Is Jiu Jitsu enough to defend myself against evil?
Jiu Jitsu
yes even white belts will dominate most regular guys on the ground
but you have to remember in a self defense situation they might have friends, in which case you dont want to be on the floor
go learn muay thai
bone density increases by causing microfractures. that's how and why those weird thai midgets kick over banana trees with their bare legs
for most 1v1's, yes
*A wild knife appears and blocks your path*
start running
just grapple the knife then idiot
You learn to isolate arms day fucking 1. Try harder krav maga jew
What a retarded chart.
(((Jiu)))) Jitsu
>isolate arms
>you learn that on day fucking 1
you have never done bjj
"isolating arms" doesn't mean anything
on day fucking 1 in most gyms you'll simply have the instructor tell you to drill some simple technique like an armbar to get you used to basic movements
you absolutely do not learn any knife defense in bjj
you are an actual retard
A knife wielding maniac will be able to shank you at least 5 times a second. Just fucking run lol
BJJ is the definitive unarmed 1v1 martial art
My dad’s really into BJJ and used to lift and run HIIT classes but then he got Necrotising Fasciitis, spent half a year in hospital and never went back to it sadly, not sure if he’ll ever go back. Amazing sport/martial art though, go for it.
>people claiming BJJ is best for self defense
Sure, nothing beats BJJ on the ground, but nowadays BJJ lacks the means to get there safely in the first place. As far as grappling for self defense goes, I'll pick Judu/Sambo/wrestling any day.
t. BJJ purple belt
soyboy shit
>People doing martial arts for self-defence in a world where guns, knives and boxing exist
I do BJJ, and it's a fuckload of fun. Hell, even the competitions are fun. If you're doing it purely with the intent to 'defend muhself', you're a fucking idiot. The best way to win a fight is to not fight.
i can understand wrestlers being more difficult to fight because they're harder to bring down and once they are down they'll always try to stay on top. they're also way harder to sweep but why the fuck would you think sambo or judo are more effective in an 1 to 1 combat than bjj? I mean, what is the one reason that makes you think that?
sambo has some cool knee/leglocks but no guard game at all, no sweeps, no guard control (they might have developed it now that bjj is more popular but it's not even close to the bjj guard game).
judo fighters try to throw you down and think they'll keep you there forever. if sweep them their first instinct is to give their backs.
did you know that besides the competitive aspect there's a lot of self defense and traumatic moves in bjj or you instructor does not teach you that?
t. 2nd degree bjj black belt
What should be my strategy at the end of practice when we roll? I've had one gi class. Practice a technique? Just survive?
Most BJJ guys have absolute shit-tier stand-up skills. They only start working on them properly once they've been wrecked by a bunch of judo guys. Chance are in a street fight the judo guy is just going to throw you onto the concrete hard and knock you unconscious or blast the wind out of you. BJJ is useful and fun, but not nearly as practical for self-defence.
Define 'evil'. You'll do great against unarmed gangbangers, but Gry'gulokk the Eater of Fates would be amused at best
For reference, I'm also a Judo first dan other than a BJJ purple belt. Wrestling on a somewhat regular basis too. So from that perspective, looking at self defense I'd much rather be able to nail a takedown and scramble/pin instead of having to rely on what passes for takedowns in BJJ.
So while I do not agree with you when it comes to a strict comparison of styles as you present it, for self defense I'd much rather rely on my standing grappling skill set than on my ground work.
He cant toss me if i sit down first fool
learn systema
To elaborate, I'd feel much safer having an excellent chance to throw hard and end the confrontation there, with a moderate chance to pin and/or submit afterwards if need be, as opposed to having a moderate chance at a more low impact throw with better chances afterwards, as that's another step where I have less control over, thus exposing me to danger for a longer period of time. Not to mention that I really appreciate being able to GTFO faster.
Buy a glock and get a ccw.
>judo fighters try to throw you down and think they'll keep you there forever.
I'll keep you there forever after throwing you on concrete
This thread is based on an incomplete question. Some schools teach sports jiu-jitsu, some schools teach Jitz that's more geared towards self defense. You need to look into the professor/coach and see what they're into. In general, you're better off in a MMA gym than in a standalone BJJ joint; that said, this isn't a golden rule and you should be looking into the instructor at any place to verify their credentials and look into their philosophy on Jitz to see if it's what you wanna pay money for.
t.Trains both Jitz and stand-up/striking at a MMA gym with active and retired UFC/Bellator fighters
tfw I know him personally
Does he smell like onions or mustard?
>implying dropping a jitzer on a sidewalk isn't going to rek their shoulder/head
>implying jitz is effective vs punches to the groin bites etc
jitz worked in MMA after they banned groin strikes and before everyone caught up. I stopped watching MMA but I think even with the current rules people have learned to defend vs lame takedown-and-hump shit.
>UFC 1 - 3
>Dick punches legal
>Royce gets his ear bitten, wins anyway
Pls go brainlet
>Falling on head or shoulders
You've clearly never fought a high level BJJ practitioner. You'd get your shit pushed in brah.
Almost. It's hands down the most reliable martial art in one-on-one combat. But the reality is that fighting is never fair and while you're on the ground choking someone out, it's easy to get your head stomped in. People will tell you that this is why you learn a striking art, but they're also wrong. There is no striking art for multiple opponents and you'll likely end up on the ground anyway wishing you knew jiu jitsu. Striking is not what you need. The most effective way to defend yourself against evil is to know how to see your gap and FUCKING RUN.
> The virgin practical standing game vs the Chad upside-down guard pull
My professor calls this "chasing someone with your asshole"
I did it for a while back in high school and want to do it again but I always thought I sucked at takedowns. How do I actually get good at these at a jj school?
if you learn this you might accidentally kill somebody with an elbow or a knee tho
If I'm in a true self-defense scenario, IDGAF.
It's called an inverted guard
It's called taking advantage of a shitty rule book.
No matter how much training you have in whatever sport you do why the fuck would you fight on the street, that's just asking for jail time/ you being dead
Any school worth its weight in salt will tell you to avoid fights. You train for the situations you can't easily control. If you spent more time training and less time being a faggot you'd already know this.
Most of these niggas are talking about fighting in the streets, I'm just pointing out that it's a stupid idea to do so. Obviously when your back's against the wall any training is better than none
>inverted guard
Bjj is great, but you will always feel lacking in the striking department. Youll feel the same if you just do striking. A balance is what you need to be highly effective in defensive situations.
Start bjj and youll be fine, do bjj and muay thai or kick boxing....youll be a beast feared by all
Also forgot to mention, you dont want to end up on the ground in a fight generally. Street situations id never goto the ground unless i knew it was just me and 1 guy, but typically street fights happen at bars and people at bars have friends who like to sucker punch, throw bottles, etc.
>learn Russian bullshido
Just do that and Joe Rogan's Spinning Heel Kick and you're good to go
Ugh. Stop promoting myths. Banana trees, especially the young ones are very soft. Very soft. A healthy male can kick those down. Have them try to kick down a real tree like a birch or oak.
Boxing and wrestling are best.
Try Muay thai and BJJ if you are an Asiaboo.
Just survive work on your defense first then offense will come along. If your spar partner not a complete dick he will give you tips and help you.
BJJ is Kodokan Judo, Judo last time I checked is 100% asia. You retard. Don't type if you don't know your shit.
Seriously I thought of adding it. But I really didnt expect to encounter this much of stupidity on this board. Is your cousin also your mom? Jesus Christ.
Have you ever heard of history and research?
>Kodokan Judo,
does the b in bjj stand for anything?
>doesn't know about Bhutanese Jiu Jitsu
>BJJ is Kodokan Judo
Except It's not. It started off as an offshoot of Judo, but has since been transformed into its own separate entity, mainly by the Gracie family. As it is now, BJJ exists as a completely separate sport, with a completely separate ruleset.
>hoo iz Gracies
>wuts brasil
No. You want self defense, buy a gun and don't go anywhere without friends.
Joe Hogan pls go
"bastardized" or "braindead"
It's Jacare!
I went to one of his seminars once actually. He's super nice, incredibly respectful and patient. Really good instructor, knows how to break down every little minute movement you need in detail. He focused a lot on guard passing and getting from top half to side. He's got some insane squeeze too, I could actually feel the bones in my jaw grinding against eachother when he tried (and eventually succeeded) in submitting me. Insanely impressive athlete.
>tfw some faggot in my club always pulls this bullshit
>tfw he's won a lot of tournaments like that and is probably the most respected/feared guy in my city
>bone density increases by causing microfractures.
No it doesn't. Bone is a piezoelectric material. Hydroxyapatite is deposited in places where the bone is under stress (i.e. where negative charge builds). You don't have to break it to strengthen it.
that's fucking hilarious.
Beenanawey, nanana
now close your thread
just stop dude
Learn Ninjitsu OP
You'll have to register your hands as weapons
Start with Hayes, work your way into Ashida
Street fighting > any meme martial art
And what matters the most is aggressiveness and speed.
I got into a lot of fights in the past and most of the ones i won in were because i was so enraged that i didn't see in front of me.
>Why don't you just act like a nigger, OP?
Because he doesn't want to be a fucking nigger, you ape.
No, muay thai, judo, and wrestling are all better options for self-defense. Jiu jistu is great for sports, but enjoy getting ground pounded. It's effective for if you end up on the ground, but that isn't a place you want to be if you are in a street fight. So it's good to learn, but if you have to pick just one, it shouldn't be jiu jistu
T. Judo and bjj practitioner
Must be a troll. Nobody doubts Sambo as effective self-defense. And if you doubt Judo, you've never been slammed against concrete. But keep laying on your back with your legs open.
I just started practicing BJJ, so what I say doesn't come from experience, as I don't have much of that, but from thinking shit through.
BJJ makes you a terror on the mat and on the ring, I'm rolling with 40 year olds with beer bellies, with me being far, FAR more physically powerful than them, and they destroy me basically without trying. I tap out 10 times a session.
But a real self-defence situation almost certainly will involve weapons. Knives, bats or guns. No criminal will attack you empty handed. If you're fighting someone hand-to-hand, in which case BJJ will definitely give you an edge, it most likely means you got into a brawl with someone who had no prior intention of attacking you. You picked a fight like a nigger. Basically, what in the fuck are you doing, you're supposed to be an adult. Avoid and de-escalate.
So self defence means getting a CC permit, and carrying a gun. Anything else is masturbation. BJJ is an amazing, awesome sport, but it's not self-defence, regardless of what the Gracie family official line is.
Bjj if broke if you have a fair 1v1 match. if its a group fight its pretty good if you think you can tank out a few hits while you tap someone out and have friends to back you up. if theres weapons involved i recommend sprinting
dosent sound like a sound strategy to me.
so your strategy is swing first? ul prob lose if you miss or dont get to swing first and fight someone who knows what they're doing.
No. Do boxing and judo. Pick them apart with striking then O Soto Gari the back of their head into the concrete then break their arm
I know it's not the same, but I learned Army combatives (modified BJJ) in basic, and then did a refresher like twice after that. So all in all, probably about 10-15 full days worth of training. I got in a few fights after that and would just no effort put people to sleep. Sure I'd get called a faggot for looking like I'm hug raping the guy, but I'd win without any damage. As opposed to the one time I tried fighting "proper" and wound up punching the guy in the mouth and getting cellulitis in my hand because apparently the human mouth is disgusting. Or, when you get stronger, it's really easy to fracture one/multiple hand/wrist bones.
Yeah like your soy boy arm waving bullshit is gonna work real fucking good when someone pulls out a glock.
Trying to pull a gun on a gun has a very low success rate. I carry everywhere I can, and am into guns, but I worry that if I get into a DGU there might be murkier legal territory than gets talked about in the gun community. The rule of thumb is disparity of force, so if it looks like you could have escaped the situation, or weren't in physical danger, you might not get a self defense ruling. 120lb women don't get charged all the time shooting unarmed men who are treating violence because of the disparity.
Oh for sure, it's not as simple as that. I'm just saying you're delusional if you think martial arts have any practical application in everyday self defense.
To a degree they will, even assuming in the US, it's not like most people are carrying guns. It's still going to be pretty advantageous to be able to defend yourself unarmed, against an unarmed attacker. Or at the very least, be able to defend yourself in situations that escalate, but not to deadly force. Ex - Some guy is being a cunt to you and you tell him to fuck off, so then he takes a swing at you. You aren't a bitch for taking his shit ("muh be the bigger man and walk away meme") and you aren't getting an ass kicking, and you aren't going to prison for murder/attempted murder.
I thought about this the other day. I'm a brown belt in BJJ and I've been training for about 5 years now. Thing is I also go to the gym 6 times a week.
Don't train BJJ or any martial arts if you want self defence. It wont help. If someone really wants to harm you they will go out their way to do so and if they have a gun or a knife don't expect to win with a fucking triangle chocke from guard, you gon die boi.
Train a martial art for the fun of it and to meet cool new people. Treat it as a hobby not a life neccessety
(pardon the english, it's not my native language)
you meal like curls and extensions mate?
>Treat it as a hobby not a life neccessety
Never gonna make it.
Evil has guns, carry a weapon youre proficient with if you want to be safe from evil. Situational awareness is also a good skill to train to avoid these situations...
How do you strengthen it without breaking??
Honestly want to know I have brittle bones
By causing stress on it and allowing it to heal. Just get stronger and your bones/ligaments/muscles everything will adapt and grow as well.
Brain is an organ, dumbo.
So liftinf weights and doing an exercises will make my bones and ribs stronger??
Not every fight involves weapons, and sometimes fighting is inevitable or simply preferable. Most fights end up on the ground so BJJ is great for self defense, although it's by no means the all-encompassing complete martial art.
Should I do boxing then?
I have a story to share with you.
Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.
I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.
Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.
When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.
>Nice slice of life sports mangu