Let's show our thanks for good old dihydrogen monoxide, the most important thing in the world. Post your water.

>falling for the water jew

I stopped drinking water when I started drinking my own piss. Infinite supply of high test liquid for myself.

water is pretty good but you shouldn't force yourself to drink if your not thirsty.
it fucks up your osmosis.

If you're american, hope you're filtering shit. I work in environmental engineering (water distribution and quality) and it's super concerning.

Phthalates, pharmaceuticals (women peeing out birth control), anti depressants, and nano materials are all in our water supply. All of these can affect hormones

>not drinking raw water

Are you even trying

anyone know if the water quality in the netherlands is so good i dont need to bother with filters?

>tfw highly distilled piss
my man

Hey, mister broscientist, can you explaint what the fuck are you talking about?

Why don't you drink mountain water or deep water? You have plenty of mountains

if you drink to much water your body requires more salt to keep the cell integrity intact.

How do I filter all that shit?

Sounds legit. Thats what I love about broscience. It just needs to sound like it'd work and with a tiny pinch of magic, all your dreams will come true.


Define "too much."


drinking when you are not thirsty

except he's right...

Refill a cup of refreshing Coca Cola at your local McDonalds

See what I mean?
Powerful stuff

This is not true at all, the Na+ expelled is always the same no matter how much you piss.

Start studying the ADH mechanism fuckboy.

This is why I love this board.
>hey, let’s have a thread about how great water is
>um... ackshually....
And now it's a thread about arguing how much water is too much water or if there is such a thing as too much water.
Never change, Veeky Forums

The fuck you just say at me bich!


>mfw I am from Minnesota and grew up with a well that provided fresh amazing water without estrogen/plastics and other shit in it.

Gallon a day.