>do face pulls
>still ugly
Do face pulls
>do curls
>hair still straight
>do skull crushers
>didn't get brain damage
>do chest flies
>still on ground
>do deadlift
>still alive
>still alive
>2 seconds apart
>incline press
>do it anyway
>Do rows
>Boat doesn't move
>Do calf raises
What now
You tried senpai.
>power clean
>my apartments still a mess.
>people tell me I'm a nice guy
>while doing nofap
One job
Do burpees
Still got gas
You wait for your GOMAD.
>Do The Press
>Still happy
>do arnold press
>accidentally touch his dick
no homo
>do snatches
>because I have a penis
>german volume training
>nowhere near 6 gorrilian reps
>do a jerk
>Im actually a pretty nice guy
>do chin up
>still depressed
>get a gf
>turns fat
>lift for girls
>still no gf
>Do some cleans
>Still smell like shit
>dumbell pullovers
>license, registration, proof of insurance
>clean and jerk
>have to clean again afterwards
>Do good mornings
>It's the afternoon
>tricep extensions
>triceps are the same length as when I started
>Do leg extensions
>I'm still a manlet
>math grades didn't go up
>do incline bench press
>happiness still on the decline
>do neck squats
>still have 2 chins