>tfw 31
At one point is suicide the only option?
>tfw 31
At one point is suicide the only option?
Other urls found in this thread:
Youre absolutely fucked if you still visit Veeky Forums past the age of 20. I'm 19 and feel fucking ashamed I even visit here occasionally. I had a friend on discord who I thought was like 20 years old who had over 6000 hours in Dota 2. Turns out he was actually in his early 30's.
You're. Absolutely. Fucked.
Uninstall all your videogames. Stop browsing Veeky Forums, all imageboards, and yeah, stop browsing reddit too, you fucking fag. No social media whatsoever except facebook to keep in touch with family.
This advice is mostly towards younger people like myself because if I didn't pull my shit together REAL fast this past month, I was on a track to drop out of college and get fat again and I probably would have killed myself at the end of summer. So why did I change? I tallied up all my hours on Steam. 4000 hours. I figured I browsed the internet 3x that much as well. 12,000 hours. Combined? 16,000 hours, or about 2 full years of screen time through my teenage years.
I could have mastered piano, a foreign language (or two!), I could have graduated college with a masters degree.
JIDF please leave
calm down you autist. I have a degree, a job. Many relationships (all failed due to my narcissism). I am just aging and nothing makes sense anymore.
>shitty job no degree at age 27
>never had a gf
>no friends
>living day by day
why lift?
thats tough but the degree isn't that important.
>no gf ever
is a concern though
The PRs are their own reward
>t. 28
>t. dropout
>t. poorfag
>t. here forever
Be like me guys
>facebook to keep in touch with family
That is fucking bullshit. We’re not in 2009. You are a hypocrite.
>Be 55
>Be fit as fuck
>Be 5'11" master race
>Be successful
>watches Black Mirror for the first time
Cope like the pope, no point in doing literally any of that shit if you're sub-8, srs
Oh you poor sweet child. You are here forever. I’m 29, it’s been about 10 years. And let me tell you kid, Veeky Forums is big, many boards. And there is no greater place on the internet. I’ve searched high and low, surface and the deepweb, this little website is truly the last bastion of actual free speech on the internet.
>19 year old college student trying to give life advice
>degree in economics but no job
>either get bored of girls I'm seeing or pine after the ones that dump me
Literally considered suicide many time in my life, mother killed herself when I was 12 and dad left so my upbringing was pretty shit and I used video games to escape (Full blown minecraft autism) struggling to find a job and its destroying me not being able to work
If you're a failure, at your 30s.
If successful, at whenever you feel like it.
>masters in english lit
>year later still no job
>NEET as fuck
>never had gf
>virginest virg
you were saying?
only once youve tried roiding
What is the fuckign gay reddit image supposed to be saying?
>Youre absolutely fucked if you still visit Veeky Forums past the age of 20
Uh, hate to break it to you Junior, but there are plenty of people on Veeky Forums (mainly since 2007) that are in their 30's, 40's and even 50's (I'm 52, almost 53). What you thought was your private little boys treehouse never really existed.
>I'm 19 and feel fucking ashamed I even visit here occasionally.
Well, you're 19, so of course you (A) know nothing and (B) think you know everything.
Listen faggot kid (I'm 53 in about a month so I'll fucking call you a kid all I want, LOL) if you're 31 and you're still making melodramatic shitposts like this, then maybe you should get medicated, or at least go see a goddamned counselor about your emotional problems. Seriously get your shit together.
How is your life at 53? Really ... whats the point? Everywhere you go people think you are old. Even 50 year olds think you are old and 60, 70 year olds look at you thinking you are one of them soon.
>I am just aging and nothing makes sense anymore
Oh for fuck's sake, you little faggot.. I *WISH* I was 31 again, knowing everything I know, and doing the things I'm doing right now. I'd have a very different life. You're a whining little shit and need to STFU and MTFU and DEAL WITH IT.
>I'm 19
stop reading here
>I *WISH* I was 31 again, knowing everything I know, and doing the things I'm doing right now. I'd have a very different life
so whats your recommendation?
>TFW 30 here
I realized a few months ago a lot of the people I hung out with in my early teens and early 20s are actually dead, in some other country working in a missionary, or drug addicts
>I left my home town 3 years ago, became depressed with my new found success in my life journey and just realized this week I've lost so many people and I didn't even know about it
They're fucking dead
I can't believe I complain about living a life making over six figures and in a new and upcoming city where TECH is booming and my life is set for a long time right now
WTF do i have to complain about? I'm alone, go outside and to the gym to see people
Life is ALWAYS a mixed bag. I don't have the job I want (but there always seems to be that one faggot I have to work with anywhere I go that fucks it up for me), but I'm involved in something I'm passionate about (cyclist on a road racing team, almost 10 years now), I'm in the best overall physical condition of my entire *life*, and while I have little time for a social life, I know the friends I do have can be trusted and like me for who I am (as opposed to what I can *do* for them). All in all not too bad compared to so many people (like you for instance, apparently). I've defeated my inner demons; why haven't you defeated yours?
What did you do? Fall for the "have to be married and have a family" meme? Pro-tip: It's not for everyone, and if you got married relatively young, then neither YOU nor HER are the same people you were when you got married. Personalities change between 20 and about 30, priorities change, and what you want to do with your life may change, too.
You're 19, you have no point of reference for this shit. Stop being a melodramatic loser and learn not to regret every little fucking thing.
ur fucking over 50, unmarried, no kids?
and justify all of this by cyclying in some road racing team like an old man while you shitpost on Veeky Forums lmfao. Don't ever give out advice again you pathetic failure.
LOL you don't get it; there is no Time Machine. You can't go back. You play the hand you're dealt. If that means you have to "re-invent" yourself then that's what you do. I've "re-invented" myself several times. Went from computer/electronics geek to historical recreationist to music and performance enthusiast to competitive cyclist, all over the course of about 40 years.
You want advice? Here it is: Sit your ass down, right next to yourself, have a nice chat with you, decide what your real problems are, and make plans to FIX THEM. If that means overhauling your life then that's what you do.
>implying I was never married
>implying I *believe* in marriage at all
>implying I ever *wanted* children (I DON'T)
>implying some young dude like you knows a goddamned thing about anything let alone *me*
Fuck off, kid, you're talking out of your ass.
redditors are blind asskissers
Back to /r/nofap with (You)
Do you have regrets like you wish you had kids?
How do you find happpiness with yourself, is it all about getting back into your old hobbies and ways?
WTF, do you do when you're worth a lot but dont have much in your life except wealth in your 30s
At least you have a degree
>Do you have regrets like you wish you had kids?
Nope. Never wanted any. I take responsibilities seriously, and raising children is a serious responsibility; I'd have to drop everything else in my life and dedicate myself to that job -- and I've never been willing to do that. So no kids and no regrets. :-)
>How do you find happpiness with yourself, is it all about getting back into your old hobbies and ways?
What do you mean "old hobbies and ways"? Have you read this thread at all? People evolve (unless there's something wrong with them). I've "re-invented" myself several times over the course of my life *so far*. There might well be a few more iterations of that before I'm done.
>WTF, do you do when you're worth a lot but dont have much in your life except wealth in your 30s
No bully, but: Do you even have a personality? Or are you just a work-unit, like some robot?
Don't you have interests? Anything you've ever wanted to get involved in? If not then you're a robot -- fix that. Don't be a robot.
Oh fuck, we /r9k/ now.
Not that guy, but want some old timer wisdom.
If you could do one thing over, what would it be?
What's ur one rep max on the big 4?
Are ur knees bad or you forget stuff? Ant old man body problem I want to hear about
Hey old guy. I’m 30, dating but not married, don’t plan on kids and currently making 100k a year. Any life tips on what direction to go for the next 20 years?
>No bully, but: Do you even have a personality? Or are you just a work-unit, like some robot?
I am pretty much a robot, my own life stopped functioning once I started climbing the corporate ladder and i'm just now at age 29 climbing back into society and digging myself out of a depression. Basically life is good, money is good, investments are good but I dont have hobbies anymore and spend most days plugged into the internet
Anyway, not everyone falls into a trap like I did but its alright since I'm digging myself out and reinventing myself constantly
Not him but you have got to understand that you have good genes, plz make babby, the world is going to idiots
>tfw grandpa is coping
this is the OLD-MAN COPE.
What do you mean by this?
I find it odd that people have have 'normie' successful lives feel dissatisfied still. I try everyday to be a normally functioning human and fail (my mind is eating itself). I would love to be in your position.
>I'm 19 and feel fucking ashamed I even visit here occasionally.
Thanks for your 19 years of wisdom
shut the fuck up retard
>i could have spent x amount of time on y instead of z
no one spends every single second of theyre life improving a skill
35 years old
6k hours in dota as well
wife, two kids
approaching 1M net worth
self employed
wife is a professional
browse Veeky Forums for a few giggles in my travels around the web
no problems here, kiddo
enjoy america's futaba channel if you like, friends. it won't harm you unless you let it.
>I find it odd that people have have 'normie' successful lives feel dissatisfied still. I try everyday to be a normally functioning human and fail (my mind is eating itself). I would love to be in your position.
That's kind of the problem, some of us are not true normies and just got lucky somehow and earned out way up and into the corporate ladder
This has nothing to do with being a normie just high functioning autiist. Be me, get first engineering/cybersecurity job. Start working everyday and studying on the side, start becoming the SME at work (subject matter exprt) and people come to you for help. You get promoted a few times and eventually you find another job that brings you up to 125k+ and you also invest on the side and make it big
The interesting thing is none of this matters to normies, you have a chance and you took it rather than sitting at work, being lazy
It doesn't make us normies just highly driven indivudals who put other important life functions on the back burner until it was too late
(Startd studying and climbing the corproate ladder)
Stopped being social, stopped going outside, started to stick to a routine so you wouldn't see people in public. Started getting promotions and only functioning normally on business meetings and work life
>Come home, Veeky Forums all day
>So, you get it? some of us are fcuked and trying to rebuild since we forgot to be social and go to the gym or do whatever else you must do as a rite of passage
>forgive the spelling errors, I'm busy today and didn't proofread... be back later
Yes, but I am basically you but without all the success and even more of a raging loser.
Anyway, how do you plan to change your situation?
shut up ugly mop hair nigger
>Anyway, how do you plan to change your situation?
Its your own journey. I started months ago on this journey to reach a better version of myself, NOFAP is just one part of this whole thing
Keep going, you will see soon enough or you've seen it all along but you're a brainlet to realize what it means
>no family
>brags about pedalling in some gay bicycle team
lmao just kys
There's your problem. Stop thinking about your parent's expectations. Fuck em, it's your life.
I am a brainlet, you are right.
Why does everyone fag here claim >100k yr income