What's your favourite ab exercises?
How do you hit your obliques? I can't find an exercise that really hammers them, there's nothing like a cable crunch where I can feel my abs engaging
You DO isolate abs right?
What's your favourite ab exercises?
How do you hit your obliques? I can't find an exercise that really hammers them, there's nothing like a cable crunch where I can feel my abs engaging
You DO isolate abs right?
Other urls found in this thread:
no point in doing abs as a natty i hope you know that
>there is no point in developing core strength
The absolute state of this post
hello guys
can anyone help me into webm on iphone
To be fair doing these inflated ab workouts as is common nowadays could be considered a colossal waste of time if your only aspiration is to look good.
If you're an athlete obviously you'll want to train that shit
>what are squats and deadlifts
Doing squats and deadlifts are horrible for developing abs. They are targeted way to little in order to see any progression at all.
i spent so long avoiding core, but ive just started doing planks after each weight session. i guess im planning to add one workout at a time gradually until im strong enough to do dragon flags or something
Are dragon flags good for obliques? I just started doing them and they rip up my entire torso chest included
KCC but you look like DYEL doing them in a busy gym.
what the fuck is KCC? why do you abbreviate things which are not common sense enough to be abbreviated? are you actually a fucking spastic? here let me abbreviate the rest of my message for you to decipher you dumb faggot ihynyysff
For me, I feel like bent over bb rows really target my obliques.
kentucky core check'ems
Tell me that after you can do ateast 10 leg to bar raises and shield vipers. Or 10 (weighted) ab wheel rollout from feet.
But I KNOW you won't do that because it's so much easier blame your lack of ABS on "muh genetics" and parrot shit like "abs are made on the kitchen" BS than actually hitting it hard.
I hate you nigger you young slut fuck face?
Feet on bench when doing skullcrushers (surprisingly effective)
Do nothing else, have bretty decent core strength and have visible obliques at around 12% bf
TheChan app
it's a dude behind him
you dont like dudes? what are you even doing here moron, go back to /rfit/
Ab rollers + leg raises + wood choppers.
Planks and crunches can go fuck themselves.
Is it possible to get abs like these natty? I'm at maybe 12-13 bf but still need to flex for anything to be visible and for my abs to be hard.
Russian twists
kneeling cable crunch
fuaaark never noticed that shit.
Literally weighted planks is all you need in terms of ab work, once you can do the plank for a minute add 2kg each time and so on.. protip, do this at home so you don't look like a DYEL
this shit, minus the fag in the video obviously
Russian Twist for obliques have worked wonders for me.
How about we man the fuck up and do our desired exercises at the gym in front of everyone and mutually not giving a fuck.
>they stare at me
>give me funny looks
Ok... and? Quit being a lil bitch. Ok? We're all gonna make it brehs.
What's wrong with weighted crunches?
Anyone got the source of this?
And yes I know that is a dude behind him.
that was rly fugin gr8 m8
>how did they make it?
I'd let him cum inside me in the locker room showers and then I'd lick his abs while jerking off.
No homo.
Not the guy you were talking to but desu Veeky Forums has probably turned me gay. It's a slippery slope and it starts with "ooh his is hot."
wtf is a shield viper? sounds badass
just google it retard. there are a few apps.
have no idea,
right mate im sure the only quad lift you do is the squat, chest lift is bench and shoulder lift is ohp.
>posting that webm of the guy with the disgustingly large obliques
Ok retard, there are 14 year old kids with six packs but you need to be on roids apparently
Not jelly of his abs, jelly of his skin.
Roiders always wants to find a excuse. Like of u dont do drugs u cant. For me, a bunch of lazy boys wanting the easier path.
Roiding is like cheating on a mmo
zercher squats
shit, im gay now, right?