ITT we discuss :
Why swimming is way better than running
Why swimming is way better than lifting
We already know that women don't like men too jacked with no bodyfat and veins, ew, discusting
Instead Swimming gives the man a perfect entertaining workout which improves his CARDIO, and improves his ARMS and LEGS muscles
I recently began going to the pool and loved it, I don't feel the sweat like when I run, nor the impact from the ground, the surrounding water keeps my body cool
Throughout history Swimmlets have always been jealous of what this sport enables (peak male physique), mostly because in their own pajeet countries there is no water
"The gym? Oh that weird place down the street, I went once but it was full of sweaty stinky gorillas who scream when they lift and consume unatural products, just too look good because of their narcissism.
I never returned, I much prefer the guys at the swimming pool, they're so athletic and majestic, they can't notice it but when I swim along their sides I'm wet down there ;)"
Why are you this delusional, samefagging the first replies. Go fuck yourself. Of course swimming is better than running. Old news.
>mostly because in their own pajeet countries
how retarded are you polfag?
Not only do they no have water in their shithole, they are also probably alergic to chlorine
Or just too poor to subscribe to the pool, even though it's basically free
>Not only do they no have water in their shithole
how retarded are you you fucking poltards i have been to india many times and there are pools in every city and all the rich houses. only ones without water are you califags
>that feel when you sink like a brick
>said no woman ever in all of history
I'm not american
Ask your mother if she'd rather go to the gym or the swimming pool, I already know the answer
Too bad for you honestly, let me have all the qts
>my local pool is full of old people that swim too slow, so everytime I go I have to do slalom
fuck old people
I don't want to fuck my mother
Going to the gym 4x and swimming 3x masterrace here
That's not a swimmers body, that's a shitty roidfag
>tfw swimlet and cardiolet
Just got done swimming and was only able to do 50 laps in a bit less than 30 min
I am starting back up and I am averaging 1:20/100 in practice. Feels so slow. I want to get back down to an at least acceptable 1:10/100.
I'll get there.
Why not both? I run 5-6 miles per day 4x per week (~8:00/mi) and swim 2,500 m twice per week. Haven't felt that good in ages.
I do have two problems though: I'd like to swim faster (I usually do breast) but idk how to do it. Same as with running, HIIT? Also, I'd love to learn butterfly someday. How should I tackle this? Not gonna lie, I'm too shy to ask the pros at the local pool.
Running - speed work. Consider a plan that looks like this,
You could look into aquarun training programs on Training Peaks. I am getting into aqua run and aqua bikes myself. Nationals is November 2018 in Florida - no qualification necessary.
Swimming is mostly form. Look into joining a masters swim team for getting cheap advice on your stroke from former college swimmers and coaches.
chlorine just fucks up hair/skin sorry
How long does it take you to swim 2500m?
Got my phase one in February but my only qualm is that I can't fucking swim, and have nobody to go with.
Should I just wait until its pool time and tell the instructors? I don't want to look like a twat but its either that or making a fool of myself in the public pools.
Phase one?
swiming is better cardio than running
swiming is better cardio than lifting weights
swiming is not better muscle development exercise than lifting weights
Yeah British army
Basically jumping into the deep end with clothes and thread water for 2 minutes, then its a 50m swim in under 4 minutes.
Just going to bite the bullet and see about getting lessons
I was thinking of combining them. 2 times a week swimming and 1-2 depending on how much i have to study. And it fits my body goal as well. Pic related
same user 1-2 times going to the gym.
yeah you can do that, consider the following, you are probably in high shcool or college right? in that case use the school gym/pool if you have both then nothing better than that, you don't have to spend more time and money going to a gym and pool, if you don't have much time to spend after class swimming two times per week is great, but if you do 1 or 2 days of lifting per week you will have to lift heavier and in greater volume those days in order to have appropiate muscle/strength development, but it would be better for strenght training, training 3 or 4 days a week is better for muscle developing, becouse you can lift a little less weight and focus in the contraction of the muscles, which is what you need for muscle growth (aside from eating) and you dont even need to spend to much time on it this way
Swimming only makes male physiques look good.
t. female who did competitve swimming for 4 years and loathed the sheer amount of muscle it put on and how it broadened already broad shoulders.
>Got my phase one in February
>can't fucking swim
Youre fucked m8
>tfw cant swim
Use a kickboard then. You probably know this as a competitive swimmer but for the swimlets, your flutter kick is the first to slow/weaken as you tire. Poor form from exertion is 99% of the time relying on your upper body. Strengthen your legs by doing HIIT wall kicking or laps with a board.
>tfw booty gainz
Yea im in uni atm. I can go 2 times a week swimming in the uni pool because its open only 3 days a week. Its free so that is a huge plus since all the private swimming pool are expensive as fuck. Gym on the other hand are dirt cheap. Atm im going to the gym 3 times a week doing full body every time. Im going ham on calorie counting and cardio (the swimming) in february since the pool is opening then its closed now because of the winter break. And im hoping to get a killer body from then until the start of the summer.
Not very hard once you learn how to you probably wont need any lessons
>willingly swimming in chlorine water mutiple hours a week
How do I not swim like a complete retard?
And what's wrong with clorine? You think there's a problem with taking a bath in soap water too?
gives you asthma
t. swam a lot when i was a kid and got pneumonia/bronchitis every winter and once i stopped it all went away also look up asthma rates in olympic swimmers
Swimming during the fucking winter? What did you fucking expect?
If you're good it should take 40-45min, even less if you've got perfect style and cardio on point. When i swam in high school we did 2000 as a warmup in 20 min
Does a lap count to the end or to the end and back?
No, you didn't.
M8 the basic swim test is a piece of piss, go down the local pool, get a couple lessons, once you can swim just go down a couple times a week. I hadnt swam in years before i did it and it was fine.
We did have a lad who couldnt swim and waited til he was about to get in the pool to tell the staff, shit was fuckin hilarious
>in high school we did 2000 as a warmup in 20 min
that's 100m in 1 minute twenty times
Someone is bad with math...
Depends on the pool.
Most pools usually have 25m, but some have full olympic lengths.
Laps != 100m everywhere.
>almost 20
>Don't know how to swim
Should I end it?
why not both?
>why swimming is way better than running
Qt twinks in the showers
Why don't you learn how to swim? It's not like it's hard. Start with some frog swim and progress from there.
This user knows what's up
I take long. 1 hr, maybe 1 hr 10 mins. Never learned to swim properly using breast stroke, I suppose.
Is swimming 700 Meyers in 45 minutes good?
Ive been swimming for a month and a half.
Are you going to post more?
i would swim but my body is too gross. i don't like looking at myself with my shirt off or letting other people see me as such
This quarter at uni my schedule would allow me to swim every day if I wanted to, even in addition to lifting. I'm wanting to get back in shape for the ocean lifeguard test coming up; would competitive swimmers here recommend me swimming daily, or go for less? I've only really surfed my whole life and did a little waterpolo in high school, so any advice would be awesome for an appropriate amount of time in the pool I should shoot for.
yeah my dad had a brother who dated a professional swimmer and he said her shoulders were super broad and ugly
lmao, retard
Ya mong. Most people get into swimming because they already have asthma. Its great for your lungs and breath control
T. Former International level competitive swimmer
Also AMA if anyone has any questions
Have none Asian ones?
Not bad for a first time to be honest. I've been swimming twice week for three months now. When I started I was doing 20 laps, but could only do one at a time. Now I do 200s until I've done 48 laps (6 sets). Takes about 35 minutes.
all of the ones I've posted are asian
Meant non Asians
indoor pools are a thing...
I'm just going to leave it at "try to find pools with low chlorine levels" because I like swimming too
>Spit out chlorine every two seconds
>Have to pee every 15 minutes
>Hit arm against lane rope with backstroke
>Kick people with breaststroke
>Water ruins hair
>Chlorine gives asthma
>10x better workout that lifting or running
>Get to see middle aged women in one piece bathing suits
>Hunnies coming out from the sauna to the pool for extra gains
>Don't have to wear underwear
Help me decide OP.
@ me if you would smash
Many athletes claim this for the TUE so they can dope legally. That's why so many gold medalists swimmers are "asmathic".
ewwww don't leek in the pool you gross ass bitch
Wear a cap
how do I get into swimming?
what do I absolutely need to know as a retard that doesn't know anything about it
Everyone I swam with took lessons as a kid. I’d look up form stuff on google / YouTube. Kinda hard to explain without being in the water.
Most pools are 25 yards or meters and that's one lap, but no one is counting lap time for several reasons. First is that a huge portion of that first lap is the dive in. Second is that flip turns between laps are a major factor on overall time. For competitive swimming the absolute shortest sprint is 50m, so dive, down, flip turn, and back. A good 50m time for a novice is 30 seconds but most non-competitive swimmers are going for endurance. A good cardio session is 20 to 50 laps with no significant breaks.
this thread has turned very gay. literally
That isn’t a swimmer body though.
That’s just a guy who lifts in a speedo.
If you can't swim or have very little lap experience then get lessons. If you have some basic ability to swim laps then look for a coaching clinic or join a team. Talk to the coach and be upfront about your ability and goals. Through childhood and high school there was always some aquaphobic nignog who would join to learn, or some lardass to get in shape. Joining a team was often the cheapest option because you share the cost of coaches and pool time across everyone. They always made it.
There's a lot that a coach can do for your form. A proper swimming cardio session (presumably your goal) is no small feat so you really want proper form to be comfortable. My gf is a lifelong swimmer and her sessions are 50 laps. For reference, to get a lifeguard certificate you need to swim 20 laps.
Other than that, ditch the board shorts. The drag will kill you. Get a proper well fitting speedo or jammer (pic related) and pair of goggles.
When I hit the neighborhood pool for a casual swim I might just tread water, a skill in itself. I can usually last 10 or 15 minutes before I get bored or need a break.
Why does swimming fuck me up so hard? I can go run for an hour straight, but i do laps for 20 minutes and i want to chunder.
am i doing it wrong or something?
Breathing poorly, I'd guess. I
I can currently do 700 meters in 45 minutes.
How bad is this and how can I improve?
I am still trying to get my kick and high elbow pull on point, how long do you think it could take?
There's probably a lap or distance requirement for the test. Practice for that distance rather than some arbitrary time.
Ocean lifeguarding is absolutely badass desu. You're in a good place with polo and surfing experience but those ocean guards do crazy shit like mile runs mile swims.
Break your swimming up a little. 700m is not great but youve got a strong platform to build on. Try swimming on a cycle (google how to use the pace clock) and break your set up. 5 x 100s on a cycle that is challenging and only grants you 10 seconds rest will net you great gains. Drop the cycle over the course of a month then when youre ready add on more repeats of the hundreds (e.g 7/8/9/10 x 100).
You can do this for many different forms/drills/strokes/kicks and pulls so youre never board and always targeting different muscle groups. (Kick on leg day/pull on arms etc etc)
i went from doing 1500m sets in the start in 1hr30m
to now be doing 4km sets in under 1hr30m
this is within 5months. Currently upped my sets to 5km so now my goal is to finish those within a reasonable time.
That being said you have to feel your body yourself.
I HIGHLY suggest getting a kickboard, and squeeze it between your thighs, swim 100m, and then switch to do 100m with only freestyle kicks.
You can also start doing arm-overlap drills with the kickboard. I've even recently started to strap my legs together with a rubber band to eliminate leg movement.
That way you'll be able to tell what you're doing wrong, but the mistake i see the most is people rotating their torso too much when breathing.
I went straight on doing 1200m with just kickboard exercise 3 times a week for 3-4 months until i felt like it really made a difference.
now i just modified my set and still do it on mondays.
depends on your stroke really
freestyle has about a millon things you can do wrong.
Are you swimming in huge ass shorts?
How's your breathing technique?
Are your legs sinking?
are you rotating your torso too much?
do you have problems with your catch?
also keep in mind you're using muscles for cardio that aren't accustomed to it yet.
More core activation and breathing is harder. Shitty form probably means you're over working your upper body. Think of it like trying to run for that same hour your hands rather than your feet.
I counted my strokes and I have 60 strokes(counting both left and right hands) for 50 meters, is this a problem?
Thanks for the responses, I'd guess it's a combination of weak upper body, and poor breathing technique.
what a fitting gif
Tell me how swimming will get you bigger muscles than pushups and dead-lifting. Do I need to do 70 laps?
>Spit out chlorine every two seconds
breathe in with mouth and out with nose.
>Have to pee every 15 minutes
not focused enough on your exercise.
definitely not focused enough on your exercise.
>Hit arm against lane rope with backstroke
pretend like you're swimming in a narrow passage
>Kick people with breaststroke
knees are supposed to face downwards when doing this stroke.
>Water ruins hair
wear a cap
>Chlorine gives asthma
then swim in the heated outside pool, the air is crisp and nice
>10x better workout that lifting or running
>Get to see middle aged women in one piece bathing suits
especially at 8am for some reason
>Hunnies coming out from the sauna to the pool for extra gains
b-but they're slowing me down...
>Don't have to wear underwear
veeeeeeeeery true, been a week now
but shh, it's a secret.
besides it's mid summer here.