, cos still a manlet.
Coworkers/gf ask about my height pretty often. Am 6'2", but always say 5'8" for the laffs. Former people just assume I'm 6'4, EZ 2" height gain, lifts not necessary.
Always tell everyone I'm 6' but found out two days ago I'm 6'1
Your gf asks about your height often. Does she have alzheimer's?
Et tu, Brute ?
>not having alzheimers gf that you cheat on frequently
All of these insecure betas sitting in their room comparing their height to feel better about themselves
They dont ask you in soctor officies. They actually measure you.
I'm right at 5'9 and regularly see guys my height and shorter claim 5'11. I think the only people who are honest about their height are the true turbomanlets and lanklets, since there's not anything to be gained by lying when you're blatantly a midget or already massive.
>be 5'11
>claim I'm 5'8"
>be 6'1
>say i'm 6'1
>girl assumes I'm lying
fuck you fucking lying manlets
>if the pit will not rise, then we shall level the ground
>Be 5'6"
>people taller than me go 'wtf why not 5'8'
What, are you using me as a measuring stick? Is this part of learning?
I know that feel, but I'm more like 5' 11.23891".
Your height fluctuates up to an inch each day.
>5'11" and change
>say I'm 6'
>mfw no one will never know
>be 5'11
>friend at uni says something along the lines of "guys our height" to me
>ask him how tall he is
>my brother arrives a while later, know he's 5'8 for a fact
>he's taller than the dude in my class when they stand next to each other
fucking manlets man
>say I'm 6' to make manlets seem shorter
Is height something people talk about? I don't think I've ever heard it unless someone is legit 6'5+.
Women talk about it when you're not around.
dont fall for the w*men meme
Women take it into legitimate consideration. It's literally the first genetic trait they can pick up on from a fucking distance.
If you're short, they're comparing you.
They literally size men up for fun.
I'm 6"2 and I get women oozing over me and they always talk about how nice my height is and that ((short)) men are a turn off because when they wear their high heel shoes they're taller than them.
>TL;DR If you're short, you better be packing a good aesthetic body, a golden personality and a good stable job. You have to work twice as much to literally be in equal measure as a tall guy doing half the labor. Kek.
This is true but desu who gives a shit
The world, people subconsciously judge you for being short.
>186 cm
>Been 186 cm for the last 11 years
>Say I'm 186 cm when asked.
Why lying?
I say I'm 6' but really I'm 5' 11.5"
Every time a nurse measures me for doctor appointments, I ask her to round up to 6' for me... but, they always say it's unethical and they could lose their license. Sounds like bullshit.
Holy fucking kek.
You're not a manlet with height issues so you don't see why.
Lie because everyone else seems to do as well. By truthfully saying you're 186 you place yourself with guys who are around 182cm.
>always said I´m 1,90
>genuinely thought i was 1,90 for ages
>measuring again for whatever reason
>turns out i´m 1,88
Maybe I was just too lazy to always say 88 instead of 90 which is shorter but fuck, I actually managed to convince myself.
Yeah i 180-181cm but always say im 180cm and im close friends with like 3 ppl who all claim to be 180 cm even though they are obviously shorter aa confirmed by everyone else, myb i should just start claiming im 182 so i can say im 6'
Just found out a manlet fucked your girl huh thats tough...
>caring about being 6' in a metric system country
Guilty. I'm 181 cm and claim 6'. 6' is closer to 183 btw.
Exactly me. I'm almost 6' in the morning, but after a long day I'm only a bit above 5'11"
>met a guy that was 6'6 yestersday
>im 6'2
so this is what manlets feel
there's not even any point in lying
Who cares? It's just a number, and lying isn't gonna make me taller.
I've never been asked on a date about my height. Women can see if you're tall, average, or short, the actual height is irrelevant.
Oh shit, they're learning!
>Hang out with group of friends where the shortest guy is 6'4''
Its because of ur frame man
I'm 5'11 but built weirdly (long legs, narrower shoulders, longer neck) and people regularly guess my height as 5'9 or 5'8 while my friend who has good proportions and wide shoulders who is my same height has people guess he is 6 foot (when im not around)
Its all an illusion man HEIGHT FACE FRAME
Be 5'8
People think I'm 5'6
>when the TLDR is just as long as the rest of the text